postgraduate program, workshop

Settlement 11 Collective Schedule

22 May-3 June 2017 / a.pass

Day 4

The Schedule will be updated daily

for more information visit https:///


MON 22.05

14:00 Introduction and Clearing out the Space

18:00 Improvised Dinner


TUE 23.05

10:00 Warm Up Practice

           Esther Rodriguez-Barbero

14:00 Peer Critique Leo

            Leo Kay

15:00 Spaces of Commoning

           Zeljko Blace, Time Lab (Ghent), Vladimir Miiller

17:00 1 Minute Festival


WED 24.05

10:00 Warm Up Practice

           Esther Rodriguez-Barbero

14:00 Peer Critique Eszer

           Leo Kay

13:30 Collaboration Interview

           Eszter and Esther

14:00 Marie Van Leeuwen (ArtEZ) 

           Conversation with Lilia Mestre

15:00 Session #1 Planning nothing

           Where we collectively work out the rules surrounding session #2

           Leo Kay



THU 25.05

09:30 Sensation as Score (Movement Practice)

           Anouk Llaurens

11:00 Reading Group

           Lilia Mestre and Score participants

13:00 2 Minute Festival

17:00 Medium Score 2

     |     Lilia Mestre



FR 26.05

10:00 Warm Up Practice

           Esther Rodriguez-Barbero

10:30 Cleaning

11:30 Peer Critique slot

           Leo Kay

13:00 Making Space For

           Collective practice of framing and naming spaces

            Esther Rodriguez-Barbero and Leo Kay

14:30 Session #2 Doing Nothing

           We gather, head out to a chosen spot and using the ground rules from session #1, do nothing.

           Leo Kay

15:30 Session #3 Planning Something

            We spend half an hour as a group planning what we will do the following week.

           We aim to be prescriptive and impose structures that allow us to fulfil our aims.

           Leo Kay


SAT 27.05


MO 29.05

11:00 Architecture and Movement 

           Creating and experimenting with space by moving simple forms /structures.
           Duration 45min

           Luisa Fillitz

15:00 Playground

           Eszter Némethi


TUE 30.05

11:00 Play-ground
   During a short and playful workshop, we will explore the materials and existing geographies of the Settlement to create instructions and scores; while also exploring how dynamics, forms and narratives are conjured through this process. 
           Eszter Nemethi

13:00 Planning a.pass block III/2017

          Vladimir Miller

15:00 Dialogue with Alex Arteaga 

What does it mean to think? What does research mean? What can be the cognitive function of aesthetic practices? How should be these practices organized and performed in order to “do research”? And on this basis, what can be the contribution of artistic research to the epistemic field? These, an other related, are the questions that will be addressed in an open dialogue framed by Alex Arteaga.
17:00  Feminist Benjamin Reading Group

What does it mean to read as a feminist? The question may seem odd, or even trivial, but it engages the very ground of our work as artists and thinkers. Indeed, how is our reflection oriented, if not by the very way in which we turn to the text? And yet, when we think about methodologies and epistemologies, we rarely interrogate the practice of reading itself.

Caroline Godart and Marialena Marouda


WED 31.05

11:30 Session #4 Doing Something

          We gather to do whatever we, as a group, decided that we wanted to do in the previous session.

          We will have decided all the parameters of the experience (or lack of them) in the 3rd session. In this last session we just do them.

          Leo Kay


THU 01.06

9:30 Sensation as Score (Movement Practice)

         Anouk Llaurens

11:00 Reading Group

           Lilia Mestre and Score participants

17:00 Medium Score 2

     |     Lilia Mestre



FR 02.06


SAT 03.06

12:00 Settlement Review

14:00 Build Down

postgraduate program, workshop

Vladimir Miller SETTLEMENT (11)

artistic research environment

III-4.Vladimir Miller settlement 7 BW

During the days of May 22nd – June 4th 2017 a.pass will come together and host an open workspace called SETTLEMENT. In the course of these 14 days we will share our current work processes within an open collaborative workspace. We aim to create a poly-central gathering that is self-structured, self-organized and open to contributions from anyone. You are cordially invited to join this process by establishing your own space in the a.pass SETTLEMENT and sharing some of your ideas, practices or works with others. The materials and structures available at a.pass will be a common resource for all who join to create whatever is needed to facilitate this process. The schedule for these two week will be developed on site by its participants and shared online here:

