information, postgraduate program


17-21 October 2016 / a.pass

The half-way-days – half way through the block – are the second common gatherings in each block. It is the moment where the exchange of practices include the direct involvement of the others into our own practices. We use the others as ‘guinea pigs’, collaborators or interlocutor for our research and play those roles ourselves for the others. This exchange is a practical research moment and a chance to test and develop our methodologies.

Beside that, the half-way-days are also an occasion to think about and influence the making of the following blocks to come. The APC’s are sharing their first thoughts and approaches to construct the next block’s program and ask for your involvement, your ideas and needs.


postgraduate program, research center


1 May-31 July 2016

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Block 2016/II: Uninvited research – Excursions

1 May-31 July 2016

Where do we practice our research, and how does changing that affect what can be talked about and experimented with? How to give a practice a new context? What can we do, think, read and try together when being on the move? We will take this opportunity to re-examine mobility of research practices in the context of de-colonial and feminist discourse on space and its social production. How do notions of power and privilege figure into this academic exploration of the presupposed „outside“ of the institution? With our colonial histories, what does it mean today to go on an excursion, to go looking „elsewhere“ for knowledge? Which gestures of power and othering are we replicating by using these methods of (ad)venture in our research? This block will be guided by an attempt to apply de-colonial thinking to the very idea of research itself, to unlearn its innocence and to insist that coloniality and its critique apply as soon as we open our doors and step outside, and as soon as we think towards „other“ places and discourses.
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postgraduate program

Block 2016/II: Uninvited Research

2 May-28 August 2016 / Brussels and beyond

Where do we practice our research? How to give a practice a new context? What can we do, think, read and try together when being on the move? This block is concerned with the processes and questions of a mobile, displaced, untethered research practice. As a collective practice for this block each a.pass participant will propose a trip, or an excursion to a place that resonates with the topics of her research. We understand these trips as mini workshops. They will be attended by the a.pass participants and will also be open to the genreal public on a sign-up basis.
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information, postgraduate program

Opening week Block II/2016

2-11 May 2016 / a.pass

Open up your practice to the others!
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postgraduate program, workshop

Elke van Campenhout / Vladimir Miller  FEEDBACK

3-6 May 2016 / a.pass

Since a.pass is a shared environment, we depend a lot on each other as sparring partners in our researches. As part of the Opening Week this workshop addresses very diverse feedback techniques: spoken critique, non-negotiated critique, direct feedback, indirect feedback, written, walking, one-on-one or transformative feedback.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Epifania Amoo-Adare (Un)thinking Research Practice

9-10 May 2016 / a.pass

Decolonizing Theory, Mobilizing Methodologies, and Open-Ended Becoming(s)

The premise of this workshop is that a critical pedagogy on the space of research knowledge production, and its related forces of (re)production, is a necessary condition for any intervention in (and of) that space. Consequently, we propose to challenge widespread understandings of research space and knowledge production as a binary researcher-researched structure that is given and fixed, in other words: a structure that is developed for and not a context that is developed by the various actors in the research process. We contrast this convention with an understanding of research space as both, a manifestation as well as a vehicle of the productive relations of power-knowledge.

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postgraduate program

Dinner with Brussels

9 May 2016 / a.pass

In order to simulate our ideas for specific and challenging trips we would like to gather some Brussels ‘cracks’ – people who know Brussels form one or the other perspective by heart, know the hidden places and weird stories of this city – and invite them for a dinner at a.pass.

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postgraduate program, workshop

Thiago Antunes Civic integration at Thermae Grimbergen

18 May 2016 / meeting at a.apass

We are going to the Thermae Grinbergen, in Grimbergen, a municipality in the province of the Flemish Brabant. This spa is unissex and has two main parts, one naked area and another for people in swuimming suits. The participants can choose whichever area they prefer to start, but my invitation is for trying both.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Fotini Lazaridou-Hatzigoga ON MOVEMENT

24-24 May 2016 / a.pass

A proposition to think through the multiple understandings of the word 'movement' both as a change of physical location over time and in the sense of social or political 'movements'
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postgraduate program, workshop

Maarten Van Den Bussche PROTEST!

