performative publishing, research portfolio
Martin Sieweke Time item

time item martin
Time item is located around Martin Sieweke’s practice of prolonging, extending and reformulating the use of materials and objects in different ways. It’s a research around a multi-layered relationality, in which the given (read: context/conditions, already existing/familiar materials/ objects) influences and contributes as a dispositive.
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Gosie Vervloessem, João Fiadeiro, Crăiuţ Rareş Augustin, Simon Asencio, Vijai Maia Patchineelam,Vladimir Miller Annex III
Research Center CYCLE III 2021/2022 Publishing Artistic Research

Annex III is a collaboratively written book by researchers of Cycle 3. It discusses an annotated library of shared references and recommendations which have accumulated during their research year. This publication is a collective retracing of these connections, and as such a reweaving of a complex understructure of speculative relationships between the questions and concerns of this Cycle.
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The Artist Job Description, for the Employment of the Artist, as an Artist, Inside the Art Institution
1 May 2022
Vijai Maia Patchineelam

“The artist’s experience of being inside art institutions, starting from the effort made to be accepted in order to develop one’s art practice, then the experience of going through them, and while in them, the many ways of having to learn how to be inside. This will in several ways inform the development of an artist’s practice, for the good or for the bad. Making this publication has been an attempt at recognizing and dealing with, rather than avoiding, the tensions that exist in the relationship between artists and art institutions at a time when most art institutions themselves are under the pressure of austerity-politics.”
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In these circumstances: On collaboration, performativity, self-organisation and transdisciplinarity in research-based practices

In these circumstances: On collaboration, performativity, self-organisation and transdisciplinarity in research-based practices is a publication about artistic research as it is practiced within the co-learning environment of a.pass. This book brings together an assemblage of curatorial, artistic and pedagogical approaches emblematic of an institution that fosters collaboration, self-organisation and transdisciplinarity in research-based practices.
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Arquivo Atlantico [Atlantic Archive]
27 January 2022
Túlio Rosa

Arquivo Atlantico
Arquivo Atlântico is a multi-chpater research project by Beatriz Cantinho and Túlio Rosa, in collaboration with Jose Capela and Nuno Torres. Arquivo Atlântico is an investigation on the notion of memory, on the possibility of re-membering differently places, peoples and knowledges.
listen to Arquivo Atlântico podcast
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27 January 2022
Ana Paula Camargo

This is a non-exhaustive account of Ana Paula Camargo’s trajectory through a.pass, where she developed a big part of her PhD research. This is also a laboratory to experiment the boundaries where theory and practice finally blur each other. It is a celebration of collaboration (wanted and unwanted), of encounters, differences, misunderstandings and bonds.
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Draconis Lacrimæ
Federico Vladimir Strate Pezdirc

PDF preview
by Federico Vladimir Strate Pezdirc
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Lilith, Losing, Lavender
12 euro
1 July 2021
Andrea Zavala Folache

Lilith, Losing, Lavender: A love letter to love is a collection of texts written throughout the research trajectory of Andrea Zavala Folache. With different narrative styles as diary, love letters, score instructions, this collection imbricates ideas of love, art and life as an essay about conditions of attachment.
In the interstice of several practices as dance, writing and drawing and different spaces as the dance studio, the atelier, the classroom, the theatre and the white cube, Andrea’s research focuses on non chronological dramaturgies for the emergence of surprise or unexpectedness.
price 12 euro
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0 euro
1 June 2021
Breg Horemans

Diary excerpt from Live Archive,
by Breg Horemans
Siting Discourse is a dialogical diary that explores the protocols, politics and accessibility of a digital architecture-as-archive ( Horemans shares the writing process through a recorded sequence of screen captures. Siting Discourse exposes the Live Archive´s digital spatiality and the implicit gestures, attitudes and coincidences of discourse making that it aims to facilitate. The title is a reference to the Live Archive as a (web-)site for discursive documentation and it addresses the academic citing mechanism as a form of “structural misquoting.” Siting Discourse is a collaboration between Siebren Nachtergaele (Social Sciences HOGENT, Theatre Studies UGENT, BE) and Andrew Filmer (Theatre Studies, Aberystwyth University, WA). Their first encounter was shaped by means of a drift.
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1 July 2021

