-, information, lecture, performative publishing, research center

One Field Fallow OPEN SCHOOL

16 October-29 January 2025 / Onderrichtsstraat 60, 1000 Brussels

Open School I : Fallowing and Rewilding


 In the context of their Collective Research Residency, One Field Fallow introduces their OFF Open School – a series of five sessions diving into the internal questions they’ve been dealing with the past two years. For every Open School, they will dive into one topic. Each time another collectove is invited to bring material to the conversation. Every Open School will be a dialogue between OFF, the invited collective and the audience. 

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information, performative publishing, project, workshop

AM I EVIL ? – Brussels Edition

19 October 2024 / rue Manchesterstraat 17, Molenbeek

Public sharing moment

©Bilal Kamilla Arnout

Am I Evil?* Brussels Edition 

by Simone Basani and Alice Ciresola with Els Moors

Public sharing moment on Saturday October 19 from 16:30 on

Can erotic writing become a place for decolonial and feminist exploration?How could one embrace the tools of erotic writing to unveil, investigate and question power processes of colonisation, discrimination, nanoracism, marginalization, exoticization, abuse and seduction from diverse perspectives?  

These questions are at the core of Am I Evil? process writers of all sorts are invited to embark upon.
On this journey the group of writers embrace erotic writing as a tool to investigate their own desire, and how this relates to the Other and the Unknown. 


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a.pass Open Call

20 August-13 October 2024

Open Call #2 for collective research residency

image by amy pickles


******——*****  IT IS NO LONGER POSSIBLE TO APPLY FOR THIS 2ND CALL ******——*****


What could be LEARNING GROUND or GROUND lying fallow  WITHin the COLLECTIVE arts ?


        This is the second call for a 2 months paid artistic research residency for collectives, existing or newly established on the occasion of this call, ideally 5 persons (min.3 max. 10 – NOT for individuals nor duo’s).



“In a world in constant motion there is an ecological imperative to embrace the value of idleness” Michael Chieffalo and Julia Smachylo in Lying fallow: the value of idleness


        By the end of 2023 a.pass (‘advanced performance and scenography studies’) entered a period of (self-)reflection and reimagination, a period of lying fallow: a field when it lies fallow – seemingly ‘doing nothing’ but in fact engaging in a deep process of rejuvenation and enriching as Rajni Shah says, a space for attention and transformation. Due to the ministry’s decision to end their financial support (based on radical savings and political choices) we were forced to end both of our educational programs: the Postgraduate Program as well as the Research Center that were at the heart of our co-learning environment for research-based practices came to an end, and by this also the educational institution a.pass has been for 15 years. The organisation entered a transition process, and an integral aspect of this process involves opening it up by inviting others to participate, to think together, to be together, to re-imagine a sustainable way forward for artistic research practices and their pedagogical aspects. Therefore, we are extending invitations to three collectives for a two-month paid residency to reimagine our fallow land and its implications for collective artistic research practices, methodologies, and sustainable harvesting. The first collective, One Field Fallow, has been selected in the first round in July and they will start their residency in September 2024. This call is to invite a second collective into this process.

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Selection of the first research residency collective

One Field Fallow


“In a world in constant motion there is an ecological imperative to embrace the value of idleness” Michael Chieffalo and Julia Smachylo in Lying fallow: the value of idleness

a.pass has been inviting collectives, existing or newly established ones on the occasion of this call, for a 2-month paid collective research residency. In total there will be three rounds, for this first round, with deadline June 9, we have made the selection of the first group!

In total we received 55 applications, our jury went through all the applications and selected 4 collectives with whom they had a conversation. Eventually, after listening to all 4 collectives, the jury (Heike Langsdorf, Lilia Mestre, Hendrik De Smedt, together with the 2 external jury members Ash Bulayev and Kopano Maroga) has unanimously decided to give the opportunity for this 1st call to the collective One Field Fallow (OFF), an already existing collective housing in a former night shop in Brussels.

