end presentation, performative publishing, postgraduate program

Isabel Burr Raty; Thiago Antunes; Esteban Donoso UNDER )o( MINING

27-30 September 2016 / Zsenne Artlab




Isabel will be presenting bio-products that she fabricates
from a variety of substances collected from her womb

“WELCOME and please do NOT turn the page”

A reading game performance around authority, obedience and participation,
inspired by civic integration programs.


Esteban hosts a moment of collective fiction; to create an imaginary film
using our senses as recording devices.



Due to the intimate nature of our performance event, we will be hosting up to 20 people per night, so it is first come first served, or alternatively  we kindly ask you to sign up and reserve a place using the doodle link above (highly recommended!!)   

We have designed an experience that offers you finger food with interactive installations at 18h30 and then we will be guiding you through a series of participatory performances.




Isabel burr raty
Bio Autonomy practice

“I conceive of the Planet as a womb. I make the sacred plastic to reveal its nature. I bring my insides out, performing bloody rituals with machines mimicking the dichotomy of life as it becomes transgenic, engineered in the temple of science. I’m a sculptural thought. Before the womb microarchitecture ends up being a metal box, I become a pharmaceutical sculpture animating a dimension that queries the place of spirits and souls. I’m anatomy. I body dig cyclically. I’m a medical container and I use my uterus to prove it. I excavate the inner geology of this persona to practice my fabrications. I deconstruct to construct bringing the discharged abject to our every day. I re-acknowledge bio-autonomy. I build a bridge. I use the system, the metaphor of industry and its mind gap game apparatus hoping to free us from the mechanical and systematic customized gesture”. 

Participatory performance. 


Thiago antunes
Civic intimacy games

My plan was to create a political role playing game that could address migration and integration. After realizing the limits of playable games to disrupt hegemonic discourses, I started to investigate manners of encouraging the players to play against the game itself. A game that never starts, or never ends, and peculiar rules that lead to paradoxical achievements became possibilities for concretely investigating the contradictory hospitality of Europe.

In my decolonizing fantasy, I imagine Amerindian shamans running an immigration office in Europe, imposing their fleshly notion of integration under the drapery of the bureaucratic civic integration courses. These games demand resourcefulness from the players in coping with physical proximity, smelling and touching the other, sharing drinks and food, enhancing intimacy, as basic requirements for acquiring citizenship. The colonised eventually teaches the coloniser “what a body can do”.

“WELCOME and PLEASE DO NOT turn the page”
participatory performance


esteban donoso
Scenes of naration

“During this period I have created distpositifs that alter/displace self-narration and narratives; opening up the gap that lies in-between the thinking and the speaking, the speaking and the doing. This in-between space unfolds slowly and simultaneously to our conscious speaking / doing and allows for a thinner, more fluid membrane between reality, fiction and memory. There is also the in-betweenness of the speaker and the listener, of the speaker and the spoken about, of the person speaking and the others that speak through him/her. A scene of narrating that welcomes the fragmentary, the phantasmatic and the poetic”.

participatory performance



“… the playful dystopia of the domestic raw. The displaced archive woven through a membrane that digs fictional technologies…”

“….is to playfully dig into archives, fabricating technologies that challenge dystopian perspectives through the displacement of domestic membranes, weaving new fictions for ourselves…”

“… through raw technologies, weaving membranes of fictions, digging in the playfulness of a dystopian archive, creating domestic displacements of ourselves…”


Rue Anneessens 2, 1000 Bruxelles 


postgraduate program, research center


1 September-30 November 2016

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information, postgraduate program


5 September-4 December 2016

The dedicated mentors for this block are Femke Snelting, Kate Rich, Geert Opsomer and Philippine Hoegen.

According to your needs, you can choose for either 2 or 3 mentors.

In order to challenge you with a specific context and language of mentoring we would like to suggest for this block, that the team of mentors proposes one of those 2 or 3 mentors to you. We would like to experiment with this possibly confronting, contrasting, or specific support to your research.  With each of the 2 or 3 mentors you will have 4 hours of mentoring throughout the block.

Since the dedicated mentors will present themselves in the opening week and will attend all your presentations you will be able to decide on your mentors at the end of the first week.

