Sina Seifee

hi, why am i concerned with the complaint of my friends? this is about checking my own infrastructural concerns about zones of encounter and redirecting oversized libidinal aggressions, [and pain-relief? {is my work all about (philosophical/artistic) pain-relief?}] ... Iran-centrism ... ([let's start with] the materially textured poetics of) ajayeb --> descriptive practices of poetics and natural history --> (active capacities of) description --> [getting interested in] *description* (and my own diffractive descriptive acts) --> it is about many different forms that something can take and does take + the things that can be perceived and thought with those things --> (عجایب المخلوقات / عجایب نامه) [*]ajayeb: a once percepted thing on the threshold of sense in the prisma of social poesis producing a cartography of what might be happening in a world as an object of composition an alternative perspective on temporality (of anthropocene, or whatever your bad object is,) involves developing a poetics of description as a mode of affective and aesthetic amplification ... technology is anything describable as a technology ...


postgraduate program

Sina Seifee A talk with Gary Farrelly


This video is part of a series of conversations by Sina Seifee with the current artists in a.pass postgraduate program Summer of 2021.

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postgraduate program, reading session, workshop

Not in the Mood

3 May-31 July 2021

Isabel Burr Raty, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Antye Guenther, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen, Sina Seifee


a.pass Block 2021 II curated by Isabel Burr Raty, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Antye Guenther, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen, Sina Seifee –

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performative publishing, research center

Adrijana Gvozdenović archiving artistic anxieties

archiving artistic anxieties
This online publication is part of the research project Archiving Artistic Anxieties, by Adrijana Gvozdenović
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performative publishing, research center


7 euro

1 February 2020

Sina Seifee


ZOOLOGICAL VANDALISM by Sina Seifee in collaboration with editor Renan Lauran and designer Foad Farahani, is immersion in the compiling and composing of Seifee’s notes on medieval bestiaries, and placing them in sequential order. It is the first chapter of a series that creates context and opens small descriptive steps towards (what Latour might call) “knowing interestingly” about bestiaries. It is a speculative adventure in bio-techno tales and old styles of knowing. As an “ecology of obligation” with Iranian sensuality and its ardent materiality, somewhere in the menagerie of found and feral animal videos on Whatsapp and Telegram, is Seifee’s undisciplined grounding in visual crafts.

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performative publishing

RRadio Triton Data Retrieval Interface

1 July 2018 / online:

frontispiece of RRadio Triton Data Retrieval Interface

RRadio Triton is an experimental radio project aiming at producing collective audio documents gathered in and disseminated by the ad hoc fictional radio label/station, recording, editing, sampling, remixing and releasing audio and soundscapes. The audio publications of RRadio Triton are the recomposition of the outcomes of the voluntary contributions from all the actors of the 2017 a.pass seminar, BLOCK 17/I TROUBLE ON RADIO TRITON_ ((((((( CHANGING (THE) WORLD (S) )))))) curated by Pierre Rubio.

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performative publishing, research center

Parallel Parasite Timeline Repository – Web Publication

Research Center Document

Parallel Parasite Timeline Repository
As a way to register our process during the Parallel Parasite, three weeks residency of the a.pass Research Center at SZenne ArtLab in 2018, we filmed and recorded all the public encounters. This interface created on top of the video allows to complement the document with other collected materials and to add continuously a-posteriori reflections. Viewers can scroll through and find points of interest.
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research portfolio

Sina Seifee a.pass dossier

ajayeb body allegory

Research portfolio for finishing a.pass:
Download here: Sina Seifee dossier for a.pass end-communication.pdf

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postgraduate program, project

