postgraduate program

* Home – Street – Earth * BLOCK 2022 III

5 September-30 November 2022

curatorial assemblage Radical_House, Martina Petrovic, Isabel Burr Raty

EARTH carbon imaginaries, image by Isabel Burr Raty


Block III of 2022 has a cascading structure. The backbone of the block is a mentoring proposition by Radical_House, who invite us to displace mentoring from a.pass’ communal 4th floor to a residential house that has been renovated to accommodate affinities and relations beyond the family that resides in it. In one-to-one or collective mentorings they propose to take this environment as a setting to look at the inheritances our practices stem from, and vice versa, at how we bring ecological/social/urban issues into our homes. 


From the private we spiral out to the public. In this block ‘Street’ stands for collective life. How do we organize ourselves in structures made by ‘elective affinity’? The mode of study is a visit to Documenta, and a collective reading practice adjacent to a series of dinners organized by a.pass-participant Martina Petrovic with Brussels based collectives.


In November, Isabel Burr Raty holds a weeklong workshop ‘EARTH’ focusing on the substance that constitutes and threatens (non)human life: carbon. Together with her guests she will introduce us to very different cosmovisions that make the carbon-spectrum: from deep identification to post-carbon scientific imaginaries.



People involved in block 2022 III

Postgraduate Participants: Amari, Marian R. van Bodegraven, Andrea Brandão,  Mlondi Dubazane, Carina Erdman, Alyssa Gersony,  Stephen Graves, Anna Lugmeier, Marko Gutić Mižimakov, Sarah Pletcher, Lore de Selys, Merle Vorwald.

Block skippers (will rejoin in January 2023): Nada Gambier, Martina Petrovic, Martin Sieweke, Asli Hatipoglu

Dedicated mentors: Every block has three dedicated mentors that support the participants research, the presentations and feedback moments. For block 2022 III the dedicated mentors are Vladimir Miller (Research Center Curator), Heike Langsdorf (a.pass alumna, choreographer and researcher – Radical_House) and Simone Basani (artist, curator dramaturge- Radical _House). 


Curatorial assemblage: Lilia Mestre, Isabel Burr Raty, Radical_House, Martina Petrovic


postgraduate program, project

Where do we go from here – Block 2022 III

5 September-30 November 2022

a proposal by Martina Petrovic

Is a series of dinner encounters which aims to map and introduce four collectives from the Brussels scene to a.pass participants from the September block 2022. Collectives: Common Wallet, Helectolitre, BOSCH and JUBILEE/EMPTOR, are self-organized, or which have alternative approaches on commons, organization, finances and ways of living and working as artists.

Through a format of dinner we will explore how these collectives operate, what are the politics behind the modes of being and working together, where are the difficulties and what are exciting new possibilities of working with different structures. Participants of a.pass will come to the dinners of these four collectives, after these four encounters for the final dinner a.pass will take the role of the host.


Sept 20th, 7pm: Dinner with Hectolitre

Oct 7th, 7pm: Dinner with Common Wallet

Oct 27th, 4pm: Reading Room and dinner with Jubilee/Emptor


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postgraduate program, workshop

EARTH – a gathering workshop – BLOCK 2022 III

15-18 November 2022

proposed by Isabel Burr Raty

For the topic Earth of this block, Isabel Burr Raty invites to collectively think – Earth – by diving into polarities surrounding the fourth most abundant element in the observable universe and the 15th most common in the Earth’s crust: Carbon. Carbon, which originates in the core of stars, has the power to form life, yet to dissolve life as we know it on this Planet. Carbon is the chemical skeleton, required to shape complex molecules like DNA, needed for the development, functioning and uniqueness of humans and almost all other organisms. However, carbon-based fuels dominate global energy use and in the context of climate change, carbon dioxide is the most important greenhouse gas released by human societies. Challenging transnational green efforts to establish post-carbon economies and cementing trans-human Directed Evolution.

During a 4 day encounter based encounter and a series of theory readings, we will be in touch with traditional and innovative practices around the carbon spectrum, as well as post-human critical perspectives on the concept – human – and –nature -. Fabulating with variant Sci-Fi myths be-coming-reality, to inspire alternative imaginaries for the role of the human within the Earth’s life cycle.

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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

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Open Call

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Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

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