performative publishing
a.pass Polyset 2023W18-20
2-19 May 2023 / a.pass
practice gathering

photograph by Dasha Plesen
a.pass Polyset 2023W18-20
May 2nd-19th 2023
You are cordially invited to join the a.pass Polyset space between the 2nd and 19th of May ’23. Within the Polyset you will find other practitioners, artists and researchers, materials, tools, technical support as well as any number of individual and communal practices and experimental proposals. Polyset starts from an empty space and an empty timetable – both are gradually established during Polyset by its participants. Artists who spend time in the Polyset space set up their own working conditions. There are materials available to create a wide range of structures: from a simple table to a performative setting. The invitation to work with communal materials in a shared space opens up questions of authorship and collaboration towards a transient idea of ownership.
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About MILK!
1-2 March 2023
Cheese-making workshop with Robin Bantigny

For this cheese-making workshop, a.pass post-graduate researcher
Marian Rosa van Bodegraven invites artist and cheese maker Robin Bantigny to host a cheese-making workshop at Radical House.
Read more..a.pass Poliset 2022W4-7 common SCHEDULE
This Schedule will be updated on a daily basis as Poliset 2022W4-7 and the proposals within it develop.
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Polyset 2022W4-7 a.pass, Brussels
24 January-11 February 2022 / a.pass

Image copyright: Robbie Shone
[disorganisation, mutable<>mutant, re-constitution, available space, usedesign, decoherence, constituent imagination, perpetual modeling, set / unset, cohab, sticky space, gel, semiset, accumulation, interim, tentative, fragile, actual, affine space, poligraphy, gathering, a walk in the dark with the flashlight pointing backwards, fugitive instituting, politecture, study, overflow, hangout]
a poliset is:
a practice of temporary research co-habitation, where the the researchers design their spaces of practice in one shared space
an indoor research hangout with available communal materials, tools, support structures and resources
a self-curated study, that works through an open network of invitations
consensual over-all-planning is an exception, while relational collaborative negotiations structure the space
Read more..performative publishing, research center
Research In Absence
20-24 September 2021
The a.pass Research Center invites you to join its public programme Research in Absence
September 20th-24th in Brussels
Together with the Research Center participant researchers from the a.pass postgraduate program and the public will form a group that will engage in research proposals of Associate Researchers of Cycle 3. For each of the proposals, the researcher who proposes it, will be absent for the duration of the process. The rest of the group – together with the public – will engage in the research question collaboratively, contributing their knowledge and practices to the shared process.
The program invites all interested participants for an introductory dinner on Monday, September 20th. The group will work with the proposals in the afternoons and evenings of Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. The program will conclude with a communal breakfast and feedback session on Friday morning, Sept. 24th.
The five proposals can be joined separately or for the duration of the entire process. A detailed program will be published shortly, with information of how to book a slot and the location of the program.
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João Fiadeiro Real Time Composition Open Sessions
19-21 July 2021 / a.pass

Foto by Carolina Canpos
As Associated Researcher at the a.pass Research Center, João Fiadeiro will open his research process to the a.pass community in order to exchange, clarify and discuss the premisses and principles of Real Time Composition, a tool that practices radical decentering in order to attend to what exceeds human experience. This process can be accessed in a series of meetings/slots between July 19 and 21.
In Portuguese, the word “reparar” can be understood both as “noticing, attending”, and as “restoring, repairing”. It also means “stopping twice” (re-parar). Real Time Composition works in the entanglement of these three meanings because they invite all at once to come to a halt and to observe as a commitment to the present and a willingness to restore what has been wounded.
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Elke van Campenhout Debunking the Myth
16-20 November 2020 / online
or The Emperor’s New Clothes Revisited
16.-20. Nov 2020
To be a contemporary artist comes with a lot of prerequisites these days: unspoken discourse rules, critical norms, and a general salonfähig consensus about values like fluidity, horizontality, collaboration, etcetera… Often these values are taken for granted while a strong discourse is ruling the artist’s world, zooming in on any hint of postcolonial insensitivity, patriarchal blindness, gender observations, and faintly non-consensual power use. This attitude stems from the bountiful history of feminist and queer studies, cultural studies insights, and a general growing awareness of her-stories and the damage done by biased educations and cultural misgivings. But at the same time there are also a lot of other untouched territories underlying these value markers: 19th century romanticism, liberalism, humanism, … Each one carrying within it a very specific view of what it means to be a human being in this world, how we are connected and what we are able to convey.
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27-31 October 2020 / a.pass

