a.pass Open Call #3
9 January-28 February 2025
Open Call #3 for collective research residency

Open call #3-00
“(Lying Fallow) is, above all, a way of providing a frame within which a group of people might work through some ideas together. It’s a simple premise but feels urgent and exciting to me, because it invites the possibility of great change without determining how that change might happen, where it might come from, or what it might be.” Rajni Shah
This is the third and final open call launched by a.pass for a 2 month paid artistic research residency for collectives.
This open call is to find a collective having an artistic practice that is research-based and active already at the time of submitting the application.
The selected collective is already busy with, or interested in, organising a sustainable ‘laying fallow’ period, observing what happens there, and in relation to other periods of production/development/presentation. Also, the collective wishes to share with others the research tools and methodologies used during/for the fallow period, and transmitting what was found fruitful during the residency.
The selected collective is ideally made of 5 persons (min.3 max. 10 – not individuals nor duos).

Read more..a.pass Open Call #2
20 August-13 October 2024
Open Call #2 for collective research residency

image by amy pickles
What could be LEARNING GROUND or GROUND lying fallow WITHin the COLLECTIVE arts ?
This is the second call for a 2 months paid artistic research residency for collectives, existing or newly established on the occasion of this call, ideally 5 persons (min.3 max. 10 – NOT for individuals nor duo’s).
“In a world in constant motion there is an ecological imperative to embrace the value of idleness” Michael Chieffalo and Julia Smachylo in Lying fallow: the value of idleness
By the end of 2023 a.pass (‘advanced performance and scenography studies’) entered a period of (self-)reflection and reimagination, a period of lying fallow: a field when it lies fallow – seemingly ‘doing nothing’ but in fact engaging in a deep process of rejuvenation and enriching as Rajni Shah says, a space for attention and transformation. Due to the ministry’s decision to end their financial support (based on radical savings and political choices) we were forced to end both of our educational programs: the Postgraduate Program as well as the Research Center that were at the heart of our co-learning environment for research-based practices came to an end, and by this also the educational institution a.pass has been for 15 years. The organisation entered a transition process, and an integral aspect of this process involves opening it up by inviting others to participate, to think together, to be together, to re-imagine a sustainable way forward for artistic research practices and their pedagogical aspects. Therefore, we are extending invitations to three collectives for a two-month paid residency to reimagine our fallow land and its implications for collective artistic research practices, methodologies, and sustainable harvesting. The first collective, One Field Fallow, has been selected in the first round in July and they will start their residency in September 2024. This call is to invite a second collective into this process.
Read more..a.pass Open Call #1
9 April-9 June 2024
Open Call #1 for collective research residency

image apass - Open Call
******——***** IT IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE TO APPLY FOR THIS 1st CALL ******——*****
What could be lying fallow in the arts?
This a call for a 2-month paid residency for collectives (existing or newly established on the occasion of this call, ideally 5 persons). The period of 2 months can be spread over a maximum of 5 months. Read more about the practical details further below. First we would like to give you more info about the context and the framework of this call.
“In a world in constant motion there is an ecological imperative to embrace the value of idleness” Michael Chieffalo and Julia Smachylo in Lying fallow: the value of idleness
For about 15 years a.pass has been hosting a co-learning environment for research-based practices, focusing on collaboration, performativity, self-organisation and transdisciplinarity. a.pass is an acronym for ‘advanced performance and scenography studies’: ‘performance’ refers to how practices act in their surroundings, ‘scenography’ is the production of space and context, ‘studies’ stands for a co-learning pedagogical approach and the prefix ‘advanced’ is a dedication to challenge the frames of existing disciplinary determinations.
In 2022 however, the Flemish Ministry of Education decided to end their financial support of a.pass by the end of 2023. a.pass managed to get a transition budget and after a period of conversations with different partners (Schools of Arts, workspaces, universities, places for artistic research), and working on a new plan in order to make a restart. Nevertheless, due to the financial inflation, the tight budgets and even budget cuts in the other institutions, the budgetary framework needed to make an adapted restart was impossible to reach without any structural support from the Ministry of Education.
To make a virtue of necessity we chose for a more radical, more riskful path towards a possible future. Both programs, the Postgraduate Program as well as the Research Center, came to an end in 2023. We chose to embrace the fallow land that lays before us and a.pass entered a period of reflection, reimagination, and ultimately reorganisation: a field when it lies fallow – seemingly ‘doing nothing’ but in fact engaging in a deep process of rejuvenation and enriching as Rajni Shah says, a space for attention and transformation. An integral aspect of this process involves opening it up by inviting others to participate, to think together, to be together, to imagine a sustainable way forward for artistic research practices and for a.pass as a re-generated soil for collectivity and research. Therefore, we are extending invitations to 3 collectives (existing or newly established on the occasion of this call) for a 2-month paid residency to reimagine our fallow land and its implications for collective artistic research practices, methodologies, and sustainable harvesting.

Read more..end presentation, performative publishing, research center
Gosie Vervloessem, caterina daniela mora jara, Maurice Meewisse, Paoletta Holst and Tulio Rosa Research Publications + Annex
23 September 2023 / a.pass
Research Center Cycle IV

