Nicolas Galeazzi

Nicolas Galeazzi uses performance as an instrument for research. The cross over through media, methodologies, materials and theories - working as actor, teacher, theater director, concept artist, and performance artist - provoked the need to search for a rethinking the economies of artistic practices and to develop new models for collaboration and dissemination of senses. Galeazzi works with Mise-en-Discourse - performative research frameworks where public can experiment with political and social conditions. Today he is focusing on the reorganisation of the self towards the society, on side-effects as an artistic practice, and Bricolage as a spiritual ideology. He workes as curator and mentor in the core team of the post-master artistic research environment [a.pass] advanced performance and scenography studies in Brussels since 2010 and was it's program coodinator from 2013 to 2016.

research center

Breg Horemans, Davide Tidoni, Esteban Donoso, Lili M. Rampre, Pia Louwerens, Nicolas Galeazzi Hosting

1 September-12 December 2020 / a.pass

Research Center Cycle 2 Block II

"Double Spiral" by Maurice Meewisse
There, we are again... Again and again, it is necessary to think through the relational fields we are working with. Not only the forced physical distancing, the prohibited hugs, and the masked faces, but also the role of the institutional and individual responsibilities, the new urgencies for presences and absences, and a new mix of carefulness and caring, tinted the relational questions at a.pass with the Corona crisis.  What and who are we to each other in a research group? What does the research group do for us? What does it mean to be associate researchers - what does it mean to be a host? What is the institutional framework - what does it allow, and what does it problematize? What kind of projections are made into the institutional, and what kind of speculations could we unleash on them?  The virus highlights these questions in a very special way. Bodily distanced, we are still physically related. It feels like a realtime training in relational ontology. Donna Haraway manifests it as  “beings do not pre-exist their relating" and therefore relations do produce us, not the other way round. This way to see ontology is into our face any time we have to say hello to somebody and hesitate whether to show the elbow, to hug or just to stay still at 1,5m apart. Anyway, or specifically now, it’s worth putting the focus more on shaping relations around us rather than to shape ourselves. If this is true, attitudes of hosting, being it places, practices, contexts, and perspectives are an approach we will explore.
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Becoming Water

9-10 July 2019


Some workshops remain a fiction – yet a fiction can be embodied. For several reasons, the proposition of Marialena Marouda couldn’t take place at the intended ‘workshop’ – the Buratinas boat of Nadine, laboratory for contemporary art. However, her proposal to encounter water as a companion and to spend for that min. 24h on that boat let us float into the imagination of how to fundamentally shift our relation to that essential element of life.

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postgraduate program, workshop

Vincent P. Alexis Workshop 2 :: Westland / BUITEN/DEHORS


terrain d'aventure
BXL WILD LIFE and BUITEN/DEHORS is a collective of research and experimentation which proposes to consider the urban as the natural environment of man. This year BUITEN / DEHORS decided to start on a piece of land located between Digue du Canal and rue des Goujons in Anderlecht, the establishment of what is called an adventure playground.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Martin Schick / construct lab Workshop 3 :: Unlearning Center / Terrestrial Building

24 June-29 April 2019 / Fribourg (CH)


unlearning center
For the cultural program of the blueFactory in Fribourg Martin Schick is developing a concept for an Unlearning Center - an open sphere for re-practice learning in times of climate change. The blueFactory is a new economic zone for circular and environmental business. The Unlearning Center aims to give space for a fundamental rethinking of the knowledge needed to face different and difficult visions of building for the future with all its personal, economic, political, technical and aesthetic implications.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Kobe Mattihys Workshop 1 :: Zenne Garden


Zenne Garden

This is an elaborate permaculture garden with many small experiments from water cleaning plants to interspecies labour. Kobe, who will also be one of the dedicated mentors – is working in this garden for 12 years together with a collective of various artists and activists. It is quite a sensitive ecosystem.

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postgraduate program, workshop

Nicolas Galeazzi Making Kin

6 May-28 July 2019 / Zenne Garden et al.

the adoption project

Experiencing us as and in ecosystems lays the basic ground for our investigations in the a.pass block 2019/II. To follow this incentive, Donna Haraway proposes to make kin with multiple things, species and ideas. We try it by adopting each other's dearest - or expelled - aspects of research and make it part of our sphere of respons-ability.
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postgraduate program

Nicolas Galeazzi Block 2019/II Troubled Gardens

29 April-28 July 2019

ecologies of artistic research

The earth faces troubles of kind humanity never experienced before: climatic changes induced by humankind are dramatically destructive and - meanwhile unavoidable. This perspective fundamentally shifts our understanding of nature - and therefore it poses big questions to the arts as a source of cultural knowledge. The aim of this block is to challenge our individual research aims as living creatures and companions in and as ecosystems. Hyper related, affecting, and never singular, our researches are - however - made by their surrounding as much as their make it.
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postgraduate program, seminar

Alberto Cossu / Ronny Heiremans / Nicolas Galeazzi Reclaiming economy – it’s art anyway

16-16 March 2018 / a.pass / starting at 19:00

an evening on the self-governing of fairness

In the framework the current block in which we work on the making of condition, a.pass is inviting together with SOTA, Alberto Cossu and Ronny Heiremans to discuss the self-governing for cultural practices under the defaul of different surrounding systems. Alberto works as a researcher within the occupied theater MACAO in Milano, Ronny researches as an artist in Belgium labour conditions through the rewriting of the artist contract.
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Critical Administration Forum

30 January-3 February 2018

Shaking down the entrepreneur

This page is a forum in it self! A forum to discuss, digest and document the content of the Critical Administration: Shaking down the Enterpreneur Froum with Kate Rich at a.pass. Please find the descriotion of the project here.

The page is a froum in the sense of a working place for exchange and the building of relations. The posts placed here are to be understood as a conversation!

