
Zoumana Méïté /5

    • end presentation
    • performative publishing
    • postgraduate program
    • If a question could lie 25 January 2018
      posted by: Nicolas Galeazzi
    • Manchesterstraat 17
    • 25 January 2018
    • 27 January 2018
    • If a question could lie

      a.pass end-communications is a public event for the sharing of the one year trajectories of the a.pass researchers. It’s a moment to bring to a larger public the questions and methods that their practice of artistic research at a.pass entailed. The event focuses on the sharing of their processes and on the invitation to reflect on the emerging topics and concerns of their research question(s) in the context of artist practice today.

      'If a question could lie' brings forth or wants to insist on the agency of the question. It aims to raise the issue of the appearance of criticality and its location. It's as much claiming the right to pose a question as opening its ability to gather around a multitude, a poly. It could be read as a dating strategy. Saying, I wouldn't be here if I weren't interested. The I being the issue and the subject, at the same time. The set up for this End-Communications addresses the agencies of ‘performing’, ‘publishing’, ‘curating’ and ‘soft architecture’ as strategies for artistic research. It focuses and exposes text, performance, installation, technological apparatus as chapters, editorial parameters, contexts for the reader-audience. It wants to bring together a ‘collection’ or ‘assemblage’ of performative materials that are autonomous on themselves but brought together in relation to one another in a permeable physical space. These materials are the indicators of processes of thinking and doing which are not conclusive on themselves but that are on the edge of making emerge or unfold questions, meanings, feelings.

      Over two days Zoumana Meïté and Sven Dehens invite you to come, see, listen and share. They will present their means for changed ways of reading, pointing and publishing.

      Zoumana Meïté 
      Practiced Dramatic Arts in different context (street, contest, Studies, social, laboratory, company, outside look, postmaster...). He is working as staging dramaturgist in Brussel.

      Sven Dehens (°1990, BE)

      These evenings on 25th and 27th January start at 19h till about 22h
      We recommend you come for the full evening.


      In addition to the end-communications two episodes of the Close Encounters series will take place in the afternoons on the same location. 

      25 January – Marcelo Rezende in conversation with Adrijana Gvozdenović – – 15h to 18h  – public talk – more info

      27 January – Femke Snelting, Nicolas Malevé & Pierre Rubio – Close Encounters – 15h to 18h  – public talk -  more info



      Lay (under the table)

      Take your time to Feel gravity effect from skin to viscera, blood included…


      Then you are a territory

      Ring the conflict bell 


      Listen to the anecdote/story

      Browse your body feelings during the anecdote


      Recall the story as if it's set in your body.

      Share your embodyment.

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      This has been (mis)used as an apparatus for encountering the common space...used as a player instead of a recorder, due to a misinterpretation of the function of the object itself, it allows one to enter the common space as an individual first. Listening to music - in that specific case medieval french music – with the two earphones on, cutting the individual from the rest of the hearable space.

      Then by removing one earphone, that came with the wish to share more, to put more in common by sharing the music with someone else, it moves the integration of the individual a bit further towards the common. By keeping one earphone unused and one used, the process of self-integration in the common space starts to evolve causing little physical encounters – the user of that tool starts to feel the need to interact physically, through touch and smile with it's surrounding.

      The next phase is to remove the two earphone but to keep the device in hand, so to open up even more to the space while keeping feeling safe thanks to the device that reminds the user of its individuality or the specific state he/she was in while listening to the music in the first place. This phase causes a free ride to do whatever in the space, not really knowing how, what or why...the user of the recorder start to just interact with the space if the moves in the space, the sound the user produces was a continuity of the music he she was listening to.

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      meditation on logic and the exhaustion of meaning

      the cards create their own logical system following the logic of a dream. intuition builds a system of cards that is neither random nor certain.  in practice logic appeared to be something very fragile. some logical connections depend on millimeters, a little movement of a card could shift a line of relationships and disrupt the just created relational meaning.

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      23 September 2016

      After the bell was rung, recollection of the conflict took place in the way prescribed by instructions: bell-ringer laying down in a comfortable position started to listen to the conflict-teller who was sitting close by.

      Intimacy of the recollection has been an issue at stake: how personal the telling should have been, how enriched by details, how place and time concrete.

      Arising from these issues, a modification of the tool happened:

      The verbal recollection of the conflict was followed by the switching of the roles. The conflict-teller re-told the story by turning it into a fairytale, so that transformation of the energy took place from a narrative structure of first degree to a different configuration/design of the story.

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      To trace the experience, a conflict-meter chart was drawn and left on the spot.






Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

Maximum file size: 50 MB, maximum 5 files.


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Open Call

Contact person.

Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

Upload your file(s) here:

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