
tag /2

    • postgraduate program
    • workshop
    • block 2022/II
    • kinship score
    • kin(s)score Scoring intimacy with discursive others
      11 May 2022
      posted by: Sina Seifee
    • a.pass
    • 12 May 2022
    • 21 July 2022
    • case of: Lilia Mestre
    • kin(s)score
      Kinsscore will be practiced every Thursday of  block 2022 II titled "Scoring intimacy with discursive others" (see block post)

      The proposal for this score follows on previous iterations of Scorescapes as a tool to practice intersubjective formats for exchange in artistic research. ScoreScapes is an investigation of how scores can facilitate the relation between artistic research, documentation and knowledge processing in collective settings.

      If artistic research is an active and methodological search for ways to keep the viability of one's knowledge in relation with others', then how can this search be mediated by scores? If artistic research engages in processes of awaking unseen  relations with what surrounds us, then how do we compose materials and thoughts? What is the performativity at stake on the sharing of those? What’s the relation between subjectivity and collectivity? What does that do to our individual practices and to the collective itself? 

      The specificity of Kin(s)score is on the fact that we will participate in the score with our research kinships. We will speak with them, through them and us about the questions that our research make apparent. We will discuss and practice what are the political implications of authorship, collectivity and the other.


      -We meet every week on Thursdays from 16:00 till 19:00 on a.pass 4th floor studio.

      -We bring food and drinks to share.

      -We work with the people present. It’s not possible to participate remotely.

      -There is no audience. If one doesn’t have something to present, one can skip a session.

      -Participants of the score attend to minimum 5 sessions.

      The score is simple. It works as follows:

      To start:

      The first meeting each of us presents a 5 minutes sample of our research question. The sample is communicated as performance, text, object, dissertation,…It manifest the content of the research and the medium through which the research is taking place.

      The questions

      After assisting to each others presentations we assign by chance procedure who is offering questions to whom.

      There are two days to formulate a question to one of the researchers that has presented their work. Questions are sent by email maximum by Saturday midnight.

      The questions are a dialectic tool to engage in the discursiveness of artistic practice and research. They aim to argument what is at stake, its implications and further relations in the artistic research environment and in the world. They are the indicators of the dialogical potential of each research project. They are the motor of a process of sharing, contaminating, contradicting, thinking / making together apart. Questions are an intrinsic and important component of the score. Think them, contextualize them, offer them.

      The responses

      After receiving your questions you have 5 days to develop an answer with the medium you’ve chosen. You present your response the next Thursday you will attend within a 5 minutes timeframe .


      While we assist to the presentations we will write keywords. At the end of each sessions we will collect them and chose one to have a conversation about. The notes of the conversation will be documented through out the sessions.



      All the questions will be stored at the pads here bellow. The documentation of the presentations will an individual process.

      days 1
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    • This Schedule will be updated on a daily basis as Poliset 2022W4-7 and the proposals within it develop. 



      Monday Jan. 24th

      14-19h Poliset Introduction by Vladimir Miller

      Moving into the space, introduction to the available materials, the technicals space aspects (with Steven Jouwersma), the common budget and schedule. Vladimir will facilitate a process of connecting over shared and unshared topics and ideas of everyone's research. We will try to finish the day with setting up a place to have a dinner together. Food can not be as easily shared as we like, due to covid safety, but we can try to have a shared dinner and welcome drink.


      Tue Jan 25th 

      Steven Jouwerstma technical assistance day


      10h Poliset talk: Politecture.



      13h Scheduling / Check in


      15h Research Mapping


      Wed, Jan 26th

      10-13h Steven Jouwerstma technical assistance 


      13h Scheduling / Check in


      14h Low Intensity Violence Research Group

      Research Introduction


      Thu, Jan 27th

      11h Wet Floor Cleaning


      13h Scheduling / Check in


      15h Abrasive Strategies introduction Martin


      Fri, Jan 28th


      10h Poliset Talk

      Christine de Smedt (LIV)+Vladimir

      we will pick two space related terms from our research and introduce and discuss them together


      13h Scheduling / Check in


      13h-15h one on one Interviews on plant care as part of Ingas research practice


      Mon, Jan 31st

      17h Film Screening "Cyborg Europe" by Anna Lugmeier


      Tue Feb 1st

      Steven Jouwerstma technical assistance day

      10h Brushing Teeth, Martin Sieweke

      11h Walking Practice, Vera Sofia Mota



      Wed, Feb 2nd

      11h Open Conversation on "Organising Randomness" with Nada Gambier and Vladimir Miller (also happening on zoom)


      Thu, Feb 3rd

      10h LIV Group + Vladimir Miller, open conversation on notions from their practice.

      14h What can be a contemporary scenography curriculum? Public writing session (etherpad) in the poliset. Vladimir

      14h Building a space of reading, and reading Chantal Mouffe on agonism (Lisa)

      16h-18h Toast to the Future, gathering in front of the Flemish Parliament in support of a.pass

      17h Film Screening: "La Rabbia"  (Gastone Ferranti, Giovannino Guareschi, Pier Paolo Pasolini)

      19h Drinks


      Mon Feb 7th

      Jozef Wouters at poliset

      "I will open and share my research as part of The Unbuilt School of Architecture. Part of Decoratelier, The Unbuilt School of Architecture is a platform for research about scenography and ephemeral space. For the Poliset days, I will share my research on spaces that are made of care and words more than of space and square meters. The ways of sharing are twofold; from 4pm I will open for a reading group and at 6pm it will be a film or a talk."

      16h  Reading group with Jozef Wouters

      18h Jozef Wouters' public presentation


      Tue Feb 8th 

      16h Five Minute Festival


      Wed Feb 9th

      Tania Garduño (CIVA) day at poliset

      10:30 Open Conversation: “Periphery”, Nada Gambier


      Thu, Feb 10th

      14h Conversation on how we research. Focus away from “what” and “why” towards “how” with specific attention to art practice as a tool for research.  


      Fri, Feb 11th

      12:00 Reading Group, “What”s the Use” bySara Ahmed, with Martin Sieweke


      Wed, Feb 16th

      Tania Garduño (CIVA) – contribution on Proxemics:

      In the Turkish Empire, the shade of a tree you planted determined the amount of land you owned. Tree shades defined villages’ sprawls. You could also calculate how old was a city, not necessarily by its buildings but by looking at the height of the trees.

      Architecture can be seen as the practice situated between the built space, human beings and actions. It can become the container of politics, history and civilizations. However, no single discipline nor research technique can help us understand how we perceive and associate with space. The science of Proxemics acknowledges this impasse; it addresses basic human situations in a subconscious area of society. It studies the many sensory inputs and emotions related to culture and its environment. Through scientific research, combined with “learning-by-doing” and the starting point that we are all experts in “being”, Proxemics creates a broad field of experimentation that gives us a hidden take on our relationship to the world.”

      18h Presentation and Talk


      Fri, Feb 18th

      10h Cleaning and Sorting

      13h check in

      13:30 In-process presentations for the HWD participants


Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

Maximum file size: 50 MB, maximum 5 files.


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Open Call

Contact person.

Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

Upload your file(s) here:

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