As a performer you provide your audience with something that cannot be measured in material terms. As regards the activity that produces the cultural content of the commodity, your labour involves a series of activities that are not normally recognised as work – activities involved in defining and determining cultural and artistic standards, fashions, tastes, consumer norms and, on a strategic level, public opinion. As a performer you are primarily a producer of subjectivity. Typically, an artist’s value does not lie in what they “do” but in what they “are”. Now, remember, for example, how Richard Florida described the processes of gentrification caused by the migration of artists and creative workers – the artists may or may not be aware of the value of their mere presence but on a larger scale they produce “results” simply by existing. Survival in the (performing) arts requires creativity that goes beyond the artworks one creates. In fact, a typical performing artist spends about 99 percent of their time off stage – as an audience member, a critic, an administrator, a networker, friend, mentor, student, teacher and so on. Inventing and re-inventing oneself on and offstage, adjusting to various situations, restrictions, moving from project to project, one residency to the next, brimming with creative energy, training and forever educating oneself is the way forward.
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Vladimir Miller Settlement 16
14 September-3 October 2020 / a.pass
The Unconditional Institution

Settlement 16
During the days of Sept 14th – Oct 3rd 2020 a.pass will come together and host an open workspace called Settlement. In the course of these three weeks we will share our current work processes within an open collaborative workspace. We aim to create a poly-central gathering that is self-structured, self-organized and open to contributions from anyone. You are cordially invited to join this process by establishing your own space in the a.pass Settlement and sharing some of your ideas, practices or works with others. The materials and structures available at the a.pass main space will be a common resource for all who join to create whatever is needed to facilitate this process. The schedule for these three weeks will be developed on site by its participants and shared online on the a.pass website.
please let us know if you want to join this workshop by subscribing a week before you come. covid measures will be followed in the shared environment to ensure it safety.
Read more..lecture, performative publishing, research center
Close Encounters series Zones of disobedience
6-6 February 2020 / ISELP & a.pass
Elen Braga / Eve Kalyva / Steven Jouwersma
When institutions have come to embody their own institutional critique, when participatory art becomes the new weapon of the established normalising order, and when attempts to further develop forms of artistic resistance are almost instantly liquefied in the commodifying reason of the market, a series of questions arise: Is it still possible to disobey? What could the forms of disobedient work be today? What new strategies should be invented in this context? How can one give the public the incentive to transgress its fears, inhibitions and limitations?
Having these questions as a starting point, “Zones of Disobedience” opens up a space for discussion, reflection and debate. It presents examples from the past and the present and from across the spheres of the artistic and the political in order to problematise sets of relationships, conceptual frameworks and behaviors. These have to do with ideas about monuments, myths and experiences of the city as space but also as a site of memory, of belonging and of envisioning a future.
“Zones of Disobedience” offers an evening of contestation, blurred limits, shifts and negotiations.
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a.pass Research Centre Associates in residence victories over the suns
24 June-14 July 2019 / ZSenne ART Lab / Brussels
projects / events / agenda
get informations and agenda about the residence here
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Settlement 14
7-26 January 2019 / a.pass

During the days of Jan 7th-26th 2019 a.pass will come together and host an open workspace called SETTLEMENT. In the course of these three weeks we will share our current work processes within an open collaborative workspace. We aim to create a poly-central gathering that is self-structured, self-organized and open to contributions from anyone. You are cordially invited to join this process by establishing your own space in the a.pass SETTLEMENT and sharing some of your ideas, practices or works with others. The materials and structures available at the a.pass main space will be a common resource for all who join to create whatever is needed to facilitate this process. The schedule for these three weeks will be developed on site by its participants and shared online
on the a.pass website.
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10 September-30 November 2018
A curatorial proposal by Adva ZAkai