I’m Not Sad, The World Is Sad is an autotheoretical, semi-fictional account of a performance artist who lands a part-time job as an Embedded Artistic Researcher in an art institution. Invested in queer theory and institutional critique, she sets out to perform the artist “differently” through a process of negation and passivity, inadvertently causing her relationship with the institution’s curator to grow increasingly speculative and paranoid. Louwerens’ labor as tour guide, security guard, artist, hostess and researcher at different institutions begins to overlap and blend under the name of “performance.” I’m Not Sad, The World Is Sad is a fragmented story of paranoid and reparative reading, script and utterance, exposure and vulnerability.
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15 euro
1 July 2021
Davide Tidoni

PDF Preview
Where Do You Draw the Line Between Art and Politics consists of a series of interviews with individuals who have been active in various capacities at the intersection of art and politics. Between historical documentation, political memory, dialogic reflection, and motivational support, the publication examines the experiences, commitments and feelings that operate and inform aesthetic priorities in social spaces outside of art institutions; it’s a repository designed to inspire and encourage the politicization of aesthetics, as opposed to the aestheticization of politics.
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3 euro
1 July 2021
Lili M. Rampre

A Game,
by Lili M. Rampre
Pop-Fi poster is a “choose your own adventure” game developed by Lili M. Rampre in collaboration with Júlia Rúbies Subirós. The game traces pre-public discourse, a semi-private collection of thoughts that, once shared and circulated, can shift a wider agenda on what matters to artists the most. The game aims to popularize common fictions and pop the bubble of others. Collectivizing half-digested thoughts potentially means bridging between personal and structural to effectuate change.
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Chloe Chignell / Muslin Brothers / Flávio Rodrigo / Christina Stadlbauer Dismantle Space
11-14 November 2020
For Dismantle Space, a website has been created in collaboration between the researchers and web designer and editor Sven Dehens in order to compile the works that have been developed in the frame of the artistic research environment of a.pass. This website hosts the complicities and differences of the four researches and it will address the infrastructural concerns each of them entails
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Sven Dehens Zoumana Meite If a question could lie it’d be somewhere else
25 January 2018

if a question
performative publishing, research center
Adrijana Gvozdenović archiving artistic anxieties

archiving artistic anxieties
This online publication is part of the research project Archiving Artistic Anxieties, by Adrijana Gvozdenović
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10 euro
1 February 2020
Isabel Burr Raty

beauty kit isabel
by Isabel Burr Raty
with contributions by Kristin Rogghe, Elke Van Campenhout, Gosie Vervloessem, Pablo Diartinez and Tim Vets, is an experimental catalog summarizing Isabel Burr Raty’s research on conceptualizing and manufacturing eco-erogenous para-pharmaceutical products. It tells the story of the BKFF, a mobile farm where she and other females harvest their orgasmic juices to produce beauty bio-products, used for treatments in the BK Spa, critically discussed in the BK Focus Group and moving forward into becoming a village, where every-body harvests each other. The catalog comes with contributing text, “Harvesting bodies – The Farm as Paradox” by Elle/Elke Van Campenhout, and other reflections on the project.
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155 euro
1 February 2020
Antye Guenther

NEOCORTEX is a textile poster publication. It can be used as a head or neck scarf, a hairband, a veil, a belt, a table cloth, an arm sling, a disguise in political demonstrations, a laboratory sieve, or a tool for receiving and transmitting alien thoughts. This scarf is the second materialization of ongoing research on neuroscientific visualization practices and questionable conceptualizations of our brains. Referring to the current trend in the scientific community to print posters on textiles rather than on paper, it combines reconstructed MRI data of the artist’s brain with various text fragments from science and science fiction.
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7 euro
1 February 2020
Sina Seifee