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postgraduate program, workshop

Nicolas Galeazzi pattern language for conditioning practices

19 January-23 March 2018

weekly meetings

Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-19 um 15.28.20
In order to explore MAKING / CONDITIONS we will try to create a Pattern Language for conditioning practices in the arts. With reference to the same named concept, proposed by the architect and philosopher Christopher Alexander in the late 1970's, we will investigate the patterns that help us to cretate the conditions for our artistic research through this very same research practices.
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postgraduate program

Block 18/I: making / conditions

8 January-1 April 2018

curated by Nicolas Galeazzi

This block combines institutional critique with a fundamental depiction of Performance in its various interpretations in economy, administration, performing arts, and sociology. Performance stands for productivity and efficiency as much as for presence, representation, and the transformative power of speech. Investigating the interdependency between our artistic research practice and its surrounding adinistrative and economic supportstructures, we will develop a pattern language for conditioning practices in the arts - a pattern language as a set of tools for finding the 'institute' behind our research.
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performative publishing

Commoning the Arts?

Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-06 um 10.51.12
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performative publishing

El quinto pajagero

Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-06 um 10.51.49
Documentation of a 2 month residency and exhibition project in LaPaz, Bolivia, 2009.
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performative publishing

How to collaborate

Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-06 um 10.53.39
Diagrammatic article in dialogue with Nikolaus Gansterer for the publication "How to Collaborate?" edited by Peter Stamer and Silke Blaske, Passagen Verlag.
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Scenography in Dissemination

Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-06 um 10.55.06
Lecture for Quadrienale on Scenography Prag 2011
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Documentation Handpad


Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-06 um 10.52.19
Featuring collective works with GASTSTUBE°performance and Berlin n@work as well as solo practices.
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Institut für Künstlerische Nebenwirkungen

Bildschirmfoto 2017-02-06 um 10.54.09
Observatory of Side-Effects at the Stromereien Festival 2010 Zürich.
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performative publishing, project

Change Log of Common Things

14 September-4 December 2016

common thing - 1
This page is a log board for tracing the canges and alternations of common things (or 'item') that has be brought in to the common space as a common research good.
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postgraduate program

Nicolas Galeazzi BLOCK 2016/III: COMMONS

5 September-4 December 2016

Fisheyed apass panorama
This block investigates commons economies in the context of the arts. It invests in an experimental setup to expand the notion of economy and appropriate it as an artistic practice. For this reflection we will try to model with you our own specific commons economy for holding a shared responsibility of our individual researches - respectively that ‚common economy’, that emerges while we work together.
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conference, postgraduate program, research center

a.pass, KaaiTheater The Artist Commoner : Public Meeting

25-26 November 2016 / KaaiStudios - Onze-Lieve-Vrouw van Vaakstraat 81 // 1000 Brussel.

(self) Education of new subjectivities

the artist commoner
During a two day event, a.pass welcomes a gathering of researchers, artists, a.pass program participants and public to engage with the struggle of being an artist commoner today, and the role of (educational) institutions in bringing this subject about. Two days of presentations, exchanges and commoning practices. Two days of ateliers, books launches, performances, workshops and discussions.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Nicolas Galeazzi Friday Open Space

16 September-25 November 2016 / a.pass

The Magna carta Manifesto
Every Friday of this block - from 16th September till the Common Conference - we will come together for a concentrated commoning session. In oder to concretely practice and practically inquire the general question of the block - what is created in common? - we try to establish an open space practice that allows pursuing the individual research interests while focussing at the same time on interrelations amongst these researches and the common interests.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Nicolas Galeazzi Opening week 2016/III workshop: Gathering things

5-14 September 2016 / a.pass

With this commoning workshop embedded in the opening week, we emphasise - and radicalize what normally the opening week is focussing on: we share our researches! Sharing this time, is not only a means to update each other about the actual state of our researches, but literally to make them to a common issue.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Nicolas Galeazzi BRICOLAGE

4-8 May 2015 / a.pass

a tool for opening the block

Bildschirmfoto 2015-04-03 um 21.49.02
Diving into this concept, described in Claude Levi-Strauss' 'The Savage Mind', we develop a practice to present, discuss and discover the momentary objectives of our researches. With the help of found and constructed objects, objects of personal importance and desire, daily objects and precious ones, or objects of thought and discourse, we will try to define the actual quality of each one's research model and methodology.
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postgraduate program, project, workshop

Occupy Democracy

29 September-3 October 2014

Occupation Precaire: one-euro-cents glued in public space
Luigi Coppola and Christophe Meierhans propose a research workshop where most components of its activities will have to be decided commonly with the workshop participants. Just the very basic conditions are determined: The workshop occupies a public space with only one person at the time - 24h a day. The rest of the group develops, discusses and observes the occupation from a distance and takes the relevant decisions.
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18 December-21 September 2014

Art as commons

The KunstAllmend is a collective project experimenting with alternative artistic economies to redefine conditions for artistic production. Reflective of the commons active in the Swiss Alps for centuries, the KunstAllmend transposes this traditional model upon contemporary discussions concerning the management of common resources, authorship and copyright – a position standing in opposition to that of the artmarket. The Allmend model functions as a promising problematic rather than a ready-made solution. The KunstAllmend is a project of the Dampfzentrale in collaboration with the Transnational Art’s Commons for the Bern Biennial.
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postgraduate program, project, workshop

Higher Performance!

7-18 May 2012


Some workshopping in economics for artists is due!
At latest since 2008 it became clear, that the economic system we are living in and with is wacky, unjust and not sustainable. Many of its instruments are either exaggerated or exhausted. The bubbles it produces in different markets are getting out of control and deregulated fiscal constructions are dramatically failing.

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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

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Open Call

Contact person.

Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

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