Gosie Vervloessem "The Pleasure Garden", detail
Saturday, September 23rd 2023
a.pass, Brussels
The a.pass Research Center* cordially invites you to an evening of research publications by Gosie Vervloessem, caterina daniela mora jara, Maurice Meewisse, Paoletta Holst and Tulio Rosa that will conclude the year they spent together as Associate Researchers of Cycle IV.
During the timespan of Cycle IV the artists and researchers individually and collaboratively worked on hospitality as a curatorial practice, on conflicted embodiment of dance practices, on archives of colonial architecture, on the fiction of nature and on a historic opera as a foundational myth for the State of Brazil. In a series of collective practice meetings a shared discourse began to emerge that connected these works through an engagement with the responsibilities of redesign and reenactment, the tension of fiction and history in speculative practices and the embodiment of non-solutions. These intertwined processes and questions radiated into the practices of Gosie Vervloessem, caterina daniela mora jara, Maurice Meewisse, Paoletta Holst and Tulio Rosa as they hosted each other in their research and developed the idea of a research center as a prolonged group conversation with materials, practices, ideas and affects.
On Saturday, September 23rd, the researchers will present their individual publications and research trajectories as well as the Annex – a shared collection of essays and interviews. For their Publications the researchers aim to provide an account of their process and to develop public formats of research-doing and research-sharing to accompany the more established format of an essay. In a scenography that will be a result of a communal atelier process the Publications of Cycle IV will engage the audience in a dialogue with texts, objects, conversations, installations and performances that can be reflected back into the research process. As Cycle IV concludes, the research itself is far from finished: Publications and Annex contextualize its collaborative, intense phase and give some insight into where it came from and where it is heading next.
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Research Center Open Reading Group
22 May 2023 / online
NEW: Every second Monday 19-21h
22.05.2023 19h
“Narrate, Speculate, Fabulate: Didier Debaise and Benedikte Zitouni in Conversation with Isabelle Doucet”
proposed by Gosie Vervloessem
05.06.2023 19h
Marie Bardet: “Making a Front With Our Backs” Translated by: Ellen Heaghney
Jara Rocha: “testing texting South: a political fiction”
proposed by caterina daniela mora jara
19.06.2023 20h
Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui: “Ch’ixinakax utxiwa: A Reflection on the Practices and Discourses of Decolonization”
proposed by Tulio Rosa
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Research Center Cycle 3 Performative Publications and Annex
24 September 2022 / BUDA, Kortrijk

Image generated by DALL-E AI from the first three paragraphs of the text
Performative Publications at Kunstencentrum BUDA in Kortrijk, Belgium bring the individual and collaborative research trajectories of the researchers of the third Cycle of the a.pass Research Center into focus. This day-long performative event is conceived by Gosie Vervloessem, João Fiadeiro, Crăiuţ Rareş Augustin, Simon Asencio, Vijai Maia Patchineelam and the Research Center Curator Vladimir Miller.
FROM 13:00 to 20:30 (detailed schedule below)
Kunstencentrum BUDA
Budatoren, Kortrijk
Korte Kapucijnenstraat z/n, 8500 Kortrijk
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Research In Absence
20-24 September 2021
The a.pass Research Center invites you to join its public programme Research in Absence
September 20th-24th in Brussels
Together with the Research Center participant researchers from the a.pass postgraduate program and the public will form a group that will engage in research proposals of Associate Researchers of Cycle 3. For each of the proposals, the researcher who proposes it, will be absent for the duration of the process. The rest of the group – together with the public – will engage in the research question collaboratively, contributing their knowledge and practices to the shared process.
The program invites all interested participants for an introductory dinner on Monday, September 20th. The group will work with the proposals in the afternoons and evenings of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The program will conclude with a communal breakfast and feedback session on Friday morning, Sept. 24th.
The five proposals can be joined separately or for the duration of the entire process. A detailed program will be published shortly, with information of how to book a slot and the location of the program.
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João Fiadeiro Real Time Composition Open Sessions
19-21 July 2021 / a.pass

Foto by Carolina Canpos
As Associated Researcher at the a.pass Research Center, João Fiadeiro will open his research process to the a.pass community in order to exchange, clarify and discuss the premisses and principles of Real Time Composition, a tool that practices radical decentering in order to attend to what exceeds human experience. This process can be accessed in a series of meetings/slots between July 19 and 21.
In Portuguese, the word “reparar” can be understood both as “noticing, attending”, and as “restoring, repairing”. It also means “stopping twice” (re-parar). Real Time Composition works in the entanglement of these three meanings because they invite all at once to come to a halt and to observe as a commitment to the present and a willingness to restore what has been wounded.
Read more..Program – Dragonlove and What your reseach Did to me
What your research did to me.
the (performative) publishing launch of Associate Researchers Cycle II
Dragon Love (?)
the a.pass End presentations of postgraduate researchers
Friday the 11th and
Saturday the 12th of June
at: De Markten,
Rue du Vieux Marché aux Grains 5, Brussels
No need to subscribe or reserve
Only a live program!
We have a max capacity of 80 people in the space.
FRIDAY 11th of June : 16h till 22h
16.00 Doors open
16.00 – 17:30 Dragonlove (?) preview
Andrea Zavala Folache and Federico Vladimir Strate Pezdirc
What your research did to me –Associate Researchers Cycle II
18.00 Welcome
18.15 I’m Not Sad, The World Is Sad. I’m Not Sad, The World Is Sad + Q & A, Pia Louwerens
18.40 Siting Discourse – Breg Horemans
19.00 Pop-Fi Poster – Lili M. Rampre
19.15 -break-
19.30 Mand/inga – Esteban Donoso
20.30 -break-
20.45 Where Do You Draw the Line Between Art and Politics + interview, Davide Tidoni
21.15 Presentation common publication / Olga / annex
21.30 Q & A moderated by Vladimir Miller.
22.00 END
Saturday 12th of June: 18h till 22h
17.45 Doors open
18.00 Mand/inga – Esteban Donoso
19.00 Dragonlove (?) – exhibition and performances
Andrea Zavala Folache and Federico Vladimir Strate Pezdirc
22.00 END
research center
Research Center Cycle IV

