postgraduate program
Dramaturgies of Care (and other intimacies)
12-17 October 2022
A salon and mentoring cycle with jaamil olawale kosoko. PA-guest, invited by Alyssa Gersony.

We are all in need of more care and care is an often invoked concept to cope with today’s global crises. But how do we practice care within performance? In their week at a.pass, artist, author, and curator jaamil olawale kosoko will consider dramaturgy as an act of care within contemporary performance practice. During mentoring sessions, a Friday-evening salon and a rist of other activities, participants and other cultural workers are encouraged to bring examples of care strategies they find useful in creating socially engaged performance actions that stretch textually and discursively across various genres of liveness and time based art forms. jaamil olawale Kosoko’s approach draws on research methods used in the fields of experimental dance/theater making and dance studies to see what the body can tell us about pressing social issues. From the stage, to the living room, to the nightclub, to the screen, to fantasy, to the privacy of one’s own room, we will explore how care rituals animate the physical art of living and creating in an ever changing world.
Wednesday 12th October, 2022
7pm: a.pass mentoring dinner @ Radical House
Thursday 13th
1-5pm: a.pass mentoring slots @ a.pass
5-7.30: drinks and dinner @ a.pass 4th floor kitchen
8.30: Outwalkers @ KVS
Friday 14th
1-4pm: a.pass mentoring slots @ Radical House
7-9.30: public salon @ Radical House
Saturday 15th
10pm-6am: visit to Unlimited Strip Club, in Antwerp
Sunday 16th
3pm: reading of Black Body Amnesia @ Rile*
PA-guest during Block III 2022. Invited and organized by Alyssa Gersony. Production support by Sarah Pletcher.
jaamil olawale kosoko (they/he) is a multi-spirited Nigerian American author, performance artist, and curator of Yoruba and Natchez descent originally from Detroit, MI. jaamil’s practice is conceptual and process based, fluidly moving within the creative realms of live art performance, video, sculpture, and poetry. Through rooted ritual and spiritual practice, embodied poetics, Black critical studies, and queer theories of the body, kosoko conjures and crafts perpetual modes of freedom, healing, and care when/where/however possible.
Blending poetry and memoir, conversation and performance theory, their book ‘Black Body Amnesia: Poems and Other Speech Acts’, was released Spring 2022.