Inga Gerner Nielsen

I am part of the group of performance artists and performers who has been developing the genre of interventionist immersive performance art in Scandinavia. My work is dedicated to what I conceptualize as MATERIALIZING IMAGINATION. In 2007 I co-founded the Copenhagen-based performance collective Club de la Faye and in 2009 the performance agency Fiction Pimps with a partner ship in the futurist association House of Futures. Activist initiatives, which turned into an artistic practise dedicated to making performance installations, which manifest imaginary universes and enhances specific sensitive and poetic modes of being – in different institutional sites of society. Whilst still inclined to this avant-garde intention of breaking down the "barrier between art and life" I have also come to cherish the intensified focus the confinement of the gallery and arts space allows. My solo-works borders the material and immaterial. They may give way for heightened sensitivity, sometimes even celestial experience, only scarcely possible in a society which thinks of itself as secular. My performance installations allow for me to temporarily change the structure of social behaviour and point of focus. In the context of science and interdisciplinary projects I stage sensuous spaces, by which the body becomes the focal point of knowledge production. In addition to my artistic work I am a censor at Performance Design at Roskilde University and teach immersive strategies and performance research. Recently at the MA of Göteborg Teaterhögskola, at Art in Context at Universiät der Künste and at New Performative Practices at DOCH, Stockholm University of the Arts. Currently in an arts-based research project about interactive performance in collaboration with Twletteratura in Turin and Art & Technology, Aalborg University.



Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

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