* Images – screen-shots from
This block is organized around a series of Study Days. Almost every Monday till the end of November, a.pass hosts artists, thinkers and researchers to contribute to the problematization of various issues that bring together love, art, school, improvisation and politics.
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apass a.pass meets SOL / School Of Love
3 September-30 November 2018 / apass
A curatorial proposition by Adva Zakai

* Images – screen-shots from
From Sep till Nov 2018 a.pass and School Of Love will start a flirt with each other, develop a relationship and hopefully make (produce) love.
SOL is a collective platform that was initiated some years ago*, inspired by the interest in both love and school as charged with potential to generate new politics and relations in the world. SOL is practiced through regular meetings, but follows no curriculum. Instead, it develops a spontaneous program through the presence and interest of its participants. SOL is basically an invitation to hang out. But to hang out deeply. To practice school as a place of free time – free to study things as they appear, separated from the dependency on the time and space of social order and production. And to practice love – Not the kind of love that is generated through affirmation of who we think we are, but love as an act of giving by allowing it to transform us.
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Lilia Mestre Fragile Community Score + Score for entering a place / Lilia Mestre
11 June-15 May 2018 / Zsenne ArtLab

SCORESCAPES: Thinking Scores as Pedagogical Tool is an ongoing research in the context of a.pass.For this occasion the score will serve the question of 'being in an (other) place' which is not home, which is semi-public, which will constitute a composite body and which will be in the 'here' of the public space and of the a.pass Research Center. Which tender social formation will take place? What will appear from the rubbing between institutional paradigms and the discourses that resist? The score wants to make appear narratives localized in that time/place frame work. We will work with writing and physical forms of presence and we'll go in between inside and outside, the individual and the group, in between the here and there, between being part of and being other.
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School of Love Instead of Needing to Know
4 June-9 May 2018
School Of Love @ Parallel-Parasite

Residency at a.pass/ Zsenne gallery, Brussels
4 – 9 June (except for June 6th), 2018
If both Love and School engaged in the practice of being open to change through encounters with others, we might develop sensitivities to deal with unknown paths better. Maybe we would be better off improvising through, with and within the unknown, instead of needing to know. Maybe improvisation today can be approached as a mode of resistance to a life dedicated to an anticipated and defined future.
Please inscribe here :
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Close Encounters series Conditions for the work
5-5 May 2018 / a.pass, 4th floor
Sofia Caesar / Femke Snelting

For this episode of Close encounters, Sofia Caesar and Femke Snelting have invited each other for an afternoon of conversation about contracts as propositions and elements as conditions. Both are involved in related but very different practices that they will present and bring into discussion with each other and the public.
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Monday Readings Text processing
15 January 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
characters, language and code

This first Monday Reading will be dedicated to text processing. We will discuss concepts such as What You See Is What You Get (WISYWYG), the virtues of ascii, what the differences are between writing, language, code, formatting and markup, and how our keyboards perform.
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Monday Readings Local server
5 February 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
Servers and hosts

In the lexicon of networks, any computer connected to the Internet is called a host. This means that all computers have the ability to host content. But in the current paradigm of the Internet, some hosts are designated to be serving (servers), and other hosts are to be served (clients).
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Monday Readings Encoding and compression
26 February 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
Monday Readings

compression artifact
“Codecs perform encoding and decoding on a data stream or signal, usually in the interest of compressing video, speech, or music. […] Software such as codecs poses several analytical problems. Firstly they are monstrously complicated. […] Second, at a phenomenological level, they deeply influence the very texture, flow and materiality of sounds and images. […]
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Monday Readings Databases
16 April 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
Stickyness, stopping points, consistency, routines, mnemosyne

This Monday Reading prepared with Sina Seifee will be dedicated to the intricate structures of the ubiquitous database. Browsing the tables and rows of this very website, we will try to graps the affordances and limits of organising the world as a collection of digital data.
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Monday Readings Keycards
19 March 2018 / a.pass, 3rd floor
Movement, security, smartness

For this Monday Reading we will follow the path of the keycard system that opens the outside doors at a.pass. What does it mean when opening a door becomes part of a data-flow?
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Monday Readings Streaming media
16 June 2018 / Szenne Artlab, Anneessensstraat 2
on demand, content-delivery, broadcast