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information, performance, performative publishing


7 July 2024 / rue Manchesterstraat 17, Molenbeek

with a.pass and nadine

SUMMER Drink -01

work in progress by Diego Echegoyen (sound performance) & Davide Tidoni (film)

July 7 at 18h30
rue de Manchesterstraat 17, Molenbeek


Let’s celebrate SUMMER ! After the Spring Drink nadine and a.pass are very happy to invite you for their Summer Drink ! This time with work in progress (performance, sound and film) by Diego Echegoyen and Davide Tidoni. 

Join us, together with our friends of nadine, for a free drink and 2 presentations!



   – 18:30 – doors open + drink
   – 19:00 – Invisible Cities by Diego Echegoyen 
   – 20:15 – The Birth of a Song/Come nasce una canzone by Davide Tidoni


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information, project

Spring Drink & Films

9 April 2024

with a.pass and nadine

image by apass - ©Amari ©Shelbatra Jashari ©Anna Lugmeier

April 9 at 20h00
rue de Manchesterstraat 17, Molenbeek

Spring comes with a fresh new wind: a.pass installs a temporary place in Manchesterstraat 17, Molenbeek, where artists and alumni can organise gatherings and presentations in the coming months. For this spring event, a.pass invited nadine to host together an inauguration drink and an evening with screening of three short films by independent makers living in Brussels. 

Join us, together with our friends of nadine, for a free drink and 3 short films!


   – Memories of a Camera Perspective by Anna Lugmeier
   – Show Girl by Amari
   – shemortelle by Shelbatra Jashari

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The a.pass archive

apass archive

From now on the a.pass archive is part of the AMVB collection, which has many archives by Flemish cultural institutions in Brussels in their collection. In this way the a.pass archive, with the many publications made during more then 14 years, will be publicly accessible and preserved for future generations.

You can find AMVB here: Arduinkaai 28, 1000 Brussels or


Towards Apartheid Free Zones


On the 21st of March, the day of Spring and the International Day against racism a.pass joined the TOWARDS APARTHEID FREE ZONES – Cultural Solidarity with Palestine campaign. By doing this we want to express, as an organisation, once more our solidarity with Palestine. We say NO to any form of discrimination, racism, violence and violation of human rights and international law. We say NO to anti-semitism, we say NO to islamophobia. And we say NO to any form of terrorism, including organised state terror like apartheid. 

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a.pass on the move…

While a.pass was having a winter sleep we have been working behind the scenes: cleaning out the old spaces, archiving what has been and moving to other places. From now on, until September, you can find a.pass on 3 different locations:   

At the same time we are also working on an open call for collective residencies. More news will follow very soon. Once we are ready, we’ll be happy to invite you for the a.pass’ Spring Drink at our new workspace in Molenbeek. Stay tuned!

information, performative publishing, project, workshop


Open Call for writers

©Bilal Kamilla Arnout

Am I Evil?* Brussels Edition 

by Simone Basani and Alice Ciresola with Els Moors

Can erotic writing become a place for decolonial and feminist exploration?How could one embrace the tools of erotic writing to unveil, investigate and question power processes of colonisation, discrimination, nanoracism, marginalization, exoticization, abuse and seduction from diverse perspectives?  

These questions are at the core of Am I Evil? process writers of all sorts are invited to embark upon.
On this journey the group of writers embrace erotic writing as a tool to investigate their own desire, and how this relates to the Other and the Unknown.

For the duration of the whole journey they stay in dialogue through a peer-to-peer editing methodology. Actually such a methodology is not ‘just’ editing. It is rather an intimate and radical way of dialoguing through re-writing.

Am I Evil? starts off with a-lecture introduction by Basani and Ciresola open to everyone about the legacy of Jeanne Walschot, the first white female dealer and collector of African art we know, active in Brussels from 1920s.

