This is the time to come together.
To celebrate what we worked on.
To transform our preconceptions
of rituals, of magic, of transformation itself.
A pilgrimage of the self into the common
and back again.
This is a transformational journey
that displaces our relation to our bodies, to nature, to objects
by recognising the recuperation and commodification
of these relations by capitalism.
We come together
To inspire different ways for counteracting
oppressive operative systems
of knowledge, love, work, and metaphysics.
We come together
To create a counter-spell for colonising forces
that suppress, limit, undermine our natural virtual powers
to resist, to perform, to be part of the world.
To create a shared awareness of the recuperation of magic,
of ritual commodification, of the reduction of everyday life
by machines of correction,
perverting our desires,
crushing our potential selves.
The world is full of magic unaccounted for
We need to acknowledge its power
and share it with others to empower their lives and dreams.
We invite you as helpers, as energetic vessels
to play with, to discover new ways of being together
The artist can be the poetic warrior
fighting for power and courage
awakening the sense of self
to write his alternative myths on the surface of reality
Tonight we have the opportunity to experience and experiment the no-difference
between the I that performs, and the you that undergoes
Not as a closure but as a beginning
A nudge to push us over the edge
to allow us to spill over, grow wings
and launch into transformation.
We celebrate our schizophrenic adaptations
of foregone cultural debris
of ritual rumours and phantasies
into operative practices for today’s crises.
No exotic imitation
but inventive re-draftings
of what it is to be:
a hybrid magic body
that reinvents itself and all there is
every day anew.
We are virtual bodies,
filled to the brim with knowledge
we can not grasp through lack of words,
we can not operate through lack of awareness
we can not read through lack of skill.
We are virtual bodies
that have the power to overcome
the limits of fear, guilt and physicality.
We are beings on the edge of awakening
generous souls that want to share their transgression
expanding it over the edges of the precious circle
into the heart of the matter
into the matter that matters.