Settlement 11 Collective Schedule

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postgraduate program, workshop

Lilia Mestre The Medium Score

Thinking making together apart


The proposal for this block follows on previous iterations of scores as tools to practice dialogue or intersubjective formats for exchange in artistic research. ScoreScapes is an investigation of how scores can facilitate the relation between artistic research, documentation and knowledge processing.

If artistic research is an active and methodological search for ways to keep the viability of our relation with the world, then how can this search be mediated by scores? If artistic research engages in processes of awaking unseen phenomenological relations with what surrounds us, then how do we compose materials and thoughts? What is the performativity at stake on the sharing of those? What’s the relation between subjectivity and collectivity? What does that do to our individual practices and to the collective itself?

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postgraduate program

Block 2020 III

2020 has so far been a turbulent year: of course, the global background we are all aware of, but also for a.pass and all involved, as a community, as a group of colleagues and as a place of politics and organisation. We need time to meet despite all difficulties, and we need time to think together. We think of this block primarily as a meeting of ideas and practices of the researchers and the block contributors, in order to make space for an emergent support structure shared between all involved. Our desire is to ground the support structure of a.pass in a close relationship with the necessities and practices of the researchers. Curating here refers again more to care, than to an overarching trajectory. The core of what we do, practice artistic research, is what needs input and support. Starting from the question of what we need and how to organise it we want to create transitory and sustainable modes of organising and sharing research. The block practice, starting with the Settlement gathering, is focused on organisational and structural awareness and feedback: which spatial and temporal structures do we propose, how is it working with us and our research, and is it something we should keep for the future?

postgraduate program

The problem of the score

Block curated by Lilia Mestre / May > July 2017


From May till July 2017 the a.pass post-master program questions how structures pre-determine singular outcomes, and to what extent they imply relationality. Every system is a network of connections and the way the system is set to operate defines forms of relation which reveal ideological standpoints. In other words modes of interaction are formatting forces that construct worlds. If we think that way, what kind of problems do our research structures entail?  And if we can think a polyphonic world , constituted by multiple models, how do we consider our own structure as a relational one? What kind of technologies are we putting into place? What kind of invitation are we making? And to whom?

The notions of ‘apparatus’ and ‘tentacular thinking’ will be key to understanding and experiencing the problem of score in contextual ecologies. Apparatuses, as coined by Foucault and Agamben, are systems of governance that enable relationships between beings and structures through which the subject is constructed. During former block Donna Haraway  introduced us to tentacular thinking as a place from which one can build relations to economical, biological, philosophical, productional, institutional, etc orders. Together with the a.pass researchers, workshop givers and guests we reflect on them, challenge our practices and relate to other authors and art makers.

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postgraduate program, reading session

Caroline Godart and Marialena Marouda Feminist Benjamin Reading Group

"Arcades Project" copyright Judith Wechsler
"What does it mean to read as a feminist? The question may seem odd, or even trivial, but it engages the very ground of our work as artists and thinkers. Indeed, how is our reflection oriented, if not by the very way in which we turn to the text? And yet, when we think about methodologies and epistemologies, we rarely interrogate the practice of reading itself. We want to propose another form of feminist reading: instead of the critical, distrustful distance, we suggest that closeness and intimacy may form an equally powerful approach. In this reading group, we examine what feminist thinking can become when it takes the shape of a lover’s response to a text’s seduction, and when refutation and penetration are replaced by a mode of reading that is founded in an ethics of proximity."
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performative publishing, postgraduate program


ajayeb popup book
ajayeb popup book


There has been a shift in humanities scholarship:

(feminist science studies, the post humanities, the ecological humanities, animal studies, queer theory,) humanities scholars have represented their matters of care with an aesthetic (and therefore political) commitment to narrating stories with an emphasis on the relationality among agencies, forces, phenomena, and entities usually kept separate, in the background, or out of the story altogether

–> redistribution of agencies

political stake ==> aesthetic tactics

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postgraduate program, research center


1 September-30 November 2013

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postgraduate program, research center


1 September-30 November 2015

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postgraduate program, workshop

Vladimir Miller Settlement VIII

14 September-2 October 2015 / a.pass studio


Settlement is a space that tries very hard not to settle. Its instability naturally works against the establishing of clear boundaries between „your space“ and „my space“, what hopefully follows from that is that it is very difficult to establish boundaries between „your work“ and "my work". I believe that practice is bound by space, and if space gets shaky, unstable, shareable, so does the practice.
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postgraduate program, research center


1 May-31 July 2017

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postgraduate program, workshop

Anouk Llaurens Sensation as score

9 May-31 July 2017

Movement Practice


Every Thursday we’ll meet for movement practice and reflection practice will follow.

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15 May 2017

MEDIUM SCORE follows on previous iterations of scores as tools to practice dialogue or intersubjective formats for exchange in artistic research. ScoreScapes is an investigation of how scores can facilitate the relation between artistic research, documentation and knowledge processing.
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conference, seminar, workshop

The Document Transformed + Book Launch Dirty Room /Juan Dominguez

22-24 June 2017 / La Bellone, Brussels

a.pass seminar and master classes

Agency : thing 001678

Curated by Sofia Caesar and Lilia Mestre, the public program “The Document Transformed” invites four practitioners that offer very distinct questions, methods, and proposals to problems related to documentation. Join Femke Snelting, Olga de Soto, Vincent Meessen, and Agency (Kobe Matthys), and others, for three days of presentations, screenings, performances and conversations. How does the document affect practices, bodies, histories, and experiences? The event brings together practices that not only give sight to the power relations engendered by apparatuses of documentation, but also move towards the transformation of the systems in which we produce history, law, art, and the body. Held in the context of The Problem of the Score, block curated by Lilia Mestre in the a.pass post-master research program and supported by a.pass.

This seminar is organized in collaboration with La Bellone – Brussels

To inscribe to the master-classes please send an email to

JUNE 22-23-24 @ LA BELLONE
Rue de Flandre 46

Detailed program:

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postgraduate program, workshop

Jennifer Lacey Dance Workshop

10 July-14 June 2017

jennifer lacey " american realness"
The base line of dance is perhaps understood as the body but mostly it is bodies ( minds implied) together someplace, deciding to work in a certain way . The how of the work, the process, is something that is always to be reinvented and renegotiated. Each dispositif of dance making already contains a nascent content, one that will inevitably be more influential than any idea or concept in the production of the form. So, in imagining how to design the making of a dance, the translation of the concept or content into a thing-which-can-be-done is a crucial, poetic and political task. The base line of dance is perhaps understood as the body but mostly it is bodies ( minds implied) together someplace, deciding to work in a certain way . The how of the work, the process, is something that is always to be reinvented and renegotiated. Each dispositif of dance making already contains a nascent content, one that will inevitably be more influential than any idea or concept in the production of the form. So, in imagining how to design the making of a dance, the translation of the concept or content into a thing-which-can-be-done is a crucial, poetic and political task.
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postgraduate program, workshop

Sina Seifee Little Fables of Practice Workshop

24-25 July 2017 / a.pass 4th floor

Sina Seifee - Moon index in Sa'di world refraction poetics
In this two days workshop I like to propose the notion of keyword seen as a site where one formulates concepts and narratives that reorient one within one's own research practices. We will (re)animate our keywords as fables, which are operational metaphors that shape subjects and objects of knowledge. How can we participate in (re)shaping our objects of knowledge in terms of little fables?
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performative publishing, postgraduate program

Maurice Meewisse Documentation Third Block – Settlement 14

1 January-31 March 2019

Curated by Vladimir Miller


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postgraduate program


7 January-31 March 2019

curated by Vladimir Miller

unsettled study
Continuing the line of inquiry from Uninvited Research, Block 19/I will again come together around the questions of mobility, logistics and gestures of moving, settling and unsettling. All who research, work and support at apass including the Research Center, the administration, the curators and production support are invited to join the process.