This extra edition of the Monday reading actually takes place on a Saturday in Szenne artlab. In the context of Parallel-parasite, a residency of the a.pass Research Center, we will focus on the shape-shifting nature of streaming media. After sessions on text processing, local servers and key cards, we will continue with an exploration of streaming, a coverall term for the dominant way that audio and visual content is being delivered on the Internet today. We will read into the different technical protocols that are regulating those flows, and the diverging economies that software like Torrent trackers and companies like Youtube, Netflix construct. By considering how the continuous experience of streaming relies on various politics of separation, re-ordering discrete elements on delivery, we will observe how the production, sharing and consumption of media is radically changing. Session organised with Martino Morandi.
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Kate Rich Critical Administration
30 January-3 February 2018 / a.pass 4th floor
Shaking down the entrepreneur

This workshop takes place in the devastated landscape of the Creative Economy. Dipping cautiously into realms of business and economics (in which artists are generally and probably wilfully unschooled), we will take a pigeon’s-eye view (scrappy, opportunistic, only occasionally vicious) of worn-out tropes such as entrepreneurialism, human capital and cultural enterprise.
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Monday Readings
15 January-16 April 2018
Reading across technical tools and theoretical devices

In cultural institutions like a.pass, digital tools are used for communication, archiving, administration and production. These computational infrastructures depend more often than not on the services of tech giants and are put to use without too much space for reflection on how they actually work. If we want to bring technology within reach of interrogation and critique, how to break the spell of those paralysing regimes? How to shift the relationship from efficiency to curiosity; from scarcity to multiplicity and from solution to possibility?
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Nicolas Galeazzi pattern language for conditioning practices
19 January-23 March 2018
weekly meetings

Bildschirmfoto 2017-12-19 um 15.28.20
In order to explore MAKING / CONDITIONS we will try to create a Pattern Language for conditioning practices in the arts. With reference to the same named concept, proposed by the architect and philosopher Christopher Alexander in the late 1970's, we will investigate the patterns that help us to cretate the conditions for our artistic research through this very same research practices.
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Sven Dehens Untitled Excursion
27 October 2017
Critical voicing, reading, enactment of Alien (1979). Process of audio-visual documentation. Generation of a subtext to the script.
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Hoda Siahtiri If the past is really passed?!
25 October 2017
An introduction to co-experincing the others’ trauma
The city of Brussels is holding a part of my past. I will take you to one of the most historical places of Brussels. Please bring headphones if you have. It would be nice to have a piece of paper and pen. thanks.
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Marialena Marouda Flemish Marine Institute: Marine Station Ostend (MSO)
17 November 2017

The excursion is a first encounter with the Flemish Marine Institute and its work. It includes a tour of the Marine Station and the Research Vessel Simon Stervin in the port of Ostend. Our guide will be André Cattrijsee, who is the “research infrastructure manager” of the FMI.
During this excursion, I propose for us to focus our attention on how the ocean is studied in a scientific context. What kind of language is used to describe it? And what kinds of instruments are used to measure it? What are the categories that result from those measurements? And what kind of ocean is produced as a result? As a score for this excursion, I therefore propose to shift slightly the way we listen and experience this tour of a marine research institution. Instead of simply following the content of what is said, could we also discern the knowledge dispositive within which this tour takes place? And how does this dispositive affect, finally, the “object” of its study?
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Eszter Némethi War-/-Lace and Vertigo
3 November 2017

An excursion is a military term to describe a short entry to enemy territory without formal announcement of war. This excursion is an invitation to explore the ways in which spaces and materials can become instructions and how this relates to participation in complex systems. What is the the agency of things, participants and also the host. Can we listen to things in order to decipher their fictions? And can we remain complicated to each other? You will visit the Kantcentrum in Brugge and the NATO Headquarters in Evere . I will do my best to host you. You will be largely following instructions, reading, making, observing, walking and looking for gaps. You will then return to a playground for discussion at a.pass. I will make you dinner.
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Luisa Fillitz A collection of Impressions
2 November 2017
Coming together in a place. Where and how do our perceptions, according to the surrounding/the place and the situation where we are, manifest themselves? Where and how can we locate them in our body? How is our intuitive reaction? Linked together in groups, we would then — following a score-proposal — try out how everybody`s own intuitional desire of where and how he/she wants to move is affecting the movement of the others in the group as well as their movement is affecting each one. Afterwards everybody is invited to create a zine in any form – according to ones wish – trying to remember the different impressions and the thoughts, feelings, that they provoked.
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Leo Kay The time it takes to think
1 November 2017