Initiated out of a desire to be a shared platform of exchange, support and publication for the a.pass Associate Researchers, this year-long initiative will continue to support and publish advanced research and investigate its trajectories within a.pass.
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Research Center Cycle III
Initiated out of a desire to be a shared platform of exchange, support and publication for the a.pass Associate Researchers, this year-long initiative will continue to support and publish advanced research and investigate its trajectories within a.pass.
The Associate Researchers follow a part of their research trajectory in an environment of mutual criticality and institutional support. The Research Center welcomes radical and inventive research methodologies in order to contribute them to the larger a.pass environment. The Research Center supports and facilitates individual and collective forms of performative publishing (publications, presentations, exhibitions, gatherings, etc), experimental research set ups, workshops and collaborations.
For the period of May 2021 to April 2022 a.pass is happy to welcome following Associate Researchers to the a.pass Research Center Cycle III:
Joāo Fiadeiro, Crăiuţ Rareş Augustin, Gosie Vervloessem, Vijai Maia Patchineelam and Simon Asencio.
The Associate Researchers will be hosted and supported during Cycle III by Vladimir Miller.
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What your research did to me

incoherent familiarities
Welcome in De Markten, Friday, 11th of June 2021.
Subscribe for attendance. Or join us online. Details will follow.
Breg Horemans, Davide Tidoni, Esteban Donoso, Lili M. Rampre and Pia Louwerens
will read, perform, discuss:
a book as a prop for future performance, a poster that unfolds into a speculative discussion board game, a timed articulation in an archive that reiterates its own traces, a set of interviews that binds four generations of activism, a performative research method that paves the way for academic writing, and a collective online score that narrates how research interests were influenced by each others presence.
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Breg Horemans, Davide Tidoni, Esteban Donoso, Lili M. Rampre, Pia Louwerens, Kristien Van den Brande Printer’s devils
4 January-4 April 2021
Research Center Cycle 2 Block III

Singed bible from the Museum of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, in Rome
One publishes to find comrades! So says André Breton. The researchers in the current cycle of the research centre — Breg Horemans, Davide Tidoni, Esteban Donoso, Lili M. Rampre and Pia Louwerens — are ending their trajectories at a.pass with a block focused on publishing, and the myriad of relations implied in committing something to print. Publishing is rarely something that concludes a confined process of solitary thought. It is a social process that — abstractly and manifestly — involves collaboration along the way: sometimes with fellow interlocutors, sometimes with an editor or designer at the other end of the table, sometimes with abstract ideas of what readership might entail. Rather than aiming for a book or for printed matter as a finite goal, we will take publishing as a pretext to build relationships that last over time. How can a publication be set up as an ongoing social gesture, a space for the continued production of meaning and reverberance?
This block has a weekly organization, whereby Tuesdays alternate between a technical-dramaturgical help-desk, and editorial-curatorial approaches. Help-desk Tuesdays are more loosely structured around practical needs of the collective and individual publications. How did you do this? Why would you do that? During the editorial-curatorial Tuesdays we work on a collective publication, addressing a breadth of concerns in publishing (commonplace books, performative publishing, the interplay between analogue and digital publishing, orality and transcription, co-writing, the power of address, self-writing, ventriloquism, reading as writing, distribution).
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No Mountains, Rivers or Trees
13-13 January 2021
A Conversation with Elke van Campenhout
A recorded and written conversation
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Research Futures Conference Report
Please note that all replies and comments in this report are not verbatim transcriptions but thematic summaries. For full statements made on the public Day 3 please see the video recordings.

On July 8-10, 2020 a.pass has hosted the conference Research Futures. The conference took the form of a gradually expanding meeting of practitioners in the fields of art, education and artistic research. The conference was initiated by a.pass in collaboration with four other institutions of artistic research participating in a.pass’ comparative benchmarking study: Dutch Art Institute, Jan Van Eyck Academy, UNIARTS Helsinki and Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp. The conference brought representatives from these five institutions together with professionals working in the field of education, arts, culture, artistic research, curation and activism to expand the result of the comparative study towards a series of questions concerning the futures of artistic research in relationship to its institutions.
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Breg Horemans, Davide Tidoni, Esteban Donoso, Lili M. Rampre, Pia Louwerens, Nicolas Galeazzi Hosting
1 September-12 December 2020 / a.pass
Research Center Cycle 2 Block II