To subscribe read more:

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postgraduate program

Nicolas Galeazzi BLOCK 2016/III: COMMONS

5 September-4 December 2016

Fisheyed apass panorama
This block investigates commons economies in the context of the arts. It invests in an experimental setup to expand the notion of economy and appropriate it as an artistic practice. For this reflection we will try to model with you our own specific commons economy for holding a shared responsibility of our individual researches - respectively that ‚common economy’, that emerges while we work together.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Nicolas Galeazzi Opening week 2016/III workshop: Gathering things

5-14 September 2016 / a.pass

With this commoning workshop embedded in the opening week, we emphasise - and radicalize what normally the opening week is focussing on: we share our researches! Sharing this time, is not only a means to update each other about the actual state of our researches, but literally to make them to a common issue.
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postgraduate program, workshop


13-13 September 2016 / Kate Rich

A one-day sortie into the darker macro arts of Economics, a field in which artists are regularly and perhaps wilfully unschooled.
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performative publishing, project

Change Log of Common Things

14 September-4 December 2016

common thing - 1
This page is a log board for tracing the canges and alternations of common things (or 'item') that has be brought in to the common space as a common research good.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Nicolas Galeazzi Friday Open Space

16 September-25 November 2016 / a.pass

The Magna carta Manifesto
Every Friday of this block - from 16th September till the Common Conference - we will come together for a concentrated commoning session. In oder to concretely practice and practically inquire the general question of the block - what is created in common? - we try to establish an open space practice that allows pursuing the individual research interests while focussing at the same time on interrelations amongst these researches and the common interests.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Mala Kline “WITH I/II”: Communal Dreaming

19 September-17 November 2016 / a.pass

In two complementary workshops at the beginning and towards the end of the block, we explore the practical and theoretical implications of working with the concept of the “With” (Nancy) with-in the affective relational space between singularities. In the process of co-articulation of singularities to be “with” is to be exposed, at the limit of oneself, entangled with another singularity and distinguished from it.
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postgraduate program, workshop


26-30 September 2016

Commons is_
This workshop will be an attempt to „come to terms“, to create shared reference points within the commons discourse among the workshop participants. We will read discuss and map a selection of texts which lay the groundwork for understanding the commons debate today and we will make ourselves familiar with a reader, which can be a further reference for discussions and in depth reading throughout the block.
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postgraduate program, workshop


10-13 October 2016 / a.pass

Thing 001390, and Thing 001652

Bildschirmfoto 2016-08-30 um 07.07.59
For this workshop Agency proposes an Assembly with two Things that are directly connected to questions of the commons Commons. Discussing and unfolding the problematics of these cases we try to localize the gray zones in our own researches, our relationship to objects and the reality that create ‚us and them’.
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postgraduate program, workshop


31 October-3 November 2016 / VK (Vaarkapoen, Molenbeek)

Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-24 um 16.38.46
Vaarkapoen is a community center in the heart of Molenbeek, quite near of a.pass. One of their projects is to develop communal garden as an open space for a general public use in connection to an artistic residency place. During the workshop we will examine the existing and the future garden through each ones personal artistic researches.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Michael Bauwens / KaaiTheater Ten New Practices of the Great Transition

14-14 November 2016 / a.pass / KaaiTheater

The KaaiTheater kindly invites us to participate in a one day Workshop with of the most experienced activist, philosopher and commons advisor in Belgium. He is working as much with gras root movements as he advises e.g. Ecuador in reorganizing parts of their state structure as a commons.
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conference, postgraduate program, research center

a.pass, KaaiTheater The Artist Commoner : Public Meeting

25-26 November 2016 / KaaiStudios - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Vaakstraat 81 // 1000 Brussel.

(self) Education of new subjectivities

the artist commoner
During a two day event, a.pass welcomes a gathering of researchers, artists, a.pass program participants and public to engage with the struggle of being an artist commoner today, and the role of (educational) institutions in bringing this subject about. Two days of presentations, exchanges and commoning practices. Two days of ateliers, books launches, performances, workshops and discussions.
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conference, performative publishing, research center

Between what is no longer and what is not yet

26 November 2016

retrato johnny

Performance in the context of a.pass’ public meeting The Artist Commoner. (Self) Education of New Subjectivities

Dominguez wants to suspend events and create an interval of time in which he can try to integrate his past into his future. He will translate his visions and his desire to encounter the unknown through language. Dominguez is working alone for the first time in 14 years. Back then, he choreographed his work with labeled cards. Now, he’ll speak himself and give rise to a self-portrait that cites himself and some of his friends.


Limited capacity! 8/10/12€.

Tickets via Kaaitheater:



Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

Maximum file size: 50 MB, maximum 5 files.


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Open Call

Contact person.

Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

Upload your file(s) here:

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