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-, information

The last one turns off the light…

31 December 2023


With us an end
by caterina daniela mora jara
(excerpt from The Annex, Research Center Cycle IV)

“It is of the nature of the rule to desire the death of exception.” Jean-Luc Godard

From May 20 to July 26, 2023
Rotterdam, PAF, Brussels and Stockholm

Dear you:

These words are written with the knowledge the a.pass program will no longer exist. The end for the research program that a.pass was running for 15 years has come, and in your hands, you hold part of this end. It is the last annex of the Research Center, even though The Annex is not the end. It may seem dramatic, but do not forget that I grew up watching telenovelas in Fiske Menuco and Villarica, in the Argentinian and Chilean Patagonia, where I come from.

This letter is a sort of farewell to the Research Center Cycle IV and to a.pass, to which I’m part of, to where I belong. Therefore, the need for a farewell. But what is a farewell? Is it a space where we say, “Oh, goodbye, you have been so critical and helpful; we will miss you”? No, that’s silly on my part. I prefer to say: “With us an end.” A farewell in this case means that some people will lose their jobs, some books will no longer have a shelf, the rooms and offices that a.pass occupied will be empty. It’s crumbling around me right now, it is collapsing around us right now. Yet, we have to give an end to the format. It is not only sad, it is very exhausting and stressful. It is not only a pity, it is hard, it is a fuck you gesture with my finger on this paper, it is a wound because we are losing a space of discussion, a place that stores things of artists, personal stuff and professional stuff, an institution where credits are not determined by how much you read and how much you have demonstrated what you have learned. We lose an educational context in which there is no validation through grades, nor pass/fail course approval.

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22 December 2023

DSCF2746 (2)

THANK YOU ALL for being present at a.pass Clearance Sale on December 9.
It was a tremendous pleasure to see all of you and to celebrate together the ending of an era. The end of a.pass as we all know it. The auction was for us a very pleasant moment, a ritual to say goodbye, but also a moment to gather and to support the people in Palestine. As we mentioned before, all proceeds from the liquidation will be donated to aid relief efforts in Gaza. And we are very happy to announce that we collected €4.677,50 !!!
The money has already be transferred to the Cultural Emergency Fund of HOPE foundation, this fund offers many local artists and teachers the opportunity to support children who are suffering the consequences of war and destruction. More info: HOPE foundation 

This wouldn’t have been possible of course without our excellent auction master Gary Farrelly, our special guest Elke Van Campenhout and the concept and scenography by Steven Jouwersma. And of course it wouldn’t have been possible without your presence and playing the auction game! THANK YOU!!

-, information

a.pass is looking for a new space

a.pass is at the moment in a transition fase, entering a period of reevaluation, reimagination, and ultimately reorganisation. At this moment we are using temporary spaces until September 2024. From September on we hope to find a new space. In case there are other organsiations looking for spaces, we would be happy to share space. All ideas are welcome!

information, project

a.pass Clearance Sale

9 December 2023 / a.pass

in support of Gaza relief, hosted by Gary Farrelly and special guest Elke Van Campenhout

IMG_0360 2 kopie

December 9 – Doors open at 11:00 for viewing, auction sale starts at 13:00 – Delaunoystraat 58-60 ** There will be soup and drinks.

a.pass Clearance Sale
           in support of Gaza relief
           hosted by Gary Farrelly and special guest Elke Van Campenhout

a.pass is entering a period of reevaluation, reimagination, and ultimately reorganisation. As part of this process, the institution is liquidating an overwhelming abundance of materials accumulated over the years. Items available for purchase include furniture, fixtures, lighting, art, office supplies, props, cables, electronics, artifacts, curiosities, catering supplies, mystery materials, not to forget the dance floor and much more. The sale will take the form of a garage sale, with larger, high-value items going under the auction hammer. Gary Farrelly will oversee the sale together with special guest Elke Van Campenhout. All proceeds from the liquidation will be donated to aid relief efforts in Gaza. The Cultural Emergency Fund of HOPE foundation offers many local artists and teachers the opportunity to support children who are suffering the consequences of war and destruction. More info: HOPE foundation 


information, performative publishing, project

In these circumstances: On collaboration, performativity, self-organisation and transdisciplinarity in research-based practices

14 years of a.pass

In these circumstances

In these circumstances: On collaboration, performativity, self-organisation and transdisciplinarity in research-based practices is a publication about artistic research as it is practiced within the co-learning environment of a.pass. This book brings together an assemblage of curatorial, artistic and pedagogical approaches emblematic of an institution that fosters collaboration, self-organisation and transdisciplinarity in research-based practices.