"Double Spiral" by Maurice Meewisse
There, we are again...
Again and again, it is necessary to think through the relational fields we are working with. Not only the forced physical distancing, the prohibited hugs, and the masked faces, but also the role of the institutional and individual responsibilities, the new urgencies for presences and absences, and a new mix of carefulness and caring, tinted the relational questions at a.pass with the Corona crisis.
What and who are we to each other in a research group? What does the research group do for us? What does it mean to be associate researchers - what does it mean to be a host? What is the institutional framework - what does it allow, and what does it problematize? What kind of projections are made into the institutional, and what kind of speculations could we unleash on them?
The virus highlights these questions in a very special way. Bodily distanced, we are still physically related. It feels like a realtime training in relational ontology. Donna Haraway manifests it as “beings do not pre-exist their relating" and therefore relations do produce us, not the other way round. This way to see ontology is into our face any time we have to say hello to somebody and hesitate whether to show the elbow, to hug or just to stay still at 1,5m apart. Anyway, or specifically now, it’s worth putting the focus more on shaping relations around us rather than to shape ourselves. If this is true, attitudes of hosting, being it places, practices, contexts, and perspectives are an approach we will explore.
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Davide Tidoni Spatial sound to movement
14-14 July 2020 / ZSenne Art Lab
How sound-space perception and spatial listening can be used as a tool for developing movement and creating performance works?
What knowledge/approach/way-of-doing do spatial listening and sound-space perception afford and how that can inform movement and performance work? How sound space awareness can turn or be translated into ways of moving, performing, and choreographing?
Can we think of specific ways to develop/approach movement and performance which are led by the ear-situated-in-space? What are the differences compared to a more eye-determined approach to movement and performance? What are the intersections and common aspects? And eventually, what are the consequences of this approach on other aspects of performance work such as set design, sound design and the positioning of the sound sources, dramaturgy, costumes, and the role/position of the audience?
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Lili Rampre Reading Session
16 July 2020 / ZSenne Art Lab
Lili Rampre’s recent developments within RC involved repurposing works of popular culture and their most prominent characteristics of an epic story to help re-narrativise group and community concerns. Lili’s long term interest in (re)imagining an audience, especially within performing arts, found a strong resonance with current examples of collective action carried out by various fan groups. In Zsenne reading session, Lili is inviting you to delve into some of the texts on citizenship through fandom as a vehicle and examples of such performances. The reading will start by addressing the proposed questions:
- how conflations between activism and fan self-aware agency can re-shape our understanding of the audience,
- potentials for public participation, civic action,
- how new civic practices of engaged audience members are defining joyous activism and with your participation move on to opening new ones, concerning your particular practices and angles, approaches to the topic.
This should not be misunderstood as an extension of the already well developed sociology and anthropology of fandom, but rather as the critical reappraisal that emergent large popular assemblages of self-identifying communities are an under-utilized and under-recognized potentiality for “performance” proper.
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Breg Horemans What do you depend on, where you are?
15-17 July 2020 / ZSenne Art Lab
How can we share the performative potential of public space to explore ‘mutual vulnerability’? We invite you to think physically during a series of ‘staged encounters’ in the wider environment of Zsenne Art Lab, between July 15 and 17.
Every encounter offers a space to negotiate proximity with a stranger, addressing the possibility for an intra-active (Barad) relationship. These encounters take shape as silent walks for two people on July 15, 16 and 17 (mornings, between 9 and 10 am). The endpoint of the walk is Zsenne Art Lab.
Through this practice of physical thinking, we aim to configure a layered understanding of the relation between self- and social identity within the urban environment. We explore how the environment plays a role in the construction of an ‘environmental identity’ (Clayton). On Friday July 17th at 14pm, a public discussion will take place for the participants of the silent walks and external guests to share thoughts on the question: ‘how do our practices contribute to the construction of an environmental identity’?
These activities are embedded in the long term research project HALL33, by TAAT. Between May and November we continue organizing ‘staged encounters’ as a form of social activism in Brussels (BE), Dundee (UK), Riga (LV) and Athens (GR). How vulnerable do we want to be towards strangers in a ‘socially distant’ society?
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Pia Louwerens Writing subtext
15 July 2020 / ZSenne Art Lab
During this workshop Pia Louwerens will test scattered yet corroborating ideas and exercises linked to her research, grouped into two sessions. The first part of the workshop will revolve around the notion of being “embedded” and ways of becoming embedded on the one hand, and on the other hand the workshop as a superstructure, an exoskeleton, which adapts itself to its participants. Would it be possible to rewrite the workshop during the event itself, and what kind of structure could serve this soft workshop? For the second part of the workshop Louwerens will introduce new elements; attempts to evoke events which occured during her research trajectory in collaboration with several institutions in the Netherlands. We will become a loosely organized speaking-reading-writing-machine to collectively document these instances and provide them with an embedded subtext.
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Esteban Donoso Re-
13-14 July 2020 / ZSenne Art Lab

- Nice picture! Are you in it? :)
How do we become visible? Within which frames? What are the conditions of that appearance? This workshop takes as points of departure objects and documents from our own archives as performance makers / thinkers, and creates a new environment for them. Via re-visiting their time, environment and our personal connections to them, we will open up a process of constant re-structuring of our own narrations. If we were to write a film script about these re-visited environments, what form would they take? How will we come to occupy the space of a film frame? Will there be enough space? How will our collective reflections and present tense entanglements become part of our fiction? How will we manage to exist and coexist within this commensurate space?
Read more..conference, information, research center
Research Futures Public Debate
10 July 2020 / online

Research Futures
July 10th 2020, 14h-18h, online
a.pass cordially invites you to join the workshop presentations and public debate of the conference Research Futures on the 10th of July at 14h (online )
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Adrijana Gvozdenović archiving artistic anxieties

archiving artistic anxieties
This online publication is part of the research project Archiving Artistic Anxieties, by Adrijana Gvozdenović
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10 euro
1 February 2020
Isabel Burr Raty

beauty kit isabel
by Isabel Burr Raty
with contributions by Kristin Rogghe, Elke Van Campenhout, Gosie Vervloessem, Pablo Diartinez and Tim Vets, is an experimental catalog summarizing Isabel Burr Raty’s research on conceptualizing and manufacturing eco-erogenous para-pharmaceutical products. It tells the story of the BKFF, a mobile farm where she and other females harvest their orgasmic juices to produce beauty bio-products, used for treatments in the BK Spa, critically discussed in the BK Focus Group and moving forward into becoming a village, where every-body harvests each other. The catalog comes with contributing text, “Harvesting bodies – The Farm as Paradox” by Elle/Elke Van Campenhout, and other reflections on the project.
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155 euro
1 February 2020
Antye Guenther

NEOCORTEX is a textile poster publication. It can be used as a head or neck scarf, a hairband, a veil, a belt, a table cloth, an arm sling, a disguise in political demonstrations, a laboratory sieve, or a tool for receiving and transmitting alien thoughts. This scarf is the second materialization of ongoing research on neuroscientific visualization practices and questionable conceptualizations of our brains. Referring to the current trend in the scientific community to print posters on textiles rather than on paper, it combines reconstructed MRI data of the artist’s brain with various text fragments from science and science fiction.
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7 euro
1 February 2020
Sina Seifee

ZOOLOGICAL VANDALISM by Sina Seifee in collaboration with editor Renan Lauran and designer Foad Farahani, is immersion in the compiling and composing of Seifee’s notes on medieval bestiaries, and placing them in sequential order. It is the first chapter of a series that creates context and opens small descriptive steps towards (what Latour might call) “knowing interestingly” about bestiaries. It is a speculative adventure in bio-techno tales and old styles of knowing. As an “ecology of obligation” with Iranian sensuality and its ardent materiality, somewhere in the menagerie of found and feral animal videos on Whatsapp and Telegram, is Seifee’s undisciplined grounding in visual crafts.
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Forms of life of forms
12 euro
1 February 2020
Rob Ritzen