How can we think together? How can we make Space for deep reflection on complex issues? How can we come close enough without intruding? How can we engage in group dialogue and take the time that is needed to think before producing more, contributing more to the system we are locked within?
A day of observing, listening, walking, kneading, thinking, talking and baking, as we navigate a critical socio/political issue that effects us all and will continue to affect us in the forceable future.
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Elen Braga The masters meeting: A Journey to the unpromised land and the magic balls
31 October 2017

“- You shine through my atmosphere. And when you show up, my mountains move like bushes in the wind, and the rocks are scattered on all sides. I hear you. I hear an amazing bang like a storm to come. I hear the noise of thunder, the voice of demons, the winds, the monsters. The whole earth rises, dilating like the waves of the sea and my surface breaks down. My own ground seems to subside and… we need to find another ground to walk by: the unpromised land and the magics balls… “
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Shervin Kianersi For to Know Nothing Is Nothing
30 October 2017
Imagine natural daylight, the best kind of light to see things clearly. Then imagine the light getting brighter and brighter, until it becomes so blindingly white that you are filled with anxiety. The information overload that we experience in our everyday lives is similar to that blinding light. Its origins date to the early 90s, when computer networks attained critical speeds and scales. Today, each of us yearns to be informed 24/7. The dictatorship of information creates in us a desire for round-the-clock information. We have become the organic components of an integrated global data and information system. Yet this yearning we feel is about our search for the Real, which a never-ending stream of information, that informs us only of the reality of facts, can neither satisfy nor fulfil. Because information is always directed at you. Information informs but is no guarantee of getting any closer to the truth. In fact, information sometimes operates as an obstacle to the truth. Instead, what if we started to filter out what we could of the information, in order to better understand the truth? What if we ignored information about the given facts and instead tried learn about something or someone for ourselves?
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Geert Vaes La Flandre Profonde / Into The Heart Of Flanders
26 October 2017

pasted image 0
‘Het Gezin Van Paemel’ (The Family Van Paemel) by Cyriel Buysse is a 114-year old theatre piece that’s still showing the flemish what it means to be flemish. The excursion will bring us to an amateur theatre company rehearsing the piece. Why are they, and with them lots of other amateur companies, still so interested in this piece? Why am I? My questioning will be mainly about one scene in particular: the son who goes to tell his father he’s leaving for America. An America he only knows through stories, an America that personifies a better life. How is this flemish identity created (the I) by the staying and the leaving? And how is America (the other) created? And isn’t all emigrating originating in ‘The America of the Soul’? How is this construction of I a mask/conditioning? How is history as a re-construction keeping all these notions in place? How will I go from here to using masks again? And how will I finally get out of Flanders?
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Pia Louwerens From I to we
24 October 2017
Excavating reality together, at home

“From I to we” serves as an introduction into my practice inside its subjective core: my own home. After a performance the audience is invited to rewrite the script, rewarded with a warm meal cooked by the artist herself.
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Eleanor Ivory Weber The World Today All In The Mind
23 October 2017

“…a 100% probability of nothing happening, and that’s often when it’s more interesting…”
– Peter Ryan, ABC Senior Business Correspondent, 2 October 2017
On Monday 23 October 2017, several todays, today. An instruction-based, public yet solo, listening & reading exercise, derived from radiowaves. Thinking about the public mind and testing what is produced from chance and structure. How language functions on different registers, at once, in time, and beyond us.
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Close Encounters series Semiotics of the Uncanny
21 October 2017 / a.pass 4th floor studio
Dr. Dalila Honorato / Isabel Burr Raty

Photo by Erik Peacock -
Semiotics of the Uncanny will approach alternative bodies in art, sexuality and pop culture, that conjugate body alteration, medical fetish, disability aesthetics and creative ritualistic behavior. Hybrid Art contributes to hybrid narratives in performing arts and creates new alternative technological materials and objects for empowerment and resistance against high-tech capitalist imperialism.
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Close Encounters series A dialogue on Active Archives
27 January 2018 / Manchesterstraat 17 - 1080
Nicolas Malevé / Femke Snelting