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information, lecture, performative publishing, project, reading session

a.pass, Moussem, SOTA, Lagrange Points A global reading of the Gaza Monologues

29 November 2023 / The Whirling Ear - Kunstberg, 1000 Brussels

International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People


The ASHTAR Theatre in Ramallah is calling on theatres and artistic organisations around the world to perform the Gaza Monologues on Wednesday 29 November and share images of the performances on social media. The play, produced by the Palestinian theatre company in 2010, consists of 31 testimonies from children and young people who lived through the war in Gaza in 2008 and 2009. In short monologues they recount what happened to them during those weeks. As the violence in Gaza has viciously erupted again, the text is as relevant today as it was 13 years ago.
The United Nations General Assembly has declared November 29 as the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. That is why ASHTAR Theatre is calling for the text to be performed again on that day.
Several cultural houses and many artists in Flanders and Brussels are responding to this call, as well as organisations in 40 other countries. Together with SOTA, Moussem and Lagrange points, a.pass will organise a reading of these monologues in different langues in the public space: at the statue of Godfrey of Bouillon in the heart of Brussels.
In exchange for the use of the text, a financial contribution will be made to ASHTAR Theatre’s fund, which is dedicated to the psychosocial well-being of Palestinian children and trauma therapy.
By reading these monologues, we want to express our solidartity with the Palestian people. Reading can give a voice to those unheard, provide a platform to the voices that are currently being silenced. We have read, heard and seen many testimonies of the victims of the brutal terrorist attack on 7.10.2023. We got to see their faces in the newspapers; on television, we heard their stories and got to know their families. And that is undoubtedly how it should be.
When it comes to Palestinians, however, we only hear numbers: 5.000 killed, 10.000 killed, 15.000 killed. Reading these 31 monologues is a call for putting a face and a voice to the thousands and thousands people, children, who lost their lives. Those that simply can’t remain unheard and unseen.
Wednesday November 29
15h-17h at The Whirling Ear Fountain
between Koningsplein/place Royale & Kunstberg/Mont des Arts 1000 Brussels

end presentation, postgraduate program

Amari, Carina Erdmann, Mlondiwethu Dubazane, Lore D Selys Collective Channeling

29-30 September 2023 / a.pass

Exploration through research, play and art

Collective Channeling

September 29-30
Doors open at 5.30. Delaunoystraat 58.** There will be food and drinks.
6pm-12pm: welcome at a.pass for music, film, conversation, spoken word and a dream dungeon.
Closing party on the 30th!

mlondiwethu, Carina, Amari and Lore conspire a presentation to conclude the end of a year spent together at a program for advanced performance and scenography studies. They decide to play a game and while they take a walk through the building that hosted them, they slip into character, speaking in the tongue of their research. Through this game they look at the implicit support structures and restrictions in place. They address and sound  the different languages and methods they need to adapt to move on an uneven playing field, comparing their different needs, skills, and energy levels, discussing how they can share time and space, the rules they would like themselves and others to play by. This also becomes a metaphor for the spoken and unspoken rules of institutions, of group-making, of ongoing or not yet inscribed forms of collectivities.

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end presentation, performative publishing, research center

Gosie Vervloessem, caterina daniela mora jara, Maurice Meewisse, Paoletta Holst and Tulio Rosa Research Publications + Annex

23 September 2023 / a.pass

Research Center Cycle IV

Gosie Vervloessem "The Pleasure Garden", detail

Saturday, September 23rd 2023


a.pass, Brussels


The a.pass Research Center* cordially invites you to an evening of research publications by Gosie Vervloessem, caterina daniela mora jara, Maurice Meewisse, Paoletta Holst and Tulio Rosa that will conclude the year they spent together as Associate Researchers of Cycle IV. 


