postgraduate program, project
Perform Back Score
14 January-31 March 2015
how to document performance?

Proposed by Lilia Mestre for the Block 2015/I (January-March)
This score was a proposal to communicate through performance throughout the block. It focuses on performance as a tool for the transformation of thought, intuition, desire, referentiality, practice into a communication medium. How to introduce exposure, playfulness, risk, generosity, exchange, fuck fear, contamination and precision in our way of communicating? How does this communication produce desire? To whom, where and how is this desire directed? What is the intensity/quality of it? What is the political agency of it?
The aim was to develop systems to practice the staging of philosophy, critical exposure and the rhetorics inherent to any body, object, word, situation. It is a working score. Taking as a principle that the artwork raises questions and doesn’t give answers I would like to propose a Q&A in 9 sessions where we can just perform. The series of performances will function as replies that raise (an)other(s) question(s) or problematic (s). This score will also be a documentation practice that questions performance as a document.
The performances can take any kind of medium, strategy. Just it would be good if you are a writer to work at least two times in another medium and if you are not a writer to reply at least two times with text.
The invitation is to meet once a week for 3 hours and work together. These meetings will have to happen after 17:00 and can take place in different environments.
Set up
14 January in the afternoon. (last day of opening week)
In this meeting we’ll set up the frame that will accompany the score for the 9 sessions.
We’ll assign to whom we are addressing the first performances.
First session
*Every participant will display a 5 minutes performance as a gift.
*After performance the participant will assign a participant that will reply the week after.
*Discussion about the problematics that emerged.
*We’ll choose for a space and time for the next session.
Sessions 2 till 9
*Every participant will display her /his response in a 5 minutes performance.
*After all presentations we’ll assign together the next repliers.
*Discussion about the problematics that emerged.
*We’ll choose for a space and time for the next session.
All performances will be filmed in the same format. Julia Clever (ex-a.pass working on documentary) will be working with us. All next repliers can take a video home to work on their responses.
We’ll think and work together on the notion of archive and of performance as documentation.