A looming score – we share your politics of damage

2 September-1 December 2019

Block 2019/III curators Lilia Mestre and Sina Seiffee

titanus scylla by ladalbarran2000
titanus scylla by ladalbarran2000
Why loom? We were thinking about the loom’s invocation of the closeness of the textile sense, fabrics that bind our desires and bodies. The loom means also the threatening feeling of an inevitable terrible thing as it approaches. And the possibility of b-looming, from the rest, waste, residue, remainders of the storm. Furthermore, loom echoes a gendered practice of writing textile; in the making of fabric like Arachné, that talented mortal weaver who challenged the god of wisdom, as well as Penelope, who weaved and weaved (a mournful making and unmaking fabrics) to postpone her arranged marriage. The loom is a metaphor that invites us to think of reality as something deeply embedded within context, like “the weaver’s loom that is discerned within the cloth it weaves” (Veena Das). That means, modes of knowing constitute the objects of knowing in a manner that profoundly affects how one comes to inhabit a new reality.
That is just the conceptual backdrop for us. In this block we want to focus on a support structure that will help each other research and continue what has been initiated in the past block, ‘Troubled Gardens.’ We transport what has been found out there and elsewhere into looming (transposed into weaving + feeling the darkness of it). That is to sustain being immersed in the subjects of ecology, feminism and their possible political agency in this unpredictable and precarious world we are living in. In the coming block, we’ll take these lines thought while going back “home” (we will land somewhere in a.pass studios hosting three scenographies from Laura, Maurice and Caterina for their End-Communication). We would take the movement of going inside as the one to prepare for winter: gather, digest, tell stories, imagine futures. As a curatorial approach we are not interested in obsessing on these concepts per se, but working in and through the particular challenges of our researches.

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reading session, research center

Monday Readings Databases

16 April 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor

Stickyness, stopping points, consistency, routines, mnemosyne


This Monday Reading prepared with Sina Seifee will be dedicated to the intricate structures of the ubiquitous database. Browsing the tables and rows of this very website, we will try to graps the affordances and limits of organising the world as a collection of digital data.

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reading session, research center

Monday Readings

15 January-16 April 2018

Reading across technical tools and theoretical devices


In cultural institutions like a.pass, digital tools are used for communication, archiving, administration and production. These computational infrastructures depend more often than not on the services of tech giants and are put to use without too much space for reflection on how they actually work. If we want to bring technology within reach of interrogation and critique, how to break the spell of those paralysing regimes? How to shift the relationship from efficiency to curiosity; from scarcity to multiplicity and from solution to possibility?

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postgraduate program, workshop

Sina Seifee Little Fables of Practice Workshop

24-25 July 2017 / a.pass 4th floor

Sina Seifee - Moon index in Sa'di world refraction poetics
In this two days workshop I like to propose the notion of keyword seen as a site where one formulates concepts and narratives that reorient one within one's own research practices. We will (re)animate our keywords as fables, which are operational metaphors that shape subjects and objects of knowledge. How can we participate in (re)shaping our objects of knowledge in terms of little fables?
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performative publishing, postgraduate program


ajayeb popup book
ajayeb popup book


There has been a shift in humanities scholarship:

(feminist science studies, the post humanities, the ecological humanities, animal studies, queer theory,) humanities scholars have represented their matters of care with an aesthetic (and therefore political) commitment to narrating stories with an emphasis on the relationality among agencies, forces, phenomena, and entities usually kept separate, in the background, or out of the story altogether

–> redistribution of agencies

political stake ==> aesthetic tactics

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lecture, performative publishing, postgraduate program

Book club #7bis An Animal Escape Case

10 March 2017 / a.pass

Book club series special event / Sina Seifee

Tessa Farmer - 2010 A Darker Shade of Grey
The essay-performance plays with some standards​ of cross-species identification according to an Indo-Iranian mode of subjectivity and my own animal-findings in contemporary Tehran. We zoom in what the idea of "wilderness" withholds in technologically mediated stories and rumors that populate domestic life and quotidian of middle ages of this neighborhood. Through fairy-tale associations the lecture investigates operative non-understandings in old and new threads of cosmology that formulate reciprocity and being-with of the mediated non-humanity and investigates the cases of failed collaboration between species. ​
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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

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Open Call

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Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

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