ZOOLOGICAL VANDALISM by Sina Seifee in collaboration with editor Renan Lauran and designer Foad Farahani, is immersion in the compiling and composing of Seifee’s notes on medieval bestiaries, and placing them in sequential order. It is the first chapter of a series that creates context and opens small descriptive steps towards (what Latour might call) “knowing interestingly” about bestiaries. It is a speculative adventure in bio-techno tales and old styles of knowing. As an “ecology of obligation” with Iranian sensuality and its ardent materiality, somewhere in the menagerie of found and feral animal videos on Whatsapp and Telegram, is Seifee’s undisciplined grounding in visual crafts.
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Forms of life of forms
12 euro
1 February 2020
Rob Ritzen

FORMS OF LIFE OF FORMS brings artistic research into form – not merely as an aesthetic question but as a social and political one. Indeed, there are no politics without form! With Forms of Life, Rob Ritzen curated several “Moments” that assembled works, collective readings, and other references into a single installation. This publication reshuffles documentation of these “Moments” as a visual reflection of the trajectory of this research.
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14 Euro
1 February 2020
Sara Manente

ROT is a publication reflecting the research “Wicked technology/Wild fermentation,” by Sara Manente that focuses on forms and practice of fermentation as ways to rethink bodies and their making. This glossy magazine performs research, aiming to infect the reader, and questioning how to spread, publish, and help the work survive.
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Isabel Burr Raty, Antye Guenther, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen, Sina Seifee and a.pass PUBLISHING ARTISTIC RESEARCH
35 euro = 4 publications + Annex
1 February 2020
research center associates Cycle 1

Documenting, archiving, and publishing are intrinsic to the ongoing practices of a.pass. They are seen as research tools that enable critical reflections through their exposure of artistic research processes. The program seeks to find public formats or outlets for research in the course of its ongoing development, and facilitates an understanding of the politics of such processes.
With these concepts in mind, the a.pass Research Centre (RC) began a new program in 2018 that hosts six Associate Researchers in cycles of one year as a platform for exchange in artistic research. Cycle I hosted Isabel Burr Raty, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Antye Guenter, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen and Sina Seifee. They contributed to the platform through concerns, concepts and “ways of doing” inherent to their practices.
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Breg Horemans, Davide Tidoni, Esteban Donoso, Lili M. Rampre and Pia Louwerens WHAT YOUR RESEARCH DID TO ME
30 euro - annex + 2 books + 1 game
10 June 2021
research center associates Cycle II

Documenting, archiving, and publishing are intrinsic to the ongoing practices of a.pass. They are seen as research tools that enable critical reflections through their exposure of artistic research processes. The program seeks to find public formats or outlets for research in the course of its ongoing development, and facilitates an understanding of the politics of such processes.
With these concepts in mind, the a.pass Research Centre (RC) began a new program in 2018 that hosts six Associate Researchers in cycles of one year as a platform for exchange in artistic research. Cycle I hosted Isabel Burr Raty, Adrijana Gvozdenović, Antye Guenter, Sara Manente, Rob Ritzen and Sina Seifee. They contributed to the platform through concerns, concepts and “ways of doing” inherent to their practices.
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RRadio Triton Data Retrieval Interface
1 July 2018 / online:

frontispiece of RRadio Triton Data Retrieval Interface
RRadio Triton is an experimental radio project aiming at producing collective audio documents gathered in and disseminated by the ad hoc fictional radio label/station, recording, editing, sampling, remixing and releasing audio and soundscapes. The audio publications of RRadio Triton are the recomposition of the outcomes of the voluntary contributions from all the actors of the 2017 a.pass seminar, BLOCK 17/I TROUBLE ON RADIO TRITON_ ((((((( CHANGING (THE) WORLD (S) )))))) curated by Pierre Rubio.
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Parallel Parasite Timeline Repository – Web Publication
Research Center Document

Parallel Parasite Timeline Repository
As a way to register our process during the Parallel Parasite, three weeks residency of the a.pass Research Center at SZenne ArtLab in 2018, we filmed and recorded all the public encounters. This interface created on top of the video allows to complement the document with other collected materials and to add continuously a-posteriori reflections. Viewers can scroll through and find points of interest.
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RRadio Triton
1 July 2019 / online:
audio publication