FORMS OF LIFE OF FORMS brings artistic research into form – not merely as an aesthetic question but as a social and political one. Indeed, there are no politics without form! With Forms of Life, Rob Ritzen curated several “Moments” that assembled works, collective readings, and other references into a single installation. This publication reshuffles documentation of these “Moments” as a visual reflection of the trajectory of this research.
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14 Euro
1 February 2020
Sara Manente

ROT is a publication reflecting the research “Wicked technology/Wild fermentation,” by Sara Manente that focuses on forms and practice of fermentation as ways to rethink bodies and their making. This glossy magazine performs research, aiming to infect the reader, and questioning how to spread, publish, and help the work survive.
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Breg Horemans, Davide Tidoni, Esteban Donoso, Lili M. Rampre and Pia Louwerens WHAT YOUR RESEARCH DID TO ME
30 euro - annex + 2 books + 1 game
10 June 2021
research center associates Cycle II

Documenting, archiving, and publishing are intrinsic to the ongoing practices of a.pass. They are seen as research tools that enable critical reflections through their exposure of artistic research processes. The program seeks to find public formats or outlets for research in the course of its ongoing development, and facilitates an understanding of the politics of such processes.
With these concepts in mind, the a.pass Research Centre (RC) began a new program in 2018 that hosts six Associate Researchers in cycles of one year as a platform for exchange in artistic research. Cycle I hosted Isabel Burr Raty, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Antye Guenter, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen and Sina Seifee. They contributed to the platform through concerns, concepts and “ways of doing” inherent to their practices.
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Isabel Burr Raty, Antye Guenther, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen, Sina Seifee and a.pass PUBLISHING ARTISTIC RESEARCH
35 euro = 4 publications + Annex
1 February 2020
research center associates Cycle 1

Documenting, archiving, and publishing are intrinsic to the ongoing practices of a.pass. They are seen as research tools that enable critical reflections through their exposure of artistic research processes. The program seeks to find public formats or outlets for research in the course of its ongoing development, and facilitates an understanding of the politics of such processes.
With these concepts in mind, the a.pass Research Centre (RC) began a new program in 2018 that hosts six Associate Researchers in cycles of one year as a platform for exchange in artistic research. Cycle I hosted Isabel Burr Raty, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Antye Guenter, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen and Sina Seifee. They contributed to the platform through concerns, concepts and “ways of doing” inherent to their practices.
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Close Encounters series Zones of disobedience
6-6 February 2020 / ISELP & a.pass
Elen Braga / Eve Kalyva / Steven Jouwersma
When institutions have come to embody their own institutional critique, when participatory art becomes the new weapon of the established normalising order, and when attempts to further develop forms of artistic resistance are almost instantly liquefied in the commodifying reason of the market, a series of questions arise: Is it still possible to disobey? What could the forms of disobedient work be today? What new strategies should be invented in this context? How can one give the public the incentive to transgress its fears, inhibitions and limitations?
Having these questions as a starting point, “Zones of Disobedience” opens up a space for discussion, reflection and debate. It presents examples from the past and the present and from across the spheres of the artistic and the political in order to problematise sets of relationships, conceptual frameworks and behaviors. These have to do with ideas about monuments, myths and experiences of the city as space but also as a site of memory, of belonging and of envisioning a future.
“Zones of Disobedience” offers an evening of contestation, blurred limits, shifts and negotiations.
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Breg Horemans, Davide Tidoni, Esteban Donoso, Lili M. Rampre, Pia Louwerens, Vladimir Miller RESEARCH CENTER CYCLE 2 BLOCK I and In-Between Block
1 January-31 July 2020

Research Center Cycle 2 block I
This January marks the beginning of the second one-year-cycle of the a.pass Research Center. Initiated out of a desire to be a shared platform of exchange, support and publicness for the Associate Researchers this year long initiative will continue to support and publish advanced research and investigate its trajectories within a.pass. The Associate Researchers will be hosted and supported during Cycle 2 by the Research Center curators: Vladimir Miller (Block I+II/20).
For the period of January to December 2020 we are happy to welcome following Associate Researchers to the a.pass Research Center:
Breg Horemans, Davide Tidoni, Esteban Donoso, Pia Louwerens and Lili Rampre.
During the upcoming block we will start and at the same time continue our work by imagining and negotiating the individual contracts between the researchers and the Research Center, which will speculate on the individual research process and the support needed during the year cycle.
performative publishing, research center
Parallel Parasite Timeline Repository – Web Publication
Research Center Document

Parallel Parasite Timeline Repository
As a way to register our process during the Parallel Parasite, three weeks residency of the a.pass Research Center at SZenne ArtLab in 2018, we filmed and recorded all the public encounters. This interface created on top of the video allows to complement the document with other collected materials and to add continuously a-posteriori reflections. Viewers can scroll through and find points of interest.
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Research Center Cycle 1 Block IIII Reviewing emergence
1 September-30 November 2019
Cared by Nicolas Y Galeazzi

