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postgraduate program, seminar

Jubilee/Emptor Whose collection?  

3 March 2023

Assembly of Practice

In the next Assembly of Practice, Emptor proposes the a.pass participants to examine collections as potential places of shared interest, zooming in on questions that come to the surface with the complexity of collecting contemporary art practices, which are increasingly immaterial, performative, situated, ongoing and collaborative in natureThe integration of such contemporary art practices in collections by means of documentation, reactivation protocols and complex contractual relationships may satisfy desires of collection(er)s but don’t seem to create change in terms of care attributed to the needs of a practice, its ecology and sustainability. Conservation and reactivation often stay disconnected from the driving forces, methodologies and contexts of the collected material elements, thus allowing the pieces nothing more than exposure in a curated frame.

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performative publishing, postgraduate program, reading session, seminar, workshop

Autotheory Gathering at ZSenne ArtLab: Public Program

gathering, seminar, performance

27 June-9 July 2022 / ZSenne ArtLab

In the context of Block II 2022: Scoring Intimacy of Discursive Others

File:Christine de Pisan and Queen Isabeau (2).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

For two summer weeks (June 27 – July 10) a.pass is moving to ZSenne ArtLab in downtown Brussels, where it organizes a gathering around autotheory that brings together several approaches to the term and its relation to artistic research practices. The program includes several working sessions, a reading group, a programme of performances, and is curated by Lilia Mestre and Goda Palekaitė. To set a theoretical framework, a two-day workshop will be offered by Maria Gil Ulldemolins who will facilitate a selected library and methodological tools to be further explored during the two weeks. Associated researchers of a.pass Research Center – Gosie Vervloessem, Simon Asencio, Rareş Crăiuţ and Vijai Maia Patchineelam – will present their current processes. Finally, a.pass alumni who engage with autotheory in their practice will present their recent work in a series of performances and conversations open to the public: Chloe Chignell, Aubrey Birch, Eleanor Ivory Weber, Pia Louwerens, Marialena Marouda with Charlie Usher, Flávio Rodrigo and Philippine Hoegen, Vladimir Miller, Gary Farelly and Adrijana Gvozdenović. 

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postgraduate program, seminar

Amy Pickles, Chloé Janssens, Túlio Rosa Cracks and Containers

15-15 May 2021 / a.pass

Gathering on coloniality

Cracks and Containers is a small gathering organised by Amy Pickles, Chloe Janssens and Túlio Rosa, it will take place on the 15th of May at a.pass from 12h to 18:30h. More than a place for presentations, it is thought about as a space to engage in dialogues and conversations, to allow thoughts and questions to emerge, to cross, combine, to be put in tension or to be desintegrated for a little while.

Cracks and Containers proposes to address questions around the notion of coloniality in relation to artistic practices, trying to understand what it might mean, what are the processes it includes, what images it produces or evokes, what dynamics it sustains. The desire being to understand how artistic practices, looking both to the past and to the future, can help us to navigate the present; how can we acknowledge our present with the urgency and criticality it demands. They want to do this together, by being inspired, challenged, contradicted, embraced, transformed.

Cracks and Containers hosts: Quinsy Gario, Saddie Choua, Sami Hammana, Sophie Deckers and Kristien Van den Brande , Amy Pickles, Choe Janssens and Túlio Rosa.

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research center, seminar, workshop

The Way of the Anarchive

18-29 June 2018 / Zsenne ArtLab

a residency with Erin Manning in the frame of parallel parasite

sense-lab Erin Manning
From the 18th till the 29th of June the a.pass Research center will engage with Erin Manning on the practice of the Anarchive developed in SenseLab. For the last weeks of June a group of a.pass researchers and guests will work during the day and will open up to public discussions almost every evening at 19:00. ************************** Some of the days during this period public encounters with Erin Manning, Brian Massumi, Alex Arteaga, Nico Docks, Adva Zakai ... will take place. Please check schedule bellow!!!!!
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research center, seminar


4-30 June 2018 / Zsenne ArtLab

Research center 18/II curated by Lilia Mestre


A month residency at ZSenne ArtLab : On Anarchiving > On Love > On Score -ing > On the spot > On presence
Gatherings of parallel parasite platforms  for practice based research in the arts > If you want to know, come!