Tritonia Festiva_Photo Steve Lonhart_NOAA_MBNMS
In 2019 RRadio Triton sets out to dream of operating like a time machine carrying its protagonists through time back to events and questions processed and produced during Trouble on Radio Triton ((((((( changing (the) world (s) )))))) -a seminar held by a.pass in 2017- and returning them as new narrators. RRadio Triton is a collective and experimental, digital audio project aimed at producing and publishing radio and sound documents. The ad hoc fictional radio station records, edits, samples, remixes and releases pieces of audiowork into the wireless atmospheric fabric and exists in between a digital sound-archive, ongoing conversations that originated at the 2017 seminar and live-appearances at events.
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Writing Scores – 1000 liters of Fuel
24 May 2018

Writing Score_1000 liters of Fuel – PDF
end presentation, performative publishing, postgraduate program
Luisa Fillitz / Esther Rodriguez-Barbero Granado / Eunkyung Jeong / Marialena Marouda / Ekaterina Kaplunova / Shervin Kiarnesi / Lilia Mestre This is 1000 liter fuel. So – & Tectonic Friendship book launch
24-26 May 2018

For this End-Presentations, six researchers come together in concepts of absence, invisibility, history and knowledge. They research in various ways to bring what seems to be ungraspable in the construction of subjectivities to the fore. Subjectivity here, not as an individual subjectivity, but one that collectively builds and positions (in transformation) outside of oneself.
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Close Encounters Series
21 October 2017
Close Encounters is the name of a series of presentations and public conversations organized by the a.pass Research Centre, which takes place when researchers are invited, or feel the need to communicate publicly about their research. The series is curated by the associate researchers and the current research curator Pierre Rubio.
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Close Encounters series A conversation-on-exhibition
25 January 2018 / Manchesterstraat 17 - 1080
Marcelo Rezende / Adrijana Gvozdenović

Adrijana Gvozdenović, "Who is Adrian Lister? or Уметник работник роботник", publication, 2016
Marcelo Rezende and Adrijana Gvozdenović share their stories and experiences about their (critical) practice of exhibition making. How can you produce meaning and experience that matters? Why do we still believe in reality?
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Close Encounters series A dialogue on Active Archives
27 January 2018 / Manchesterstraat 17 - 1080
Nicolas Malevé / Femke Snelting

Active Archives
As a case study and exemplary project/practice, Nicolas Malevé, Femke Snelting and Pierre Rubio will discuss the long history of Active Archive.
What can the different iterations of Active Archives tell us about the condition of engaged artists-researchers-archivists? What were the historical conditions that stimulated its genesis? And after all these years -punctuated by profound technological, cultural and institutional changes- how is its evolution and relevance today?
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Sina Seifee, Lili M Rampre, Xiri Tara Noir, Esta Matkovic No Communication without Noise
End presentation publication
21-23 September 2017


The Project : publication by Esta Matkovic you can find HERE
performative publishing, postgraduate program
Luiza Crosman, Juan Duque, Sana Ghobbeh and Aela Royer – HEARSAY

hearsay front
Luiza Crosman (BR), Juan Duque (CO), Sana Ghobbeh (IR), Sébastien Hendrickx (BE) and Aela Royer (FR) reflect in their stories, statements and scores on their one year research cycle at a.pass in this publication.
price: 2 euro
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BUBBLE SCORE / Lilia Mestre
10 euro
1 January 2017
a.pass publication

BUBBLE SCORE – The Relation between Performance and Writing is the third book of the ScoreScapes publications series. The book contains texts by a.pass researchers, collages as well as Scores for the Reader inserted at the back of the book.
price: 10 euro
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Juan Domínguez DIRTY ROOM
16 euro
1 January 2017

dirty room front2
CLEAN ROOM is the name of a performance project created by Juan Domínguez and several collaborators that was developed as a three-season series with six episodes in each season. Its name refers to a spotless space, with low levels of external pollutants and controlled environmental parameters that guarantee minimum interferences in the developments of experiments.
price: 16 euro
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Anna Sörsenson Therapy Sessions
26-27 September 2014