Active Archives
As a case study and exemplary project/practice, Nicolas Malevé, Femke Snelting and Pierre Rubio will discuss the long history of Active Archive.
What can the different iterations of Active Archives tell us about the condition of engaged artists-researchers-archivists? What were the historical conditions that stimulated its genesis? And after all these years -punctuated by profound technological, cultural and institutional changes- how is its evolution and relevance today?
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Close Encounters series A conversation-on-exhibition
25 January 2018 / Manchesterstraat 17 - 1080
Marcelo Rezende / Adrijana Gvozdenović

Adrijana Gvozdenović, "Who is Adrian Lister? or Уметник работник роботник", publication, 2016
Marcelo Rezende and Adrijana Gvozdenović share their stories and experiences about their (critical) practice of exhibition making. How can you produce meaning and experience that matters? Why do we still believe in reality?
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Sina Seifee Little Fables of Practice Workshop
24-25 July 2017 / a.pass 4th floor

Sina Seifee - Moon index in Sa'di world refraction poetics
In this two days workshop I like to propose the notion of keyword seen as a site where one formulates concepts and narratives that reorient one within one's own research practices. We will (re)animate our keywords as fables, which are operational metaphors that shape subjects and objects of knowledge. How can we participate in (re)shaping our objects of knowledge in terms of little fables?
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Jennifer Lacey Dance Workshop
10 July-14 June 2017

jennifer lacey " american realness"
The base line of dance is perhaps understood as the body but mostly it is bodies ( minds implied) together someplace, deciding to work in a certain way . The how of the work, the process, is something that is always to be reinvented and renegotiated. Each dispositif of dance making already contains a nascent content, one that will inevitably be more influential than any idea or concept in the production of the form. So, in imagining how to design the making of a dance, the translation of the concept or content into a thing-which-can-be-done is a crucial, poetic and political task.
The base line of dance is perhaps understood as the body but mostly it is bodies ( minds implied) together someplace, deciding to work in a certain way . The how of the work, the process, is something that is always to be reinvented and renegotiated. Each dispositif of dance making already contains a nascent content, one that will inevitably be more influential than any idea or concept in the production of the form. So, in imagining how to design the making of a dance, the translation of the concept or content into a thing-which-can-be-done is a crucial, poetic and political task.
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Settlement 11 Collective Schedule
22 May-3 June 2017 / a.pass

Day 4
11:00 Play-ground
Eszter Nemethi
13:00 Planning a.pass block III/2017
Vladimir Miller
15:00 Dialoge with Alex Arteaga
17:00 Feminist Benjamin Reading Group
Caroline Godart and Marialena Marouda
Read more..conference, seminar, workshop
The Document Transformed + Book Launch Dirty Room /Juan Dominguez
22-24 June 2017 / La Bellone, Brussels
a.pass seminar and master classes

Agency : thing 001678
Curated by Sofia Caesar and Lilia Mestre, the public program “The Document Transformed” invites four practitioners that offer very distinct questions, methods, and proposals to problems related to documentation. Join Femke Snelting, Olga de Soto, Vincent Meessen, and Agency (Kobe Matthys), and others, for three days of presentations, screenings, performances and conversations. How does the document affect practices, bodies, histories, and experiences? The event brings together practices that not only give sight to the power relations engendered by apparatuses of documentation, but also move towards the transformation of the systems in which we produce history, law, art, and the body. Held in the context of The Problem of the Score, block curated by Lilia Mestre in the a.pass post-master research program and supported by a.pass.
This seminar is organized in collaboration with La Bellone – Brussels
To inscribe to the master-classes please send an email to
JUNE 22-23-24 @ LA BELLONE
Rue de Flandre 46
Detailed program:
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Anouk Llaurens Sensation as score
9 May-31 July 2017
Movement Practice

Every Thursday we’ll meet for movement practice and reflection practice will follow.
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Lilia Mestre The Medium Score
Thinking making together apart

