Foley Your Research is a series of sound research ateliers throughout a.pass next block. The workshops are based both on the history of the evolution of methods used to reproduce sound effects for radio and film and a research around the question “how does/could my research sound like?”.
Does your research have a direct auditory quality and content or would you like/need to create a fictional soundscape to give it a sound?
In our atelier I will introduce basic recording methods and various microphones and audio editing tools. Digital and analog use of sound effects will be a natural part of our exploration of physical objects in front of a microphone. How does an object/material producing a given sound release to the mental image you want to produce? And vice versa?
When using microphones as extended ears it will be an important exercise to reposition ourselves as listeners and take the opportunity to tingle with space. Every recording session will offer us choices of changing time and space completely as we will work free of any visual references. In coordination with the ‘Sci-Fi terraforming mode of attention’- the ‘regard’ of the current block, we will explore tools and methods that will enable us to create critical and fictional soundscapes by layering and panning recordings into mono, stereo or surround sound fields.