re-search in the woods
One year, six associates, three curators, several events and residencies, lots of contexts and thoughts, etc. - I think we can say, the research center was never as extensive as this new cycle. It was time for a.pass to come up to the promise of generating more publicly available content. The five associate researchers accompanied by three different curators have processed their contexts and brought them to a ripe state for publishing. Holding in, taking a breath, smelling the taste, enjoying the fill of the lungs, holding in again and softly pushing the air out - and so, the cycle can start again. What was here? What was nourished by the oxygen? What did come up by breathing the same air as five other researchers?
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a.pass Research Centre Associates in residence victories over the suns
24 June-14 July 2019 / ZSenne ART Lab / Brussels
projects / events / agenda
get informations and agenda about the residence here
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a.pass Research Center Associates in residence victories over the suns
24 June-14 July 2019 / ZSenne ART Lab / Brussels
dissolving totalities, usurping orders, inventing new materials
In our residence, each process is designed individually and in common, in order to share a fiction of sharing. We aim our experimental tools at each other, ourselves and at you. They are directed at a viewer, curious-anxious about modes of reparation who can put together the research trajects that she finds in a process of performing-publishing of difficult-makings of different objects and positions. We are hungry and angry: at our bodies, at assemblages, at more stories for other histories, for different exhibits, for fresh cultures. It is an experiment in organizing and presenting what appears to be fundamentally unorganisable and unpresentable. When all is lost why not go for broke, victorious over the sun?
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Adrijana Gvozdenović, Sina Seifee, Isabel Burr Raty, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen, Antye Guenther RESEARCH CENTER Cycle 1 Block III
29 April-28 July 2019 / a.pass/ ZSenne ArtLab
Co-Curated by Pierre Rubio

"Watches, Wristwatches, Collection, Clocks, Time, Hours"
The a.pass Research Center is dedicated to supporting advanced research and to collecting and making public methodologies of artistic research developed at a.pass.
This summer block marks the end of the first one-year-cycle of the a.pass Research Center. After being initiated as a platform for individual research trajectories, the Research Center shifted to welcoming a group of advanced researchers for an one-year period. This last block of the first cycle is co-curated by the whole group.
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Adrijana Gvozdenović, Sina Seifee, Isabel Burr Raty, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen, Antye Guenther RESEARCH CENTER CYCLE 1 BLOCK II
7 January-31 March 2019 / a.pass

screen-shoot from disclosing an architectural object. MUA (an essay on planes). Alex Arteaga
The a.pass Research Center is dedicated to supporting advanced artistic research and to collecting and making public methodologies of artistic research developed at a.pass.
The block II in the cycle 18/19 is focused on two intertwined fields of inquiry: aesthetic research practices in the medium of written language and architecture understood as intervention in the emergence of environments through construction and related practices.
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Adrijana Gvozdenović, Sina Seifee, Isabel Burr Raty, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen, Antye Guenther RESEARCH CENTER Cycle 1 Block I
3 September-30 November 2018
Curated by Vladimir Miller

This September marks the beginning of the first one-year-cycle of the a.pass Research Center. After being initiated as a platform for the individual research trajectories of the a.pass Associate Researchers, starting this year the Research Center is shifting to welcoming a group of advanced researchers for a shared one-year period.
The a.pass Research Center is dedicated to supporting advanced research and to collecting and making public methodologies of artistic research developed at a.pass.
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Parallel Parasite
4 June-30 September 2018
Research center 18/II curated by Lilia Mestre

From the 4th till the 30th of June the a.pass Research Centre (RC) will be in residency at ZSenne ArtLab and will constitute itself as people meet, as thematics emerge, as the environment conditions, as the weather manifests, as the bodies form, as toxicity persists, as we drive ourselves towards multiplying perspectives for thinking and experiencing phenomena emerging from artistic research practices. The RC will function as a meeting point for the convergence of concerns, interests and the pleasures of learning together. It will research itself and its modus operandi in terms of hospitality, dissensus and criticality through the various research practices proposed.
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Lilia Mestre Fragile Community Score + Score for entering a place / Lilia Mestre
11 June-15 May 2018 / Zsenne ArtLab

SCORESCAPES: Thinking Scores as Pedagogical Tool is an ongoing research in the context of a.pass.For this occasion the score will serve the question of 'being in an (other) place' which is not home, which is semi-public, which will constitute a composite body and which will be in the 'here' of the public space and of the a.pass Research Center. Which tender social formation will take place? What will appear from the rubbing between institutional paradigms and the discourses that resist? The score wants to make appear narratives localized in that time/place frame work. We will work with writing and physical forms of presence and we'll go in between inside and outside, the individual and the group, in between the here and there, between being part of and being other.
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The Way of the Anarchive
18-29 June 2018 / Zsenne ArtLab
a residency with Erin Manning in the frame of parallel parasite

sense-lab Erin Manning
From the 18th till the 29th of June the a.pass Research center will engage with Erin Manning on the practice of the Anarchive developed in SenseLab. For the last weeks of June a group of a.pass researchers and guests will work during the day and will open up to public discussions almost every evening at 19:00. **************************
Some of the days during this period public encounters with Erin Manning, Brian Massumi, Alex Arteaga, Nico Docks, Adva Zakai ... will take place. Please check schedule bellow!!!!!
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School of Love Instead of Needing to Know
4 June-9 May 2018
School Of Love @ Parallel-Parasite

Residency at a.pass/ Zsenne gallery, Brussels
4 – 9 June (except for June 6th), 2018
If both Love and School engaged in the practice of being open to change through encounters with others, we might develop sensitivities to deal with unknown paths better. Maybe we would be better off improvising through, with and within the unknown, instead of needing to know. Maybe improvisation today can be approached as a mode of resistance to a life dedicated to an anticipated and defined future.
Please inscribe here : https://bimestriel.framapad.org/p/VoV7C6HGQX
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Close Encounters series Conditions for the work
5-5 May 2018 / a.pass, 4th floor
Sofia Caesar / Femke Snelting