During the timespan of Cycle IV the artists and researchers individually and collaboratively worked on hospitality as a curatorial practice, on conflicted embodiment of dance practices, on archives of colonial architecture, on the fiction of nature and on a historic opera as a foundational myth for the State of Brazil. In a series of collective practice meetings a shared discourse began to emerge that connected these works through an engagement with the responsibilities of redesign and reenactment, the tension of fiction and history in speculative practices and the embodiment of non-solutions. These intertwined processes and questions radiated into the practices of Gosie Vervloessem, caterina daniela mora jara, Maurice Meewisse, Paoletta Holst and Tulio Rosa as they hosted each other in their research and developed the idea of a research center as a prolonged group conversation with materials, practices, ideas and affects. 


On Saturday, September 23rd, the researchers will present their individual publications and research trajectories as well as the Annex – a shared collection of essays and interviews. For their Publications the researchers aim to provide an account of their process and to develop public formats of research-doing and research-sharing to accompany the more established format of an essay. In a scenography that will be a result of a communal atelier process the Publications of Cycle IV will engage the audience in a dialogue with texts, objects, conversations, installations and performances that can be reflected back into the research process. As Cycle IV concludes, the research itself is far from finished: Publications and Annex contextualize its collaborative, intense phase and give some insight into where it came from and where it is heading next. 


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27 September-8 October 2023 / Zsenne Art Lab

Image credit: Amy Pickles
For two weeks a.pass alumni have concocted an exciting and eclectic program of COLLECTIVE LEARNING PROPOSALS through which they challenge, inquire, explore and digest different ways of learning from and with each other.
Everybody is welcome to join! Participation is free.
Location: Zsenne Art Lab, Rue Anneessens 2, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
For more detailed information please contact the individuals behind each proposal!
With: Nada Gambier, Federico Protto, Sarah Pletcher, Tulio Rosa & Paoletta Holst, Lucia Palladino, Amy Pickles & Chloe Janssens, Sara Vilardo.

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end presentation, postgraduate program

Marian Rosa van Bodegraven, Andrea Brandão, Alyssa Gersony, and Marko Gutić Mižimakov End Communications

15-16 September 2023 / a.pass

graphic design: Amy Pickles

In-between researcher and research, one finds:


overlap, interests, themes, fiction, text, reading, body, duet, partner, “doctoring”, object, performance, bodies, relationship, questions, researchers, looking, things, going, us, traces, deposits, authors, architectures, dealing, bed, laying, bleeding, seeping, noticing, noting, narrating, unveiling, something, happening, discovery, methodologies, conditions, agent, asking, producing, responses, lethargy, collapse, training, experience, moment, future, here, now, concept, life, rhythm, goals, worth, cheese, workshop, ancestry, trajectories, senses, intimacy, strength, power, assertion, insistence, compassion, idea, artistic practice, descaling, focus, layers, dislocating, destabilizing, conditions, conditioning, negotiating, ways, humanization, humans, violent category, systems, disability, concrete, reference, ableism, contemporary, dance, thinking, practices, phenomena, embodiment, dancer, vessel, object, bodies, Marley, memory, erasure, obliteration, intangible, incomprehensible, determined, social, aesthetic, queer, sexualized, opening, gendered, human body, crossing, cultures, genders, generations, narrative, storytelling, voice, transmission, conditions, vs, context, decontextualizing, evaluation, affects, pieces, autofiction, mundane, erotically, charged, space, trip, supermarket, cup, coffee, Monday, morning, laying, down, convergence, blind/low vision, rehabilitation, ‘co-habilitation’, patient-therapist, flooring, prosthetic, patient, therapist, audiences, invitations, systems, dance, disability, together, final, transmission, trespassing, somatic, work, curation, drifting, vicinity, quantum physics, OOO, socio-ecological, hopelessness, seemingly, desperate, galactic points, gayness, history, AIDS, transgenerational, speculative fiction,  spoken word, theoretical, dramaturgical,  methodological, suggestions, Black Holes, celestial, entities, writer, producer, sexuality, vehicle, political ideology, drafts, prosaic, nature, political, administration, structure, Brazil, urban planning, Netherlands, 2019, masters, Moving Images, Belgium, 2022, interdisciplinary, Brussels, Rīga, New York City, orientation, mobility specialist, ‘the clinic’, ‘the studio’, western, lineages, contact improvisation, medical, models, disability, therapeutics, interabled, collaborations, experimental prosthetics, development, form, theatrical performances, electronic, sound, composition, 1:1, instruction, multimedia, installation, MFA, choreography, intermedia, 2021, 2022, adjunct, faculty, department, blindness, visual impairment, living, working, Zagreb, shaping, sensory materials, intimate, social processes, digital, palpable objects, animated, choreographed, sung, non-orientable, forms, different media, processes, translation, queer science fiction, speculative technology, mutual transformation, MA, animated, film, new media, rest, caves, shape, language, performativity, self, scores, …


