Pierre Rubio

Pierre Rubio works as an artist, independent researcher, and dramaturge. Through different forms, his work questions modes of individuation to explore contemporary productions of subjectivity in/through the arts. What is (the) real for an artist? is one of his main research questions. Pierre has a long experience in dancing, performing, and choreographing and holds a master's degree in the arts combining theatre & communication at Aix-Marseille University (France) and dance & choreography at Centre National de Danse Contemporaine in Angers (France). Pierre is currently a core member, co-curator, and mentor in a.pass (advanced performance and scenography studies) a post-graduate platform for artistic research practices based in Brussels, Belgium. In 2020, Pierre initiated the experimental radio project ‘RRadio Triton’ and started a new trajectory in dialogue with the Southern U.S. horror comic book character ‘Swamp Thing’. Investigating a principle of (de)assemblage, this project led him to collaborate in the publication of the first issue of the magazine ‘ROT’ with a problematisation of a Louisiana cocktail, to participate in the collective residency 'Horror & Anthropocene’ with the production of a radio piece ‘Alec Holland is dead’ and to develop a collective research frame in performance and theory to unfold in 2021: ‘What does Food dream about?’

performative publishing

RRadio Triton Data Retrieval Interface

1 July 2018 / online:

frontispiece of RRadio Triton Data Retrieval Interface

RRadio Triton is an experimental radio project aiming at producing collective audio documents gathered in and disseminated by the ad hoc fictional radio label/station, recording, editing, sampling, remixing and releasing audio and soundscapes. The audio publications of RRadio Triton are the recomposition of the outcomes of the voluntary contributions from all the actors of the 2017 a.pass seminar, BLOCK 17/I TROUBLE ON RADIO TRITON_ ((((((( CHANGING (THE) WORLD (S) )))))) curated by Pierre Rubio.

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postgraduate program

curated by Femke Snelting & Peggy Pierrot & Pierre Rubio Zone Public

16 January-27 March 2020 / a.pass Brussels

Zone Public contributes to an ongoing conversation on the dynamics of publishing generated by technologies of artistic research. From January 2020 onwards, within a.pass platform for artistic research practices, a three month series of readings, mediations and compilations is oriented by the postgraduate program and its participants to (re)consider the forms and conditions for disseminating artistic research. Zone Public invites to (re)consider the conditions for dissemination of the specific forms of knowledge that artistic research does produce/process/practice. It activates the interrelation between research-as-process versus the crystallisation that publishing requires, and wants to open up the exhibitionary regimes which seem to articulate current artistic research practices and the infrastructures of knowledge production that its agents are both using and possibly used by.
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research center

a.pass Research Center Associates in residence victories over the suns

24 June-14 July 2019 / ZSenne ART Lab / Brussels

dissolving totalities, usurping orders, inventing new materials

In our residence, each process is designed individually and in common, in order to share a fiction of sharing. We aim our experimental tools at each other, ourselves and at you. They are directed at a viewer, curious-anxious about modes of reparation who can put together the research trajects that she finds in a process of performing-publishing of difficult-makings of different objects and positions. We are hungry and angry: at our bodies, at assemblages, at more stories for other histories, for different exhibits, for fresh cultures. It is an experiment in organizing and presenting what appears to be fundamentally unorganisable and unpresentable. When all is lost why not go for broke, victorious over the sun?
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research center

Adrijana Gvozdenović, Sina Seifee, Isabel Burr Raty, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen, Antye Guenther RESEARCH CENTER Cycle 1 Block III

29 April-28 July 2019 / a.pass/ ZSenne ArtLab

Co-Curated by Pierre Rubio

"Watches, Wristwatches, Collection, Clocks, Time, Hours"
The a.pass Research Center is dedicated to supporting advanced research and to collecting and making public methodologies of artistic research developed at a.pass. This summer block marks the end of the first one-year-cycle of the a.pass Research Center. After being initiated as a platform for individual research trajectories, the Research Center shifted to welcoming a group of advanced researchers for an one-year period. This last block of the first cycle is co-curated by the whole group.
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performative publishing

RRadio Triton

1 July 2019 / online:

audio publication

Tritonia Festiva_Photo Steve Lonhart_NOAA_MBNMS
In 2019 RRadio Triton sets out to dream of operating like a time machine carrying its protagonists through time back to events and questions processed and produced during Trouble on Radio Triton ((((((( changing (the) world (s) )))))) -a seminar held by a.pass in 2017- and returning them as new narrators. RRadio Triton is a collective and experimental, digital audio project aimed at producing and publishing radio and sound documents. The ad hoc fictional radio station records, edits, samples, remixes and releases pieces of audiowork into the wireless atmospheric fabric and exists in between a digital sound-archive, ongoing conversations that originated at the 2017 seminar and live-appearances at events.
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performative publishing

by OFFoff, a.pass and Domes FM Broadcasting RRadio Triton


25-26 January 2019 / Kunsthal, Ghent

“Tritonia festiva © weiweigao”
During the opening weekend of Kunsthal,Ghent, ArtCinema OFFoff puts up a broadcast on Domes FM around RRadio Triton, a collective and experimental research project produced by a.pass. The broadcast circles around relations between artistic research and speculative fictions. What kinds of futures do artistic research practices imagine? Which fictions are needed? And what voices do we need to bring those fictions up?
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postgraduate program