The Therapy Sessions, a performance piece in four parts exploring the emotional role of a bureaucrat using a video, a screenplay, an audio file and a collection of illustrations.The Therapy Sessions involves three characters, which are investigating patterns of bureaucratic behaviour, the compromising bureaucrat, the facilitating therapist and the classifying analyst.
price: 5 euro
Designed by Miriam Hempel
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Perform Back Score / Lilia Mestre
a.pass publication

The book Perform Back Score is the result of 3 months of performed, sketched and written dialogue produced within a group of artistic researchers, each plunging into a study about the Conditions for the Emergence of Poetics. Poetics used here as ‘acts’ that transform our ways of perceiving, as situations that invite another understanding of ‘things’.
price: 10 euro
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Samah Hijawi, Philippine Hoegen, Cecilia Molano, Sara Santos, Gosie Vervloessem and Veridiana Zurita Volver
29-30 May 2015

brochure volver
This brochure contains texts and interviews by the presenting participants and the other contributors of the VOLVER conference that took place on the 29th and 30th of May 2015. Performances, film screenings, installations workshops were presented to share in the artistic research processes that participans followed during their year at a.pass, alongside with lectures and presentations by the guests of the researchers: Patricia Reed, Gonçalo Pena and Petra van Brabant.
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veridiana zurita research publication
15-15 January 2016

Los Angeles, Kinderreiche Familie
Between 2014 and 2015 Veridiana Zurita initiated three ongoing artistic research projects; ‘Don’t Eat the Microphone’: a weekly session developed together with the residents of the psychiatric hospital Dr. Guislain in Ghent, ‘Televizinho’: a series of re-enactments of Brazilian soap-operas with no-actors of the riverside community Santa Isabel in the Amazon (BR) and ‘Mommy, Daddy, Me’: a letter trialogue about love relationships between herself and her parents.
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a.pass conference Pharmakon
in production
28-30 November 2014
Edited by Elke Van Campenhout, Lilia Mestre
Texts by Alexandre LePetit, Lilia Mestre, Flora Pilet, Veridiana Zurita, Mischa Twitchin, Michiel Reynaert, Elke Van Campenhout and others.
To be published in autumn 2015.
performative publishing, research center
Ed. by Adva Zakai and Elke Van Campenhout Curating as Environmentalism
1 September 2012
performative publishing, research center
Elke Van Campenhout Tarot of Hope
25 euro - tarot cards and book
1 December 2013

If you wanted to come up with a language that could be understood by anyone, and that allows for different ways to adapt to the situation, but that still speaks about what concerns us all, the Tarot is the way to go. The Tarot is an ancient method to gain insight into your current situation. It is a way to bring different aspects of your life together, and relate them to an outside world that sometimes appears hostile or unconcerned by your sorrows or doubts. With the Tarot of Hope, Bureau d’Espoir tries to get a grip on our current situation.
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Publications Overview
a.pass continuously develops and supports different and specific modes of presentation which are emerging from the research practiced at the institution. A large part of the program is based on modes of making-public of research within the program and towards the larger public. These moments are organized systematically within the program and reach a larger audience with the End-Presentations, Research Center publications, seminars, lectures, website publications and the archive.
This page contains printed publicatinos of a.pass, for larger index of all a.pass modes of publishing please visit
performative publishing
Writing Scores / Lilia Mestre
19 September 2014
a.pass publication

The book Writing Scores is the result of 3 months of written dialogues produced within the group of artistic researchers of a.pass.
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15 September 2014 / online

Anna Sörenson, Victoria Myronyuk and Camila Aschner Restrepo
all linger in their own way on the thresholds between the hyper-real
and everyday fictions, inviting the visitor to step into
their research through the experience of its procedures.
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Maite Liébana Vena, Julia Clever, Daniel Kok, Gaja Karolczak, Carolina Goradesky it’s not me, is it?
23 May 2014

What is the relation between the researcher and his research, between the artist and the world, between the body and the body of work? Today’s ideology of contemporary arts condemns the narcissism of the artist-genius as as an old-fashioned marketing strategy that affirms rather than critiques the status quo.
price: 2 euro
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