postgraduate program

Block 18/I: making / conditions

8 January-1 April 2018

curated by Nicolas Galeazzi


 ”Can artistic practices still play a critical role in a society where the difference between art and economy have become blurred and where artists and cultural workers have become a necessary part of capitalist production.”
Chantal Mouffe 


What is the position of the arts in a completely economized society? What kind of answers do we find towards the increasing entrepreneurial demands? How to keep a discourse about values apart from finances? How to create conditions and institutions that allow us to continue asking these questions with view to a greater societal picture?

This block combines institutional critique with a fundamental unravling of Performance in its various interpretations in economy, administration, performing art, and sociology. To put performance as a term into the centre between art and economy, is pointing at the fundamental misunderstandings and simultaneous interdependence between these two fields.

Performance stands for productivity and efficiency as much as for doing, being present, representation, and the transformative power of speech. In between the different interpretations one question appeares very clearly: What are we doing? Beyond the Leninist version of this proverb (What is to be done?), this question not only points to a future productivity (What are we creating?) or a struggle against/for the institution (Under what conditions are we doing and making?). It points to the creation of the framework in which this question can be posed with regard to the basic values of life (How do we live?). In this way all the different understandings of performance aim at transformation or even change.

In the last decades economy became more and more the overarching concept that incorporates all aspects of life and channels all living efforts. The Arts contributed to this development in multiple ways and acted – consciously or not – as a role model in the process of this economization in many ways.

For a big majority of the population the economization and finanzialisation of their life means to loose access to common resources and with that the control over the self-creation of their living conditions. At the same time the neoliberal doctrine turned the full responsibility for these conditions onto the individual and diminishes solidarity and democratic processes.

Being critical and self-critical of this development, the arts must take the performative power inherent in its role model serious and needs to devise new instruments for concrete change and new institutional formats to respond to this development in order to keep the creation of societally viable living and working conditions in their hands.

Searching for the relationship between the artistic research practice and the creation of its own legal, economic, administrative condition, we try to detect common working patterns that enable us to create our own conditions. Using the concept of Pattern Language developed by Christopher Alexander in late 1970’s we try to come up with practical building blocks to think a radical artistic research practice within, and in response to, the contemporary economic and political constraints.



postgraduate program, workshop

admin’s & enterpreneur’s reading list

a reading list proposed by Kate Rich
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A Pattern Language: Art/istic, Institutions*ing, and Research (practices)

In analogy  – or response – to the idea of a Pattern Language as Christopher Alexander described it in 1970’s the researchers at a.pass tried to understand how a pattern language could be written for the context of artistic research and especially for the creation of good conditions for the practice of research as an art form.

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postgraduate program


1 January-29 April 2018

Nicolas Galeazzi

This is a day to day diary of the search, the research, the unsearch, the raveling and the unraveling. Thoughts, musings, pictures, clips, questions and answers. It started January 25th.
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information, postgraduate program

Nicolas Galeazzi Block overview

8 January-1 April 2018

plenum & forum

This post gives a sort overview over the organisation and schedule of the block 2018/I
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research center, seminar

Dra. Adriana la Selva What are you training for?

10-11 January 2018

On acting and performance techniques - Current directions for embodied research in the performing arts

Adriana La Selva is participant of the a.pass PhD Research Center program and proposes the 2 day seminar "What are e training for?" in relation to her home universisty U-Ghent. The topic addresses the conditions of the body in relation to its performativity. Starting the investigations of the self-creation of conditions at the body seems to comply with the intentions of the block MAKING / CONDITIONS perfectly. 
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postgraduate program, workshop

Florian Feigl How do we do the things that we do?

18-19 January 2018

a rewrite of twelve design principles

Two working periods in January and February to analyse, discuss and introduce strategies and methodological approaches as articulated in permaculture desgin practice (Mollison, Holmgren) in relation to the Pattern Theory (Alexander) towards an environ-mental & corpo-real understanding of artistic process and artistic research.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Nicolas Galeazzi pattern language for conditioning practices

19 January-23 March 2018

weekly meetings

Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-19 um 15.28.20
In order to explore MAKING / CONDITIONS we will try to create a Pattern Language for conditioning practices in the arts. With reference to the same named concept, proposed by the architect and philosopher Christopher Alexander in the late 1970's, we will investigate the patterns that help us to cretate the conditions for our artistic research through this very same research practices.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Kate Rich Critical Administration

30 January-3 February 2018 / a.pass 4th floor

Shaking down the entrepreneur


This workshop takes place in the devastated landscape of the Creative Economy. Dipping cautiously into realms of business and economics (in which artists are generally and probably wilfully unschooled), we will take a pigeon’s-eye view (scrappy, opportunistic, only occasionally vicious) of worn-out tropes such as entrepreneurialism, human capital and cultural enterprise.

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Critical Administration Forum

30 January-3 February 2018

Shaking down the entrepreneur

This page is a forum in it self! A forum to discuss, digest and document the content of the Critical Administration: Shaking down the Enterpreneur Froum with Kate Rich at a.pass. Please find the descriotion of the project here.

The page is a froum in the sense of a working place for exchange and the building of relations. The posts placed here are to be understood as a conversation!

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postgraduate program, workshop

Florian Feigl How do we do the things that we do? #2

26 February-2 March 2018

a rewrite of twelve design principles

Two working periods in January and February to analyse, discuss and introduce strategies and methodological approaches as articulated in permaculture desgin practice (Mollison, Holmgren) in relation to the Pattern Theory (Alexander) towards an environ-mental & corpo-real understanding of artistic process and artistic research.
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postgraduate program, seminar

Pieter Vermeulen Performing knowledge.

9 March-9 February 2018 / ARIA - Antwerp

Lecture-performances in perspective

Duende Neon Mana close up small,copy

Lecture-performances have gained increasing attention in recent years, in the wake of the ‘academic turn’, which frames artistic praxis as a form of research. Its genealogy can arguably be traced back to the emergence of performance art in the 1960s, with canonical examples such as Robert Morris, Dan Graham, Andrea Fraser and Joseph Beuys. Contemporary artists like Sharon Hayes, William Kentridge, Rabih Mroué, Hito Steyerl, Amalia Ulman, Walid Raad, Bruce High Quality Foundation and many others are now continuing this historical legacy. Sharpening the relation between art and knowledge, their work can be situated at the intersection of visual art, lecture and performance.

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postgraduate program, seminar

Alberto Cossu / Ronny Heiremans / Nicolas Galeazzi Reclaiming economy – it’s art anyway

16-16 March 2018 / a.pass / starting at 19:00

an evening on the self-governing of fairness

In the framework the current block in which we work on the making of condition, a.pass is inviting together with SOTA, Alberto Cossu and Ronny Heiremans to discuss the self-governing for cultural practices under the defaul of different surrounding systems. Alberto works as a researcher within the occupied theater MACAO in Milano, Ronny researches as an artist in Belgium labour conditions through the rewriting of the artist contract.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Alberto Cossu crypting currency, etc.

16-16 March 2018 / a.pass 4th floor / 10:00 to 17:00

Next to the event Reclaiming Economy – it’s art, Alberto Cossu provides a workshop for us during the day of the 16th March. He will give us a closer insight into his practical experience with the common coin crypto-currency he helped to developed at MACAO and his profound research into the self-governance of that place. 

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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

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Open Call

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Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

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