research center, workshop

Lilia Mestre Fragile Community Score + Score for entering a place / Lilia Mestre

11 June-15 May 2018 / Zsenne ArtLab


SCORESCAPES: Thinking Scores as Pedagogical Tool is an ongoing research in the context of a.pass. For this occasion the score will serve the question of  ‘being in an (other) place’ which is not home, which is semi-public, which will constitute a composite body and which will be in the ‘here’ of the public space and of the a.pass Research Center. Which tender social formation will take place?  What will appear from the rubbing between institutional paradigms and the discourses that resist? The score wants to make appear narratives localized in that time/place frame work. We will work with writing and physical forms of presence and we’ll go in between inside and outside, the individual and the group, in between the here and there, between being part of and being other.

SCORESCAPES bears witness to affective relationships for understanding the self and the collective through acts of gathering and attending to varied modes of being with their respective backgrounds, moods, sensibilities, political concerns, and theories. Acting as a system that establishes questions and answers set in time and place, the scores propose regular encounters as conditions for intensive exchange. They propose a system of interaction where varied aesthetic experiences coexist, complement, challenge and inspire otherness with the potential to trace it. The Score wishes to underline the importance of the experiential aspect of things as a thinking-partner.

The week will be separated in two practices. The first will be a closed session ‘Score for entering a space’ with Esther Rodriguez- Barbero Granado, Lilia Mestre and Eric Thielemans.  The second ‘Fragile Community Score’  is under inscription and will last for 3 days.  Both practices will be shared in the evenings.

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performative publishing, research center

Parallel Parasite Timeline Repository – Web Publication

Research Center Document

Parallel Parasite Timeline Repository
As a way to register our process during the Parallel Parasite, three weeks residency of the a.pass Research Center at SZenne ArtLab in 2018, we filmed and recorded all the public encounters. This interface created on top of the video allows to complement the document with other collected materials and to add continuously a-posteriori reflections. Viewers can scroll through and find points of interest.
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research center, seminar


4-30 June 2018 / Zsenne ArtLab

Research center 18/II curated by Lilia Mestre


A month residency at ZSenne ArtLab : On Anarchiving > On Love > On Score -ing > On the spot > On presence
Gatherings of parallel parasite platforms  for practice based research in the arts > If you want to know, come!

From the 4th till the 30th of June the a.pass Research Centre (RC) will be in residency at ZSenne ArtLab and will constitute itself as people meet, as thematics emerge, as the environment conditions, as the weather manifests, as the bodies form, as toxicity persists, as we drive ourselves towards multiplying perspectives for thinking and experiencing phenomena emerging from artistic research practices. 


The RC will function as a meeting point for the convergence of concerns, interests and the pleasures of learning together. It will research itself and its modus operandi in terms of hospitality, dissensus and criticality through the various research practices proposed.

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research center, workshop

School of Love Instead of Needing to Know

4 June-9 May 2018

School Of Love @ Parallel-Parasite

Residency at a.pass/ Zsenne gallery, Brussels 4 – 9 June (except for June 6th), 2018 If both Love and School engaged in the practice of being open to change through encounters with others, we might develop sensitivities to deal with unknown paths better. Maybe we would be better off improvising through, with and within the unknown, instead of needing to know. Maybe improvisation today can be approached as a mode of resistance to a life dedicated to an anticipated and defined future. Please inscribe here :
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conference, project, research center, seminar, workshop

Parallel Parasite

4 June-30 September 2018

Research center 18/II curated by Lilia Mestre

From the 4th till the 30th of June the a.pass Research Centre (RC) will be in residency at ZSenne ArtLab and will constitute itself as people meet, as thematics emerge, as the environment conditions, as the weather manifests, as the bodies form, as toxicity persists, as we drive ourselves towards multiplying perspectives for thinking and experiencing phenomena emerging from artistic research practices. The RC will function as a meeting point for the convergence of concerns, interests and the pleasures of learning together. It will research itself and its modus operandi in terms of hospitality, dissensus and criticality through the various research practices proposed.
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research center, seminar, workshop

The Way of the Anarchive

18-29 June 2018 / Zsenne ArtLab

a residency with Erin Manning in the frame of parallel parasite

sense-lab Erin Manning
From the 18th till the 29th of June the a.pass Research center will engage with Erin Manning on the practice of the Anarchive developed in SenseLab. For the last weeks of June a group of a.pass researchers and guests will work during the day and will open up to public discussions almost every evening at 19:00. ************************** Some of the days during this period public encounters with Erin Manning, Brian Massumi, Alex Arteaga, Nico Docks, Adva Zakai ... will take place. Please check schedule bellow!!!!!
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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

Maximum file size: 50 MB, maximum 5 files.


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Open Call

Contact person.

Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

Upload your file(s) here:

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