From the 4th till the 30th of June the a.pass Research Centre (RC) will be in residency at ZSenne ArtLab and will constitute itself as people meet, as thematics emerge, as the environment conditions, as the weather manifests, as the bodies form, as toxicity persists, as we drive ourselves towards multiplying perspectives for thinking and experiencing phenomena emerging from artistic research practices. 


The RC will function as a meeting point for the convergence of concerns, interests and the pleasures of learning together. It will research itself and its modus operandi in terms of hospitality, dissensus and criticality through the various research practices proposed.

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postgraduate program, seminar

Alberto Cossu / Ronny Heiremans / Nicolas Galeazzi Reclaiming economy – it’s art anyway

16-16 March 2018 / a.pass / starting at 19:00

an evening on the self-governing of fairness

In the framework the current block in which we work on the making of condition, a.pass is inviting together with SOTA, Alberto Cossu and Ronny Heiremans to discuss the self-governing for cultural practices under the defaul of different surrounding systems. Alberto works as a researcher within the occupied theater MACAO in Milano, Ronny researches as an artist in Belgium labour conditions through the rewriting of the artist contract.
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postgraduate program, seminar

Pieter Vermeulen Performing knowledge.

9 March-9 February 2018 / ARIA - Antwerp

Lecture-performances in perspective

Duende Neon Mana close up small,copy

Lecture-performances have gained increasing attention in recent years, in the wake of the ‘academic turn’, which frames artistic praxis as a form of research. Its genealogy can arguably be traced back to the emergence of performance art in the 1960s, with canonical examples such as Robert Morris, Dan Graham, Andrea Fraser and Joseph Beuys. Contemporary artists like Sharon Hayes, William Kentridge, Rabih Mroué, Hito Steyerl, Amalia Ulman, Walid Raad, Bruce High Quality Foundation and many others are now continuing this historical legacy. Sharpening the relation between art and knowledge, their work can be situated at the intersection of visual art, lecture and performance.

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research center, seminar

Dra. Adriana la Selva What are you training for?

10-11 January 2018

On acting and performance techniques - Current directions for embodied research in the performing arts

Adriana La Selva is participant of the a.pass PhD Research Center program and proposes the 2 day seminar "What are e training for?" in relation to her home universisty U-Ghent. The topic addresses the conditions of the body in relation to its performativity. Starting the investigations of the self-creation of conditions at the body seems to comply with the intentions of the block MAKING / CONDITIONS perfectly. 
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conference, seminar, workshop

The Document Transformed + Book Launch Dirty Room /Juan Dominguez

22-24 June 2017 / La Bellone, Brussels

a.pass seminar and master classes

Agency : thing 001678

Curated by Sofia Caesar and Lilia Mestre, the public program “The Document Transformed” invites four practitioners that offer very distinct questions, methods, and proposals to problems related to documentation. Join Femke Snelting, Olga de Soto, Vincent Meessen, and Agency (Kobe Matthys), and others, for three days of presentations, screenings, performances and conversations. How does the document affect practices, bodies, histories, and experiences? The event brings together practices that not only give sight to the power relations engendered by apparatuses of documentation, but also move towards the transformation of the systems in which we produce history, law, art, and the body. Held in the context of The Problem of the Score, block curated by Lilia Mestre in the a.pass post-master research program and supported by a.pass.

This seminar is organized in collaboration with La Bellone – Brussels

To inscribe to the master-classes please send an email to

JUNE 22-23-24 @ LA BELLONE
Rue de Flandre 46

Detailed program:

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postgraduate program, seminar


16 March 2017 / a.pass

Book Club Series / Michiel Vandevelde & Wouter De Raeve curated by Sébastien Hendrickx

Malign Velocities
In 2013 the Accelerationist Manifesto by Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams emerged, aiming to question the traditional Left and to demarcate a renewed relation with capitalism, while its provocative aura generated a whirlwind of pros and cons. During this seminar we will not merely read excerpts of the manifesto. By means of a genealogy of the concept, we'll try to frame this tendency within the larger philosophical evolutions of the past decennia and nuance its “accelerating” characteristic.
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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

Maximum file size: 50 MB, maximum 5 files.


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Open Call

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Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

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