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postgraduate program, workshop

Settlement 14

7-26 January 2019 / a.pass

During the days of Jan 7th-26th 2019 a.pass will come together and host an open workspace called SETTLEMENT. In the course of these three weeks we will share our current work processes within an open collaborative workspace. We aim to create a poly-central gathering that is self-structured, self-organized and open to contributions from anyone. You are cordially invited to join this process by establishing your own space in the a.pass SETTLEMENT and sharing some of your ideas, practices or works with others. The materials and structures available at the a.pass main space will be a common resource for all who join to create whatever is needed to facilitate this process. The schedule for these three weeks will be developed on site by its participants and shared online on the a.pass website.

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information, postgraduate program

Settlement 14 schedule

7-26 January 2019


MON 7th

14:00 meeting

17:00 cleaning, emptying the collective space

19:00 dinner


TUE 8th

10:00 Materials and Tools

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postgraduate program, workshop

the Lecture, the Performance

4-8 February 2019

workshop with philipp gehmacher


This week’s focus lies on the idea and genre of the lecture performance in the performing and visual arts. Speaking out will be looked at as a performative act of sharing thoughts and concerns about ones own research and work. The questions often arising are: Why speak out about things at all? Why not let the work speak for itself, the research be mapped out and available? Is the speaking an extra layer of added information, at times rendering the ‚shown’ and presented more informal, even personal? Whilst in fact pointing at its surrounding, as much as the institution, is there a self-referentiality involved in speaking that we cannot escape whether we speak about ourselves, our concerns or just matters seemingly ‚worldly‘ and not personal? Speaking is however also about utterance and the speech act, performative as such, in the now, whether scripted or not. Speaking points out, maps out, accompanies actions and discursifes often all at once.

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postgraduate program, workshop

Moritz Frischkorn The Choreography of Objects: Logistics vs. Entanglement

25-28 February 2019

In recent years, theoreticians both from political sciences and cultural studies have become more and more interested in the business field of logistics. Besides finance (and new logics of extraction, some authors claim), logistics seems to be one of the key notions to understand global capitalism today.
Today logistics considers itself the totalized management and governance of all flows of capital, labour and commodities. And more than ever, logistics is administered and steered by algorithms – auto-managed and automated, implementing a computational governance that subjects labour as much as all material resources of the globe to its regime. Fred Moten and Stefano Harney, in their essay ‘Fantasy in the Hold’, thus write: ‘The rise of logistics is rapid. Indeed, to read today in the field of logistics is to read a booming field, a conquering field. In military science and in engineering of course, but also in business studies, in management research, logistics is everywhere.

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performative publishing, postgraduate program


22-23 March 2019 / KANAL

performative research environment

kanal centre pompidou
Unsettled Study will invite the audience to witness and join the multitude of research processes currently hosted by the a.pass platform for artistic research.  
For several years a.pass platform fo artistic research has periodically engaged with a research environment called Settlement proposed and facilitated by Vladimir Miller. This project continues to ask on which spatial, performative and institutional conditions is it possible to step into and share an artist’s research process as it is happening.  