The proposal for this block follows on previous iterations of scores as tools to practice dialogue or intersubjective formats for exchange in artistic research. ScoreScapes is an investigation of how scores can facilitate the relation between artistic research, documentation and knowledge processing.
If artistic research is an active and methodological search for ways to keep the viability of our relation with the world, then how can this search be mediated by scores? If artistic research engages in processes of awaking unseen phenomenological relations with what surrounds us, then how do we compose materials and thoughts? What is the performativity at stake on the sharing of those? What’s the relation between subjectivity and collectivity? What does that do to our individual practices and to the collective itself?
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Vladimir Miller SETTLEMENT (11)
artistic research environment

III-4.Vladimir Miller settlement 7 BW
During the days of May 22nd – June 4th 2017 a.pass will come together and host an open workspace called SETTLEMENT. In the course of these 14 days we will share our current work processes within an open collaborative workspace. We aim to create a poly-central gathering that is self-structured, self-organized and open to contributions from anyone. You are cordially invited to join this process by establishing your own space in the a.pass SETTLEMENT and sharing some of your ideas, practices or works with others. The materials and structures available at a.pass will be a common resource for all who join to create whatever is needed to facilitate this process. The schedule for these two week will be developed on site by its participants and shared online here:
Settlement 11 Collective Schedule
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9 March 2017 / a.pass
Book Club Series / Laurence Rassel

The Laurence Rassel Show
The a.pass Book Club welcomes “what if” expert-consultant Laurence Rassel. Long ago she diagnosed the vacuity of artistic practices when its formats of knowledge-production are not ‘situated’ in an ecology of art that encompasses social and psychological factors. Paradoxically she considers fiction, science-fiction, narratives and role plays as paramount tools to achieve that goal. Laurence Rassel will address the notion of ‘Radical Hospitality’ by revisiting Stitch and Split, and some of the curatorial operating principles and practices she developed in Fundació Antoni Tàpies in Barcelona as an engaged feminist curator.
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Book Club #7 Politics of Speculative fabulation
10 March 2017 / a.pass
Book Club Series / Fabrizio Terranova

Dr Marboeuf
"We need new types of narratives and techniques. Stories that reclaim the earth and the commons that capitalism has stolen from us. Stories that invite us to take up and create trans-species sensitivities, trans-matters vitalities and trans-cerebral unrests. And it’s not enough imagining them, these stories have to be made and experienced." In this talk/reading session, Fabrizio Terranova will revisit a recent text by Donna Haraway, “Sympoiesis - Symbiogenesis and the Lively Arts of Staying with the Trouble” and present the different projects he is involved in where activism, speculative fiction and pedagogy merge.
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16 March 2017 / a.pass
Book Club Series / Michiel Vandevelde & Wouter De Raeve curated by Sébastien Hendrickx

Malign Velocities
In 2013 the Accelerationist Manifesto by Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams emerged, aiming to question the traditional Left and to demarcate a renewed relation with capitalism, while its provocative aura generated a whirlwind of pros and cons. During this seminar we will not merely read excerpts of the manifesto. By means of a genealogy of the concept, we'll try to frame this tendency within the larger philosophical evolutions of the past decennia and nuance its “accelerating” characteristic.
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Book Club #5 Sacred Drift, a journey into political consciousness of sound
16 February 2017 / a.pass
Book Club Series / Peggy Pierrot

George Clinton emerges from Parliament-Funkadelic's Mothership on June 4, 1977, at the Coliseum in Los Angeles
Is there something to hear between the 0 and the 1 of digitized compressed music? Is there something to de-cypher in our coded Nyabinghi drums? What is the message hidden between themes, rythms, intonations, improvisations, the samples, the drum, the bass, the cuts and the pastes? and what kind of mental space or imaginary frame allowed/constrained the emergence of a futuristic post-modern culture within the Black Atlantic ?
We’ll build or we’ll destroy.
We’ll learn about the Know-Ledge.
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Book Club #2 Black Atlantic & Speculative Fiction
26 January 2017
Book Club Series
Revisiting Paul Gilroy's Black Atlantic in relation with afro-american SF and in particular Octavia Butler's.
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Book Clubs #3 & #4 Situated Knowledge
2-9 February 2017 / a.pass
Book Club Series / Sina Seifee
Reading Sessions of Donna Haraway's essay 'Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective'.
This reading focuses on politics and epistemologies of location, positioning, and situating in our power-sensitive conversations, and what does it mean to become accountable and responsible for one's own noninnocent translations.
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7-10 February 2017
three day intensive
Myriam Van Imschoot will pass on her discoveries within her interest in the interview, the doors that led over time to appreciating speech for what it offers beyond meaning: significant aberrations, iterations, flux and rupture, modulation, and not in the least, different alterations of subjectivity. This three day intensive will combine artist talk, screenings, voice improvisations, score explorations, and other tele-scopic incursions into artistic practice and research.
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19 January 2017 / a.pass