BLOCK 18/II Milieus, associations, sieves and other matters…

30 April-2 September 2018 / Brussels

Composing a processual environment, the block consisted in a sequential ensemble of collective dispositives that were proposed to be appropriated, interpreted, developed and problematised by the artists and researchers. A metastable milieu in ‘crisis’ which evolved by shifting to new dimensions out of a series of analyses and temporary resolutions of problematics linked with the artists and researchers’ projects considered as technologies.
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lecture, performative publishing, research center

Close Encounters Series

21 October 2017

Close Encounters is the name of a series of presentations and public conversations organized by the a.pass Research Centre, which takes place when researchers are invited, or feel the need to communicate publicly about their research. The series is curated by the associate researchers and the current research curator Pierre Rubio.
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postgraduate program

TROUBLE ON RADIO TRITON_ ((((((( changing (the) world (s) ))))))


9 January-30 April 2017

Which alternative worlds do our researches/practices contain and can immanently produce? How do we relate to the future via artistic-research? As artists, do we through our researches contribute to changes in contemporary culture? And if yes, then which cultures do our researches produce? Trouble on Radio Triton is a metaphoric multipolar dispositive. A discursive and practice-based ‘lure for feeling’ and thinking. An operative alibi strategically using ‘if’s’, ‘what if’s’, ‘as if’s’ to exercise critique and imagine alternatives.
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postgraduate program



1 August 2015

about the imaginative aesthetics of change

In defence of the power of aesthetics this block tries to pry open the difficult paradox between criticality and imagination, between the power of the subject and the passive resistance of the object, between political critique and artistic re-imagineering strategies. Animating objects to animate our agencies. Fictionalising the real as a critique to produce alternatives to ideology. Speculating on the impossible to construct a possible. Considering imagination not as escapism but as an operative vehicle for change. The unacceptable reveals the limitations of the acceptable. The untouchable foreshadows the adventurous discovery of difference. The intangible offers a speculative sense towards the radically other.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Pierre Rubio / Geert Opsomer / Pierre Joachim ECOLOGY OF AFFECTS

25-29 May 2015

Studio 54, Halloween 1978, Hasse Persson
Every block, a.pass organizes ‘b-workshops’ that focus on the basic principles of a.pass as a collaborative artistic research environment. This b-workshop ‘Ecology of Affects’ wants to address critically the production of subjectivity. 'A revolution is as much a reorientation of our affective relations as it is of social relations and cannot be one without the other.' Jason Read, ‘Economies of Affect / Affective Economies’, 2013
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postgraduate program, workshop

Pierre Rubio, Elke Van Campenhout Performance / Performativity / Objects / Subjects

19-23 January 2015

USA. Florida. Cape Kennedy. Space center. 1967.
Pierre Rubio and Elke Van Campenhout give will give time to discuss the basic concepts addressed in the block: Performance and Performativity.
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postgraduate program



1 May-31 July 2014

Milieu(s) is a collective artistic research environment for the participants, mentors and other workers of the a.pass program. In a shared workspace we develop their practices in a collaborative context, on the basis of self-organisation and self-rule. Through individual actions Milieu(s) generates a dynamic territory for exchange, cooperation and (tacit) negotiation. A mutual creation of the individual and the common. We invite different guests to enter into this environment with us, to participate, open up the proposals and issues addressed in the collective work and/or to problematize the situation, fueling the ecology of ideas and practices in Milieu(s). Milieu(s) is taking place between the 28th of April to the 3rd of August 2014, in the common space of the 4th floor of the a.pass studio in de Bottelarij in Brussels.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Pierre Rubio / Elke van campenhout “general intellect ? – it’s not about you, stupid !”

3-7 March 2014

‘General Intellect? - it's not about you, stupid !’ will explore and question a basic parameter of the apass environment : the relation between the individual and the collective.
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postgraduate program, workshop


24-28 June 2013

What does critique aim at, and how does it epistemologically operate? How can we deal with its problematic relation to judgment and truth? What’s the relevance of critique within a system of criticality to overcome the vicious circle of belief and denunciation? What’s the role of discourse and theory in one’s research and practice in order to go beyond backing up one’s work but rather challenging it, eroding it, posing problems to it? Is discourse solving the crisis of practice or should it rather impose a crisis on practice?
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postgraduate program, workshop


10-23 October 2011

Magical Materialism

The magical world is not a fascinating ethnographic object but “a mode of existence” to which individuals, as well as collectives, (and also artistic research projects...) can come back, if they endure the ordeal of disindividuation. “Disindividuation is a lack in structure” that happens when organisations that make us see, think and act break up, making us paradoxically available to invent other ways of seeing, thinking and acting. Welcome to the post-rational shamanistic academia!
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postgraduate program, workshop


30 May-3 June 2011

Displacements and Attachments

The basic idea is that if one takes distance from one’s own project by ‘moving’ it in unexpected contexts or by ‘translating’ it in non familiar languages, this will allow the discovery of new components and new ‘attachments’ that will enrich and stimulate the ‘original’ project. Or, in other words: developing an otherness by experiencing and exploring “as if's” to get out the over-territorial and locked perception of “our” projects.
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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

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Open Call

Contact person.

Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

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