For this episode of Close encounters, Sofia Caesar and Femke Snelting have invited each other for an afternoon of conversation about contracts as propositions and elements as conditions. Both are involved in related but very different practices that they will present and bring into discussion with each other and the public.
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Close Encounters Series
21 October 2017
Close Encounters is the name of a series of presentations and public conversations organized by the a.pass Research Centre, which takes place when researchers are invited, or feel the need to communicate publicly about their research. The series is curated by the associate researchers and the current research curator Pierre Rubio.
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research center
The Research Center at a.pass is a platform for advanced research practices in the arts. It invites five to six associated researchers per one year cycle to develop their artistic research practice in a environment of mutual criticality and institutional support. In agreement with the individual research trajectory of the associate researchers the apass Research Center supports and facilitates forms of performative publishing (publications, presentations, exhibitions etc) experimental research set ups and collaborations. The Center cohabits with the self-educational processes of the a.pass post-master program and functions as a resource for reflection on methodologies of collaborative research.
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Boundaries do not sit still
1 January-30 April 2018
Research centre 18/I curated by Femke Snelting

In Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter, feminist theorist Karen Barad examines how apparatuses stabilize and destabilize boundaries. “Apparatuses are dynamic (re)configurings of the world, specific agential practices/intra-actions/performances through which specific exclusionary boundaries are enacted.” she writes.
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Possible Bodies
1 January 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor

Possible Bodies is a disobedient action-research project that Jara Rocha and Femke Snelting have been developing since 2015. The project works with the concrete and at the same time complex and fictional entities that ‘bodies’ are, in the context of technologies, infrastructures and techniques of 3D tracking, modeling and scanning. This collective research becomes especially urgent because through those performative and representational practices, intersecting issues of race, gender, class, species, age and ability resurface.
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Dra. Adriana la Selva What are you training for?
10-11 January 2018
On acting and performance techniques - Current directions for embodied research in the performing arts
Adriana La Selva is participant of the a.pass PhD Research Center program and proposes the 2 day seminar "What are e training for?" in relation to her home universisty U-Ghent. The topic addresses the conditions of the body in relation to its performativity. Starting the investigations of the self-creation of conditions at the body seems to comply with the intentions of the block MAKING / CONDITIONS perfectly.
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Close Encounters series A dialogue on Active Archives
27 January 2018 / Manchesterstraat 17 - 1080
Nicolas Malevé / Femke Snelting

Active Archives
As a case study and exemplary project/practice, Nicolas Malevé, Femke Snelting and Pierre Rubio will discuss the long history of Active Archive.
What can the different iterations of Active Archives tell us about the condition of engaged artists-researchers-archivists? What were the historical conditions that stimulated its genesis? And after all these years -punctuated by profound technological, cultural and institutional changes- how is its evolution and relevance today?
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Close Encounters series A conversation-on-exhibition
25 January 2018 / Manchesterstraat 17 - 1080
Marcelo Rezende / Adrijana Gvozdenović

Adrijana Gvozdenović, "Who is Adrian Lister? or Уметник работник роботник", publication, 2016
Marcelo Rezende and Adrijana Gvozdenović share their stories and experiences about their (critical) practice of exhibition making. How can you produce meaning and experience that matters? Why do we still believe in reality?
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Close Encounters series Semiotics of the Uncanny
21 October 2017 / a.pass 4th floor studio
Dr. Dalila Honorato / Isabel Burr Raty

Photo by Erik Peacock - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/
Semiotics of the Uncanny will approach alternative bodies in art, sexuality and pop culture, that conjugate body alteration, medical fetish, disability aesthetics and creative ritualistic behavior. Hybrid Art contributes to hybrid narratives in performing arts and creates new alternative technological materials and objects for empowerment and resistance against high-tech capitalist imperialism.
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Between what is no longer and what is not yet
26 November 2016

retrato johnny
Performance in the context of a.pass’ public meeting The Artist Commoner. (Self) Education of New Subjectivities
Dominguez wants to suspend events and create an interval of time in which he can try to integrate his past into his future. He will translate his visions and his desire to encounter the unknown through language. Dominguez is working alone for the first time in 14 years. Back then, he choreographed his work with labeled cards. Now, he’ll speak himself and give rise to a self-portrait that cites himself and some of his friends.
Limited capacity! 8/10/12€.
Tickets via Kaaitheater:
conference, postgraduate program, research center
a.pass, KaaiTheater The Artist Commoner : Public Meeting
25-26 November 2016 / KaaiStudios - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Vaakstraat 81 // 1000 Brussel.
(self) Education of new subjectivities

the artist commoner
During a two day event, a.pass welcomes a gathering of researchers, artists, a.pass program participants and public to engage with the struggle of being an artist commoner today, and the role of (educational) institutions in bringing this subject about.
Two days of presentations, exchanges and commoning practices. Two days of ateliers, books launches, performances, workshops and discussions.
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veridiana zurita research publication
15-15 January 2016

Los Angeles, Kinderreiche Familie
Between 2014 and 2015 Veridiana Zurita initiated three ongoing artistic research projects; ‘Don’t Eat the Microphone’: a weekly session developed together with the residents of the psychiatric hospital Dr. Guislain in Ghent, ‘Televizinho’: a series of re-enactments of Brazilian soap-operas with no-actors of the riverside community Santa Isabel in the Amazon (BR) and ‘Mommy, Daddy, Me’: a letter trialogue about love relationships between herself and her parents.
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Adva Zakai / Raphaële Jeune OR SHALL WE USE THE STAIRS?
18-20 September 2015

Or shall we use the stairs?/Helena Dietrich
Brussels-based choreographer Adva Zakai and French curator Raphaële Jeune propose 3 days of lectures and exercises to collectively explore different aspects of the relationship between humans and machines. Together with special guests and anyone interested, we aim to share thoughts on the digitalization of our world, through introduction into concepts that developed in response to it: The challenging dialogue with algorithms, the splendor and misery of Transhumanism, recent developments in Donna Haraway’s thinking (author of 1985’s Cyborg Manifesto) and the theory of Accelerationism.
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Bureau d'Espoir SELF-INTERVIEW Elke – Elle
1 September-31 December 2015 / Abbeye de Forest