24-24 May 2016 / apass

Next Tuesday, the 24th of may, the three biggest labour unions of Belgium are calling for a collective demonstration through Brussels. They march against austerity measurements that weigh heavy on the general public but refuse to demand a similar effort of the top percent. They march against a deregulation of the working hours that would push burn-out and stress statistics to all time highs.
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end presentation, performative publishing, postgraduate program

TINNA OTTESEN  Generously forceful / The doubtful wild

26-28 May 2016 / in the cellars of the Tour&Taxis sheds

THREE VIVARIUMS /  a.pass research presentation 

If a place has a memory, will it sense your absence? How do we respond to materials, and to the sensations, the memories they evoke? And how can inorganic, industrial materials like latex & nylon, respond to elementary things in us? What are the transformative effects of space and beauty? Is it possible that spatial experience can change ones perspective and interaction with the world?
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postgraduate program, workshop

Sana Ghobbeh / Juan Duque Excursion

10 June 2016 / meeting at a.pass

We propose as an activity to gather at Gare du Midi market on Sunday and each of us, after finding a place, remain still in the same spot for about 45 minutes (or as much as the high activities of the context allow) before the finishing activity and dismantling of the market. A main question we want to explore: For how long can we remain? In which ways can our bodies be affected when we decide to take a position that is opposite to the majority of people surrounding us in such a busy place?
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postgraduate program, workshop

Sébastien Hendrickx A silent group visit to my father’s house

16 June 2016


+/- 15 a.pass-participants and others travel to the place where the initiator of the trip spent most of his youth. The visit forms the basis of a collective writing score, inspired by the architecture of collaboration of a ‘writers room’ (a group of scriptwriters working on a TV series, a.k.a. ‘a bigger brain’). 

postgraduate program, workshop

Esteban Donoso Mr. Ecuador

29 June 2016 / meeting at a.pass

While swimming in the public pool at Jeu de Bal we will record sounds from the site, our conversations, and sounds sprout from talking practices I have been working on. When we are back in the apass studio, we will perform our swiming pool sound documentary.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Peggy Pierrot / Femke Snelting Modifying the universal

30-30 June 2016 / a.pass

As an input to MOVING RESEARCH Femke will host a one day workshop, starting from the emoji modifiers case. We will discuss how and why mainstream communication infrastructures promote universalist values and at the same time provide means for separating users along fault lines of race, gender and age.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Vladimir Miller / Peter Stamer FORGED THEORY

5-7 July 2016 / a.pass

artwork by Miler Lagos
„I remember this workshop where we were asked to write theory in support of our research. Not to go and read and quote existing work but to make it up, to quote from a fictional pile of books. What would be such a fictional body of writing to situate our work in? What kind of fanstasy discouse does our work exist in? To be honest: Is our work not already producing a potential yet unwritten discourse? We keep looking until we find that ghost in someone else’s writing, calling it research, no? Its divination, ghost hunting, séances. Can we go one step further and conjure up those voices we are looking for? In that workshop we looked at the many fragmented ways those voices appear in a piece of writing: blurbs on the back page, quotes from form other literary works, footnotes, citations, bibliography lists and lists for further reading. All the ways a supporting structure of precedents is woven into and around an academic text. Mere fragments in themselves, they point to whole architectures of thought. Their distinct style, their no-nonsense-brevity speak volumes. How does an archeologist distinguish between a shard and a piece of pottery made to look like one? He cant help but imagine the vase.“ Richard Crane „Territorial Discourses“, Michigan University Press, 1998
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postgraduate program, workshop

Gerald Kurdian Hot bodies of the future <3

8-9 July 2016 / Barlok, 9pm

Hot bodies of the future <3 is a scored investigation of body states in parties and clubs contexts. Experienced one night through and under coloured lights, it consists in a very sensuous and playful exploration, with scores, of some or our physiologic, erotic and imaginative relationships to sounds, body movements and space while club dancing.
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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

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Open Call

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Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

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