performative publishing
Perform Back Score / Lilia Mestre
a.pass publication

The book Perform Back Score is the result of 3 months of performed, sketched and written dialogue produced within a group of artistic researchers, each plunging into a study about the Conditions for the Emergence of Poetics. Poetics used here as ‘acts’ that transform our ways of perceiving, as situations that invite another understanding of ‘things’.
price: 10 euro
The book documents the process in three parts of different formats: a chronological and a reflective part as well as unfolding, visual interpretation of the dialogue.
This publication by the a.pass research centre was created from the Perform Back Score practice proposed by associate program curator Lilia Mestre during the a.pass block January – April 2015. a.pass, is a post-master artistic research environment based in Brussels, Belgium.
The book is designed by Miriam Hempel
A PDF of the REFLECTIONS you can find HERE
A PDF of the SESSIONS you can find HERE
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