Data and Geordi as Holmes and Watson, Star Trek: The Next Generation
Starting with Darko Suvin's ideas of Cognitive Estrangement, we will look at some of the mechanisms and functions of science fiction, and consider how the imagining of alternative realities operates is a critical gesture with which to view consensus reality
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Helena Dietrich The Tea Party
14-15 March 2017 / a.pass
in search for an elastic alien self
We will use clothing like a pharmakon: what pollutes us can also clean us! By triggering the optical unconscious we can transform sensuously a commoditised visual world into a psychological cleansing process from cultural inherited aesthetics. Acknowledging the ability of three-dimensional images and materials as determinations of our perception of self is already an attempt to empower ourselves at changing our/the reality. Not only in words but also in materialising this reality into visible and tangible new object-beings.
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Alice Chauchat worlding from this world
27 February-3 March 2017 / a.pass
this is not wishful thinking, it is speculating utopia from what is already there
Rather than lamenting the scarcity of agreeable situations in our present, we will wilfully engage in expanding through the force of our imagination these maybe fragile, uncertain, easily disposable snippets of communal life which are also part of the world as we know it. Taking these as sufficient evidence for the existence of a world we want to inhabit, we will turn the logic of exception into a logic of rule, and run the risk of building monstrous worlds. At least these might be differently interesting monstrosities.
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Bureau d'Espoir Mobile MNSTRY
9-22 November 2015 / Abbeye of Forest

The Mobile MNSTRY (Monastery, Ministery, Monster-y) is a collective location project, organised in and around the previous Abbeye of Forest. The MNSTRY will install a temporary (monastic) community that lives and works within a limited area, following a shared time score and accepting the rule of poverty for the duration of the workshop. During this time all activities of the MNSTRY will be organised within the public contexts of Forest, and developed as an open invitation to the neighbourhood and passers-by.
During the workshop the time score of the MNSTRY will bit by bit start to change: the original 'monastic' score will be taken over by the members of the community, who will start to decide on what there is to be done, what we will spend our shared time on, and what is it that is needed today, here, and for whom.
Read more..performative publishing, postgraduate program, research center
24 July 2015

This is the time to come together.
To celebrate what we worked on.
To transform our preconceptions
of rituals, of magic, of transformation itself.
A pilgrimage of the self into the common
and back again.
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Pierre Rubio, Elke Van Campenhout Performance / Performativity / Objects / Subjects
19-23 January 2015

USA. Florida. Cape Kennedy. Space center. 1967.
Pierre Rubio and Elke Van Campenhout give will give time to discuss the basic concepts addressed in the block: Performance and Performativity.
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1 May-31 July 2014
Milieu(s) is a collective artistic research environment for the participants, mentors and other workers of the a.pass program. In a shared workspace we develop their practices in a collaborative context, on the basis of self-organisation and self-rule. Through individual actions Milieu(s) generates a dynamic territory for exchange, cooperation and (tacit) negotiation. A mutual creation of the individual and the common.
We invite different guests to enter into this environment with us, to participate, open up the proposals and issues addressed in the collective work and/or to problematize the situation, fueling the ecology of ideas and practices in Milieu(s).
Milieu(s) is taking place between the 28th of April to the 3rd of August 2014, in the common space of the 4th floor of the a.pass studio in de Bottelarij in Brussels.
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Pierre Rubio / Elke van campenhout “general intellect ? – it’s not about you, stupid !”
3-7 March 2014
‘General Intellect? - it's not about you, stupid !’ will explore and question a basic parameter of the apass environment : the relation between the individual and the collective.
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