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postgraduate program, workshop

Vladimir Miller Settlement 16

14 September-3 October 2020 / a.pass

The Unconditional Institution

Settlement 16

During the days of Sept 14th – Oct 3rd 2020 a.pass will come together and host an open workspace called Settlement. In the course of these three weeks we will share our current work processes within an open collaborative workspace. We aim to create a poly-central gathering that is self-structured, self-organized and open to contributions from anyone. You are cordially invited to join this process by establishing your own space in the a.pass Settlement and sharing some of your ideas, practices or works with others. The materials and structures available at the a.pass main space will be a common resource for all who join to create whatever is needed to facilitate this process. The schedule for these three weeks will be developed on site by its participants and shared online on the a.pass website.

please let us know if you want to join this workshop by subscribing a week before you come. covid measures will be followed in the shared environment to ensure it safety. 

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postgraduate program, workshop


27-31 October 2020 / a.pass


As a performer you provide your audience with something that cannot be measured in material terms. As regards the activity that produces the cultural content of the commodity, your labour involves a series of activities that are not normally recognised as work – activities involved in defining and determining cultural and artistic standards, fashions, tastes, consumer norms and, on a strategic level, public opinion. As a performer you are primarily a producer of subjectivity. Typically, an artist’s value does not lie in what they “do” but in what they “are”. Now, remember, for example, how Richard Florida described the processes of gentrification caused by the migration of artists and creative workers – the artists may or may not be aware of the value of their mere presence but on a larger scale they produce “results” simply by existing. Survival in the (performing) arts requires creativity that goes beyond the artworks one creates. In fact, a typical performing artist spends about 99 percent of their time off stage – as an audience member, a critic, an administrator, a networker, friend, mentor, student, teacher and so on. Inventing and re-inventing oneself on and offstage, adjusting to various situations, restrictions, moving from project to project, one residency to the next, brimming with creative energy, training and forever educating oneself is the way forward.

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postgraduate program, workshop

Elke van Campenhout Debunking the Myth

16-20 November 2020 / online

or The Emperor’s New Clothes Revisited


16.-20. Nov 2020


To be a contemporary artist comes with a lot of prerequisites these days: unspoken discourse rules, critical norms, and a general salonfähig consensus about values like fluidity, horizontality, collaboration, etcetera… Often these values are taken for granted while a strong discourse is ruling the artist’s world, zooming in on any hint of postcolonial insensitivity, patriarchal blindness, gender observations, and faintly non-consensual power use. This attitude stems from the bountiful history of feminist and queer studies, cultural studies insights, and a general growing awareness of her-stories and the damage done by biased educations and cultural misgivings. But at the same time there are also a lot of other untouched territories underlying these value markers: 19th century romanticism, liberalism, humanism, … Each one carrying within it a very specific view of what it means to be a human being in this world, how we are connected and what we are able to convey.

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project, workshop

Polyset 2022W4-7 a.pass, Brussels

24 January-11 February 2022 / a.pass

Image copyright: Robbie Shone




[disorganisation, mutable<>mutant, re-constitution, available space, usedesign, decoherence, constituent imagination, perpetual modeling, set / unset, cohab, sticky space, gel, semiset, accumulation, interim, tentative, fragile, actual, affine space, poligraphy, gathering, a walk in the dark with the flashlight pointing backwards, fugitive instituting, politecture, study, overflow, hangout]


a poliset is:

a practice of temporary research co-habitation, where the the researchers design their spaces of practice in one shared space

an indoor research hangout with available communal materials, tools, support structures and resources

a self-curated study, that works through an open network of invitations

consensual over-all-planning is an exception, while relational collaborative negotiations structure the space

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Unfortunately we no longer have applications. Both programs: the Postgraduate as well as Research Center have come to an end due to the decision of the ministry of education to stop financing a.pass. At the moment we look into new plans for the future. More news soon on our website.

Alternativly you can upload your Research proposal, Portfolio, CV and other documents here.

Maximum file size: 50 MB, maximum 5 files.


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Open Call

Contact person.

Every application will be offered a copy while stocks last of the a.pass publication In These Circumstances: a collection of methodologies, insights, experiences, ideas, researches from 15 years of a.pass. If you like to receive a copy then please provide an address below.

We request you to upload all materials combined in 1 PDF - please name each chapter clearly :

Upload your file(s) here:

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