performative publishing, research center

Research In Absence

20-24 September 2021

The a.pass Research Center invites you to join its public programme Research in Absence
September 20th-24th in Brussels
Together with the Research Center participant researchers from the a.pass postgraduate program and the public will form a group that will engage in research proposals of  Associate Researchers of Cycle 3. For each of the proposals, the researcher who proposes it, will be absent for the duration of the process. The rest of the group – together with the public – will engage in the research question collaboratively, contributing their knowledge and practices to the shared process.
The program invites all interested participants for an introductory dinner on Monday, September 20th. The group will work with the proposals in the afternoons and evenings of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The program will conclude with a communal breakfast and feedback session on Friday morning, Sept. 24th.
The five proposals can be joined separately or for the duration of the entire process. A detailed program will be published shortly, with information of how to book a slot and the location of the program.

Please sign up for the program at the bottom of the page and indicate if you join for the whole program or a specific proposal, we recommend that you join the public dinner and introduction on Monday evening. 
Centre Tour à Plombe
Rue de l’Abattoir 24
1000 Brussels
Monday, September 20th 
18h Introduction and Dinner
Tuesday, September 21st
14h Proposal Crăiuţ Rareş Augustin
18h Proposal Elke van Campenhout 
Wednesday, September 22nd
14h Proposal Vijai Maia Patchineelam
18h Proposal Gosie Vervloessem and Simon Asencio
Thursday, September 23rd
14h Proposal Joāo Fiadeiro
18h Proposal Benny Nemer
Friday, September 24th
10h-13h Breakfast, Discussion and Feedback
Elke Van Campenhout

Bloom Sessions

The research ‘Sex Asylum’ works around notions of desire, when stripped from consumerist notions like instant gratification, the pornographic gaze, and subject/object divisions. In this research moment, together we create desire lines through voice, touch, and objects. An interspecies game of deferral and detournement.


Crăiuţ Rareş Augustin

Making each other ^

This is an invitation into my current research titled “CofetARia”, specifically on the part relating to the agencies of food and the role we grant food, beyond the usual symbolic projections we have about it/assign to it. I will borrow some tools and findings so we can discover more on how to account for the performative ability of cakes and pastries, that can, and that do, modify current situations like individual BMI’s or emotional states, macro events related to the climate crisis, or political power struggles. How could we best work with cakes in artistic or other types of research? What strategies are there to either decenter the human actor (like Tuija Kokkonen’s “weak actions”) or to recentre the non-human actor that is cake (like Bruno Latour’s “specific tricks that make them talk”).
Vijai Maia Patchineelam
Over the course of his research “The Artist Job Description: A Practice Led Artistic Research for the Employment of the Artist, as an Artist, Inside the Art Institution” Vijai Maia Patchineelam was hosted by, employed and welcomed to a variety of institutions: from artist-run spaces to art academies and museums. One of them was Plano B, Lapa, a long since closed vinyl-shop-turned-informal-art-space in Rio de Janeiro. For the last four years Vijai and Plano B’s founder Fernando Torres have collaborated in archiving hundreds of live performances that span a decade (2004-2013). In 2019 they published an annotated LP as the first outcome of this collaboration. For this proposal, the research group will be invited to engage in listening to and reading this document and to contribute to a discussion on temporary institutions and their survival strategies.
Gosie Vervloessem and Simon Asencio

The World is full of Monsters

The notion of textual agency refers to the capacity displayed by texts to do things in various circumstances. In other words, text might be doing something else than simply conveying meaning. Text is equally reading you. Text performs you. Ultimately text might suggest methodologies for its own study: a study from which you might not be able to return without losing a feather. The research will look into methodologies for studying the agents of text through collective practice and examination of the performances they enable.


Joāo Fiadeiro

Real Time Composition Game

Real Time Composition “object of study” is the interval that emerges when linear time is interrupted and the sensation of continuity is suspended (by an accident, incident or “just because”). The resulted gap is where Real Time Composition research takes place. Inside this space, time has this rare quality of being simultaneously “no longer” and “not yet”. Inside this space, time is not linear (or even circular) but “twisted” (like a “Möbius strip” topological surface), governed by laws that don’t respect conventional notions of before or after, inside or outside, present or absent.


Benny Nemer

Several Favorable Bodies

My contribution to Research in Absence emerges from an error I made during my artistic research into the private library of French author and photographer Hervé Guibert’s library. I misunderstood information transmitted to me by Guibert’s executor, and began a path of inquiry from this misunderstanding. The recent revelation that my artistic research is now deeply anchored by this mistake — essentially a historical detail of my own invention — has presented me with many questions, some of which I hope will be processed and transformed in my absence. 



For more information on Associate Researcher’s work please see:

The event is free of charge


Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

Maximum file size: 50 MB, maximum 5 files.


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Open Call

Contact person.

Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

Upload your file(s) here:

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