research center
Possible Bodies
1 January 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
Possible Bodies is a disobedient action-research project that Jara Rocha and Femke Snelting have been developing since 2015. The project works with the concrete and at the same time complex and fictional entities that ‘bodies’ are, in the context of technologies, infrastructures and techniques of 3D tracking, modeling and scanning. This collective research becomes especially urgent because through those performative and representational practices, intersecting issues of race, gender, class, species, age and ability resurface.
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Boundaries do not sit still
1 January-30 April 2018
Research centre 18/I curated by Femke Snelting
In Posthumanist Performativity: Toward an Understanding of How Matter Comes to Matter, feminist theorist Karen Barad examines how apparatuses stabilize and destabilize boundaries. “Apparatuses are dynamic (re)configurings of the world, specific agential practices/intra-actions/performances through which specific exclusionary boundaries are enacted.” she writes.
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Monday Readings Text processing
15 January 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
characters, language and code
This first Monday Reading will be dedicated to text processing. We will discuss concepts such as What You See Is What You Get (WISYWYG), the virtues of ascii, what the differences are between writing, language, code, formatting and markup, and how our keyboards perform.
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Monday Readings Local server
5 February 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
Servers and hosts
In the lexicon of networks, any computer connected to the Internet is called a host. This means that all computers have the ability to host content. But in the current paradigm of the Internet, some hosts are designated to be serving (servers), and other hosts are to be served (clients).
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Monday Readings Encoding and compression
26 February 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
Monday Readings
“Codecs perform encoding and decoding on a data stream or signal, usually in the interest of compressing video, speech, or music. […] Software such as codecs poses several analytical problems. Firstly they are monstrously complicated. […] Second, at a phenomenological level, they deeply influence the very texture, flow and materiality of sounds and images. […]Read more..
reading session, research center
Monday Readings Keycards
19 March 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
Movement, security, smartness
For this Monday Reading we will follow the path of the keycard system that opens the outside doors at a.pass. What does it mean when opening a door becomes part of a data-flow?
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Monday Readings Databases
16 April 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
Stickyness, stopping points, consistency, routines, mnemosyne
This Monday Reading prepared with Sina Seifee will be dedicated to the intricate structures of the ubiquitous database. Browsing the tables and rows of this very website, we will try to graps the affordances and limits of organising the world as a collection of digital data.
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Close Encounters series Conditions for the work
5-5 May 2018 / a.pass, 4th floor
Sofia Caesar / Femke Snelting
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reading session, research center
Monday Readings Streaming media
16 June 2018 / Szenne Artlab, Anneessensstraat 2
on demand, content-delivery, broadcast
This extra edition of the Monday reading actually takes place on a Saturday in Szenne artlab. In the context of Parallel-parasite, a residency of the a.pass Research Center, we will focus on the shape-shifting nature of streaming media. After sessions on text processing, local servers and key cards, we will continue with an exploration of streaming, a coverall term for the dominant way that audio and visual content is being delivered on the Internet today. We will read into the different technical protocols that are regulating those flows, and the diverging economies that software like Torrent trackers and companies like Youtube, Netflix construct. By considering how the continuous experience of streaming relies on various politics of separation, re-ordering discrete elements on delivery, we will observe how the production, sharing and consumption of media is radically changing. Session organised with Martino Morandi.
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