I like to think that objects decide the place where they want to be or with who they want to be.
That they could move until they find the good place or the good person to leave close by.
As an adoptee, I gave a yellow hamac that I get in Brazil last October. There were two main reasons for me to borrow this hamac to someone else : * I tried to find a place for it at home but (also because I don’t have any outside place) I never took the use of it. Was it because this place represents the laziness ? the place where I could rest and read ? (In relation to that, I share the link of this article called A woman's greatest enemy? A lack of time to herself » in the Guardian)
This laziness to me is connected to my research with club travail but also to the fantasy of the research which make me come to a.pass (a place where I could dream, read, think, share and… have time) . And because the block would happen outside I thought it would be nice to have it there in the garden. * the second reason is that I had this hamac in Brazil and that this travel there was really important to me and open a field of questions about the places I (feel) am privileged or not. So I thought in this international context of a.pass it would be a nice object to give in term of many subjects. I gave my adoptee with only one demand : that the object will come back to me at the end in one piece.
And then the hamac moved to Rui’s place.
But I don’t think he hang once the hamac at his place. He used the hamac in a presentation where he would film Tamar Lilia and Maurice as a group inside the garden, with Tamar trying to hang it somewhere. He told me that he wanted to hang the hamac because we wouldn't have any place to be confortable in the garden. But Rui explained me that the main thing for him was to think about this laziness. In the other movie that Rui did with Caterina in a.pass building, the first indications were about create empty space in an empty space, so in a way laziness related to the non-indications/ improvisations / non-rules that Rui.
Together with Cate and Rui, we talked about how laziness is connected to a bad behavior. And how from a country to another it doesn’t contain the same kind of guiltiness. To the clishé of the South American people who are very lazy rest a lot : clishé/ Disney character who is Brazilian is very slow and lazy (ze carioca)
Like we are « Lost in time » (expression in Brazilian)
And then the hamac became a vidéo
That Rui send to Caterina. The video of the improvisation in the garden.
(cf Pictures of Rui movie) Caterina said : « I was the only one looking at this movie ».
Actually Caterina received two videos:
* the one she was inside (in a.pass building)
* the one of the hamac with Tamar
Caterina explained us that hamac as an object didn’t catch her so much / it was a bit abandoned
More the editing process / how the edition build focus, narrative, story-telling
How much is this value of the edition by contrast with the laziness of the action
You don’t do so much but you get a lot because of the framing
I did a video for the presentation
I was a bit guilty of not taking attention at the hamac
I looked at the history of the hamac / images of the slavers using the hamac / symbol of power / it has a political symbol : who has the privileged to be carry in the hamac ///
There is hamac inside in our body ! the organes of the stomach are protected by thousand of little hamacs inside our body who car pour body / the transversal abdominal
To support the organs, the peritoneal folds that surround the viscera form not only a hammock, but a multitude of small hammocks, so that each organ is solidly attached to its neighbors and to the different walls. The transverse mesocolon envelops the subdiaphragmatic organs. This “hammock structure” supports the static of the viscera while allowing variations in volume, weight and displacement. This is how this “viscera” system adapts to significant variations in volume during pregnancy. This type of anatomical organization is possible thanks to the tissue continuity of the peritoneum.The peritoneum confers to the organs surrounding deformability qualities while maintaining its shape thanks to the collagen fibers it contains.The role of the mesos can be compared to that of a belt , which, while holding the organ, provides a range of measured movements around its reference position.
Our conversation about the symbolic of the hamac :
Hamac not just as a lazy place but also used by poor people in Brazil
J’ai acheté ce hamac 50 euros / 50 hamac / 15 dollars / 18 euros
70 % de la population de la campagne dort en hamac, 30 % en ville.
Quand il y a un hamac et un lit dans la maison, dans 9 cas sur 10, à la saison chaude c'est uniquement l'homme qui l'utilise pour y dormir la nuit ; le hamac procure un couchage plus frais qu'un matelas.
Les Européens découvrent le hamac au xve siècle grâce aux voyages de Christophe Colomb.
Quelques dessins expliquent la manière de se coucher dans un hamac ; Raymond Breton, un missionnaire français aux carabes, un dans un dictionnaire caraïbe-français rapporte : « Keyeyecoua tiem larangon callinago, tichati balanagle », ce qui signifie « Le sauvage se couche en rond et en travers, le Français étendu et en longueur ». Là est la principale raison pour laquelle le hamac fut modifié en occident avec l'ajout de barres en bois à chaque extrémité.Les Latinos américains n'utilisent jamais de barres en bois sur leur hamacs.
And the hamac came back to my place and I found a place for me.
Now I would like to invite Rui and Cate to my place and we continue this discussion about laziness, emptiness and what does it mean to make places for things. May be the next movie of Rui can happen in the hamac.
Mathilde > Rui > Caterina
Readings :
Jonathan Crary 24/7
The radical plan to save the planet by working less, Robert Pollin, Vice
Le droit à la paresse, Lafargue
Une apologie des oisifs, Robert Louis Stevenson