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end presentation, postgraduate program, research center

Gathering around research publications and presentations.

15-30 September 2023 / a.pass

As well as a farewell party!

ant audience

September 15-16: Alyssa Gersony, Andrea Brandão, Marian Rosa van Bodegraven, Marko Gutić Mižimakov (post graduate presentations)

September 23: Caterina Mora, Gosie Vervloessem, Maurice Meewisse, Paoletta Holst, Túlio Rosa (Research Center presentations – Cycle 4)

September 29-30: Amari, Carina Erdmann, Mlondiwethu Dubazane, Lore D Selys (post graduate presentations)


statements for a.pass

support the possible


“We are all very familiar with oppressive education; with its systems of reward and punishment, the stimulus of competition, the naming of the strong and the weak, the encouragement of reproduction by repetition, the reinforcement of norms and normativity, the unquestionability of the accommodating attitude towards the status quo, and its decision-making-educators—who by refusing dialogue—do not organise the people. The very goal of oppressive education isn’t to liberate nor to be liberated but to manipulate, control and generate conformism.

However, there is another sort of education that is precisely based on dialogue; a form of education that doesn’t function as a tool to facilitate anyone’s integration into the logic of the present system. It is the practice of freedom in its most germinating terms; the facilitation of critical thinking, creativity and citizenry.

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Friday 21st of January 2022, a.pass received news from the Ministry of Education that their subsidy will come to an end by the end of 2023 the latest. From one day to the other a.pass is left with two years to find other means of survival or close the institution.

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research center

Research Center Cycle IV


Initiated out of a desire to be a shared platform of exchange, support and publication for the a.pass Associate Researchers, this year-long initiative will continue to support and publish advanced research and investigate its trajectories within a.pass.

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performative publishing

a.pass lexicon in process




20 August-13 October 2024

Open Call

-, information, lecture, performative publishing, research center

16 October-29 January 2025

Location Onderrichtsstraat 60, 1000 Brussels

One Field Fallow

information, performative publishing, project, workshop

19 October 2024

Location rue Manchesterstraat 17, Molenbeek

AM I EVIL ? – Brussels Edition



for artistic research PROPOSALS

Due to the Ministry’s decision we have to put the Intakes on hold until further notice. 

Thanks for your interest in a.pass!

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scenography workshop

public workshops

a.pass regularly opens it doors to outsiders that are interested in the topic or in the workings of a.pass. To subscribe you just look in the menu: “public workshops“) and sign up to the event of your choice.



about a.pass

A.pass is an artistic research environment that develops research on performativity and scenography, in an international artistic and educational context. The institute includes two complementary bodies that operate in parallel and in dialogue: a Post-master Program and a Research Centre.
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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

Maximum file size: 50 MB, maximum 5 files.


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Open Call

Contact person.

Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

Please provide us with the following information:

Upload your files here:

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selected :