Elke (a.pass researcher):
Elle, with the new project ‘Mobile MNSTRY’ you again tackle some of the issues you have been dealing with in your extended project Bureau d’Espoir already for some years: the recuperation and embrace of practices and terms that have been categorized, marginalized and recuperated by capital strategies.
For example: you worked on the mobilization of the concept of ‘anorexia’ in the Hunger and Anorexic practices as tools for rethinking our relation to the consumption of food, and our own place in the ‘food chain’ of capitalism. You worked in ‘Battery’ on the embrace of circumstances that are considered detrimental to the ‘healthy’ development of the individual: 21 days of imprisonment, hunger and lack of private space as a spiritual-aesthetic machine for the production of hope and change.
Now you propose the Mobile Monastery: a practice that is based on rethinking the monastic rule, the disciplining and deep experience of the everyday, introducing ‘poverty’ and social service (karma yoga) into the practice. Your proposals all seem to verge on the extreme, uncomfortable, and frankly, possibly moralistic. How do you plan to make this collective practice seem inviting to collaborators.
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24 July 2015

This is the time to come together.
To celebrate what we worked on.
To transform our preconceptions
of rituals, of magic, of transformation itself.
A pilgrimage of the self into the common
and back again.
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Reading Circle
11 May-29 August 2015 / a.pass

Cover Illustration by Tammy Lu
As a red thread throughout the block the participants engage in a weekly communal reading practice of the book ‘Realist Magic – Object, Ontology, Causality’ by Timothy Morton.
Reading and discussing in-depth this one central text allows for the development of a common ground of reference and connection that functions as a backdrop to the workshops and practices that shape the block. The Reading Circle happens on Monday evenings from 6pm to 10pm.
postgraduate program, research center
a.pass research centre The House of Spirits
10 May-24 July 2015
The House of Spirits is a common space for the (re)collection, digestion and transformation of the traces of the individual researches and workshops. The House opens up a space for the shamans/conservators of the Research Centre, as well as some of the participants. Every week another shaman practices in the House of Spirits, working with the case objects of the participants or with left-overs of the workshop, developing a shared ritual for the a.pass group. The strategies of the shaman include reordering, cataloguing, magical transformations, ritual alchemy, displacement and fictionalisation.
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a.pass conference Pharmakon
in production
28-30 November 2014
Edited by Elke Van Campenhout, Lilia Mestre
Texts by Alexandre LePetit, Lilia Mestre, Flora Pilet, Veridiana Zurita, Mischa Twitchin, Michiel Reynaert, Elke Van Campenhout and others.
To be published in autumn 2015.
performative publishing, research center
Elke Van Campenhout Tarot of Hope
25 euro - tarot cards and book
1 December 2013

If you wanted to come up with a language that could be understood by anyone, and that allows for different ways to adapt to the situation, but that still speaks about what concerns us all, the Tarot is the way to go. The Tarot is an ancient method to gain insight into your current situation. It is a way to bring different aspects of your life together, and relate them to an outside world that sometimes appears hostile or unconcerned by your sorrows or doubts. With the Tarot of Hope, Bureau d’Espoir tries to get a grip on our current situation.
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1 October-30 November 2014
Pharmakon: whitch culture?

‘Pharmakon: whitch culture?’, was a Thematics artistic research residency project, taking place in Brussels from the 15th of October until the 15th of December 2014. This residency was one of the stages in the development of the broader, transnational ‘Pharmakon’ research project undertaken by Institut Nomade. The ‘Pharmakon: whitch culture?’ conference (28-30/11/2014) lasted three days and explored the theoretical and artistic approaches to deal with an increasingly toxic economic, ethical and cultural environment, in search of other techniques by which to connect, share and imagine the fabric of our togetherness. As a ‘performative conference’, this meeting involved artists as well as theorists, dissolving the boundaries between ‘specialists’ and ‘public’, and between ‘performers’ and ‘theorists’, and opens up a space for desire and reflection.
Thematics was organized by Bains Connective, in collaboration with Institut Nomade, the a.pass research center and Kaaitheater.
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15 December 2014

Bureau d’Espoir is a long-term research project on hope, initiated by Elke Van Campenhout. Bureau d’Espoir researches the possibility for a new engagement with the concept of hope, both on a political, social, physical and spiritual level.
Bureau d’Espoir is a research practice that starts out from the question: why do something rather than nothing? The last ten years the artistic sector seems to be burdened by a nagging form of debilitating self-critique that blocks artists (and other artistic workers) from assuming an affirmative position on the scene. Not only does it feel like any kind of performative gesture has become over-identified by decennia of critical theory, but an all-encompassing economic system has rendered any kind of emancipatory or critical gesture close to impossible.
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Elke van campenhout the tender institute
12 January 2013
“In the whirlwind of changing subsidy policies, and political crisis, the Institute has become a partner to be mistrusted. What has become clear from all the waves of institutional critique that have fueled the visual arts production in the last decennia, is the Institute’s extreme flexibility to reinvent itself, to recuperate and produce the ruling discourses, in a constant craving for the new. The Institute in this understanding has become synonymous with capital power struggles, with normative regulation of the arts scene, and with an unsavory attachment to a global economy that creates and sustains inequality, poor labor conditions and a sanctimonious elitist attitude towards knowledge and its distribution.”
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international conference Tender Institute
7-8 September 2012
How can an institute still stay an institute when it is embracing its 'tenderness': when it recognizes its dependency on the interest of its users? The risk to become obsolete in the whirlwind of heterotopic interests? The challenge to re-invent its administration to shift from a politics of categorization to one of attention and engagement?
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Elke van campenhout tools for research
1 January 2011

Thinking about tools in the research environment of a.pass is a tricky ‘thing’. When we think about tools in everyday language, we think about ‘things that do something’. But not whatever. Tools are things that have their function inscribed in them, that are optimized for achieving a certain goal, like the radically specified instruments IKEA offers you in its DIY packages. In an artistic research environment the question thus to ask in the first place is: what kind of tools do we need to do what we do?
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